
Saturday, November 06, 2021

Hadi: PAS to stay with Perikatan and Muafakat for GE15 - PAS allowed 4, WTF is just 2 partners?


Hadi: PAS to stay with Perikatan and Muafakat for GE15, any proposals for new alliances must be nipped in bud

Delegates attend the 67th PAS Muktamar, November 6, 2021. ― Picture via Facebook/ Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) Pusat

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 6 ― PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said today the Islamist party will stay with Perikatan Nasional (PN) as well as enhancing their ties with Umno through Muafakat Nasional (MN) for the 15th general election (GE15).

In his policy speech for PAS’ 67th Muktamar or annual congress, Abdul Hadi said MN -- which was originally composed of PAS and Umno, and had invited Bersatu -- is the base for the Muslim community’s struggle to unite, while PN is a more diverse coalition it needs.

“Therefore, we reject any attempt to form a new alignment with various brands or proposed changes,” he told delegates in Kuala Terengganu.

“In the meantime, we managed to establish a more open and strong PN, until we managed to take over the federal government, as if [we were] planting new seeds that grew well. Therefore, any other proposal is like weeds that must be eliminated, or pests that must be destroyed.”

Abdul Hadi also added that PAS should not be confined to any consensus where it is placed as merely a passenger in the country's political journey.

Instead, he said the Islamic party needs to be in the driving seat with their allies to succeed in attracting the support of the people to save the country with Islam.

“To get the strongest guarantee to uphold the concept of principled Islamic leadership, then PAS must strive to at least be decisive in the results of GE15 based on the number of seats won, not a large number of contested seats without any seats won.

“Its mandate is handed over to the Syura Council and central leadership to research and make decisions in matters related to law, policy and strategy to face the election and all possibilities after the election, in order to ensure that Islam continues to lead,” he added.

Ahead of GE15, Abdul Hadi also called for party members to get ready to face the election which may be held as early as next year, which means getting ready to attract new young voters through Undi18.

He said that its Youth, Women and Ulama wings, as well as Information and Election Bureaus are responsible for mobilising political education to young voters so that they are given the right information and awareness in making judgments based on its political doctrine.

“All the slanderous materials and false promises shared influenced the minds of young people, resulting in the GE14 results threatening Islamic sovereignty and threatening racial harmony in Malaysia.

“Thus, PAS needs to deal with young people who has a phobia on politics, or to separate politics from religion, so as to take an attitude of indifference to what happens to the country, and more unfortunately can invite outside elements to infiltrate the minds of the younger generation,” he said.

1 comment:

  1. PAS leadership are all experts in polyamory.

    If anyone can pull of successful parallel alliances with multiple partners, it would be PAS leaders ...wakakaka.
