
Saturday, November 06, 2021

Lim GE please STFU

Growing pains in Malacca for Harapan

YOURSAY | ‘The trend of Harapan voicing their disagreement in public continues.’

DAP says PKR, Amanah's decision to court ex-Umno reps is wrong

Anonymous9483: DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, you are another politician who plays to the gallery.

You yourself mentioned that although you were against the decision to consider any of the Malacca assemblypersons who defected from their party to be fielded in the state polls under Pakatan Harapan, the majority decision of the Harapan presidential council meant you have to abide by it. This is the basis of collective responsibility.

If you believe so strongly that your coalition partners have made a grave error in their judgement, then by all means take DAP out of Harapan and go at it alone if you wish to hold to your principles. Otherwise, forever hold your peace and quit taking potshots at your own coalition.

In my opinion, DAP will never be able to quit the coalition.

The party knows better than anyone else by going alone, they will never be able to muster enough support from the Malay voters and be consigned to being an opposition forever.

DAP supporters have a tendency of being overly idealistic and would rather see DAP be a principled opposition than a compromised party in power.

The old DAP might have behaved this way. But it all changed once they tasted federal power. There is no way the party can sustain itself and continue to attract talent if its aim is just to be a perennial opposition.

Ghost Who Walks: Accepting frogs is not a culture to be proud of and should not be taken lightly. It hits the core value of good government.

If the Malacca quartet can be frogs today, what makes you think they will not be frogs again after the election? Stupidity seems to have no cure among PKR and Amanah leaders.

DAP must give an ultimatum to their Harapan members - if they accept the frogs then DAP will go at it alone and put up candidates against them, period.

Moreover, was DAP aware of the negotiation between the frogs and Harapan? Or was it opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim’s unilateral action again?

It’s time for the new generation of PKR like Rafizi Ramli and Nurul Izzah Anwar to take over. The earlier the better before it’s too late.

Max Fury: DAP should pull out and let PKR and Amanah finish what they started. Win this Malacca election as DAP instead of Harapan and people will have more respect for you as you stood by your principles.

Even the Malays will vote for you as they too are tired of these frog jumpers and power grabs.

Drngsc: Dear DAP, it is best that you pull out of any coalition because of your principles and struggles. The people will understand and support you.

Mixing with frogs and bullies is against your principles and your struggles. Best to have nothing to do with them.

Have you not learned your lesson in GE14? We fought so hard to throw out BN/Umno, but you colluded with that evil old man. And you saw what happened.

As FM he allocated RM100 million to the Tahfiz schools - but TARUC ...?

Just leave Harapan and be on your own, and continue to support policies good for all Malaysians.

BlueShark1548: It looks like initially, DAP federal leaders supported Anwar and Amanah president Mohamad Sabu's decision to encourage the four to jump so that Harapan could form the next state government.

But Harapan did not expect the governor to dissolve the assembly and call for elections and hence placed Harapan in an awkward position.

However, it was clear from the start that at least four DAP Malacca assemblypersons were strongly against it, so federal DAP leaders can now eat humble pie.

Federal DAP leaders are not as principled as many would want to think. Lim is facing a criminal trial, let’s see whether DAP would nominate him for GE15.

Politics now has reached a stage where no party alone could win seats to take Putrajaya. So DAP should leave Harapan and let Anwar to show his true colours that PKR is another Malay party.

DAP should fight GE15 on its own, and if invited, join a coalition to take Putrajaya after the elections.

Anwar is rejected by most Malay political parties. Let Anwar step down and allow PKR to reform itself and decide whether it wants to be a multi-racial or a Malay/Muslim dominant party envisaged by Anwar.

BrownCheetah9736: Lim, please don’t try to pass the buck. It is a collective Harapan leadership responsibility. After all, there is no smoke without a fire.

Do you honestly think that we are naive to believe that those four traitors would walk out of the ruling state government without an explicit backdoor agreement with Harapan?

If DAP didn’t agree in the first place, this could have been stopped on its tracks with the number of state MPs you have.

The Wakandan: The trend of Harapan voicing their disagreement in public continues. The coalition is a house built on sand, sooner or later when the storm comes, it will be swept away.

Without unity and without speaking in one voice, the recipe for infighting is still very strong in Harapan. If they cannot put their house together, how do they expect the rakyat to feel confident that they can form a stable government?

Wouldn't history repeat itself just like the Sheraton coup? The Bersatu and DAP alliance did not work, what is making them think that it can work with PKR and Amanah? It is a time bomb waiting to explode.

Unspin: My hope for the next general election is that there will be nine to 10 parties to choose from in the constituency that I am voting in.

It would be nice to receive a ballot paper with Bersatu, Umno, PKR, DAP, Amanah, Warisan, Muda, PAS and independents all running on their own tickets, instead of a choice between coalitions.

Right now, the choice is either the devil or the deep blue sea. Why do we have to vote for politicians that have zero integrity?

Coward: Frankly, let the voters decide. That's the only currency politicians understand.


  1. It is rumoured that Lim Guan Eng gets agitated and worried if his name or statements don't appear in the news every day.

    You ultimate publicity junkie.

  2. Looks like MCA 7 vs DAP 7. Bring it on. Who will the voters tell to STFU?
