
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Goading China to go to war over Taiwan

Goading China to go to war over Taiwan

From Chandra Muzaffar

A number of defence analysts are convinced that the United States, supported by Britain and Australia, is goading China to go to war over Taiwan. They point to constant statements by officials from the three countries pledging to come to Taiwan’s defence if it is attacked by China and the actual presence of US warships in the vicinity of the region as evidence of “an aggressive stance”. The game-plan of the US and its allies according to these observers is to create an atmosphere that will compel China to retaliate to these provocations and fire the first shot. The Western media which is already on their side will quickly brand China as the aggressor and mobilise global public opinion on behalf of the “victims of Chinese aggression”.

There are certain underlying motives that may tempt the US to pursue this game-plan. There are hawks in Washington and elsewhere who believe that a short, quick war against China at this stage will benefit the hegemon and its global agenda.

One, since the US is militarily stronger than China, a humiliating defeat for the latter will be a huge setback. At a time when the peaceful rise of China has made such an impact upon nations everywhere, a defeat will prove to all and sundry that the US is still the master of the planet.

Two, a US victory over China will undoubtedly strengthen the Taiwan independence movement and encourage the separatists to expand their activities and intensify their demand. This will impact adversely upon Chinese sovereignty and undermine its national resilience.

Three, a war over Taiwan will force China to divert its resources from much needed economic and social development to an unnecessary war on its doorstep. This diversion of resources will impede its progress. This is what the US and some of its allies would want to see.

China will not allow this to happen. The Chinese leadership has always been aware of the dire consequences of war and violence for the nation and the people. Yet it is deeply cognisant of the imperative necessity to defend its sovereignty and integrity as a nation and the dignity of its people. It will therefore respond to provocations by resorting to measures – various measures – which do not lead to violence and war. These could be political moves or diplomatic manoeuvres or even trade sanctions. But China will not yield to provocations. It will not succumb to threats or arrogant bullying.

The US leadership does not seem to understand this. For many decades now, US leaders and indeed, leaders of many other Western countries including Australia, do not seem to appreciate the importance of respect as a value in inter-state relations. Coercing or compelling a state to follow blindly one’s dictates is an example of a lack of respect for the other in international relations.

The controversy over Taiwan illustrates the point about respect in international relations. Taiwan is part of China. This is an indisputable historical fact. 180 countries in the world recognise this reality. Since 1979, the US government has acknowledged that there is only one China represented by Beijing. This is contained in documents such as the famous three joint communiques. Beijing has always objected to US officials sometimes treating Taiwan as if it were an independent, sovereign state. This is apparent not just in US-Taiwan military ties but also on occasions in politics and economics.

The time has come for the US’ friends in Asia to remind the US in a firm but courteous tone that living up to the One China policy is fundamental for the rest of the world in its relations to China. It is the deepest red line in our relations with China and will remain so for centuries to come. We must respect this line with a sincere heart. There must not be the slightest hint that the US or Britain or Australia or anyone else is trying to encourage separatist, anti-unification with China movements in Taiwan.

By advocating strict adherence to the ‘One China’ policy, we are not suggesting that we kowtow to Beijing in a servile manner.

If we have to disagree with Beijing on a matter of principle we should. For instance, many countries within Asean, are at odds with Beijing on Beijing’s claim that it has suzerainty over almost 85% of the area perceived as the South China Sea. Asean governments and indeed, Asean civil society groups as a whole should continue to reiterate our sovereign maritime rights over the South China Sea in accordance with our historical claims and international law. We should never cease to persuade the authorities in China to accept our legitimate demands.

In other words, we should ask China to respect our rights vis-à-vis the South China Sea just as we want the US to respect China’s position on Taiwan.

Chandra Muzaffar is the president of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST).


  1. It is utterly callous for an organisation which ironically calls itself JUST to simply ignore the rights of 23.6 Million Taiwanese to determine for themselves their future, in peace , without military or other threats.

    The International Movement for a Just World (JUST) is JUST an anti-US and anti-Western front.
    The horrific civil war in Syria with its immense toll in human suffering is primarily the result of the brutal campaigns of the Assad Regime, and its primary foreign backer Russia.
    Yet The International Movement for a Just World (JUST) is obsessed with blaming the US for it.
    The USA only intervened after 2015 with boots on the ground in Syria to combat ISIS, by which time, the brutal Syrian civil war had already been going on for five years and hundreds of thousands killed - BY the SYRIAN Regime.

    1. How about the Catalonians, Basque people and Crimean Russians?

    2. This old moneyed mfer has a terbalik sense of JUST - according to its f*cked indoctrination!

    3. Taiwan ("ROC") is a part of Mainland China ("PRC"), that's an indisputable historical fact recognised (put down formally in writing) almost by the whole world. Even in the Constitution of Taiwan ("ROC") it is stated that Taiwan and the Mainland are one which the forefathers of ROC wish that one day both will be re-unified. It is only callous to ignore the 1.4 billion in the Mainland the claim of the island. Those Taiwanese who want independent can reject Chinese citizenship and they may opt to emigrate. It is further pretentious to assume that all the 23.6 million want independent from the PRC. My latest information shows that the government of the Democratic Progressive Party only commands about 30% support, so accept the democracy principle and follow the majority of 70% (more than 99% if you include 1.4 billion) and return to the motherland and stop making funny monkeys calls.

  2. The difference between Taiwan and the Catalonians, Basque people and Crimean Russians.

    The People's Republic of China has never had governing control over a single inch of Taiwanese soil for even a single second.

    So a hostile People's Republic of China takeover of Taiwan would definitely amount to armed aggression.

    Catalonia has been ruled by Spain in some form or another - monarchy, republic, democratic constitutional monarchy since the Reconquista in 1344. Similarly with the Basque region.
    No doubt these regions have their own culture, and the cultural autonomy should be respected. However, their trying to form an independent government would definitely amount to secession.

    Crimea - was freely given over to Ukraine by the USSR in 1954.
    The armed takeover by Russian Little Green Men in 2014 defintely amounted to a violent aggression.

    1. Both China and Taiwan consider they are ONE

    2. "The People's Republic of China has never had governing control over a single inch of Taiwanese soil for even a single second."

      What a fart!

      The People's Republic of China has inherited the sovereignty of China proper since 1949.

      Taiwan is a inseparable part of the Chinese territory since EON ago.

      So what kind of fart r u spilling?

      The 台毒 kind of twisted modern Taiwan his-story?

      Or the true recognised & recorded history of Taiwan?

  3. War with China is a growing reality - with US driving his allies, especially UK & Oz, to challenge China on a flimsy sopo theme.

    But it would be a quick war with minimum collateralized damages.

    Any prolong war would inadvertently spread the war scene to the American soil. A big no no ever since the hawky US militants had started to build military bases far far away from their home ground.

    The Chinese would ONLY want to capture Taiwan. With ease too due to his current military might & proximity. After the capturing, China will defense the captured Taiwan with all his wills & mights - with minimum consideration to costs - human casualties & US coerced international outcries!

    "There are certain underlying motives that may tempt the US to pursue this game-plan. There are hawks in Washington and elsewhere who believe that a short, quick war against China at this stage will benefit the hegemon and its global agenda."

    Well said!

    With the ongoing covid pandemic & the foreseeable dollar collapse - with dire consequences to the US economy, a diversion of the civilian disenchantment is solely needed.

    In the Western history, the most frequently used methodology was to initialize a war, based on spurious self-righteous theme.

    UK did that with the Falklands war with Argentina. Nazis Germany did that with WWII. So too with US involvement in WWII.

    At the current geopolitical manoeuvres, only shadowing plays r been enacted. This is basically, US is still not willing to go to a war he can't win. Meanwhile, uncle Sam is preparing to islandize China with threaten (failing)trade embargoes & coerced political opinions inundation to try forcing the Chinese to his ways of helping to solve US growing sopo-economical displacements in his home turf.

    So prepate to braise for the coming sino-us war!

  4. First, I believe the US will not go to war on account of Taiwan. Maybe supply all manner of arms, yes. But fight? No.

    In any case, I seriously doubt if the US can win a war with China. China is not the sick man of Asia of the 19th century any more.

    On the other hand without the presence and pressure of the West, China will do what it wants in the South China Sea without restraint.

  5. "many countries within Asean, are at odds with Beijing on Beijing’s claim that it has suzerainty over almost 85% of the area perceived as the South China Sea."


    85% of SCS?

    What a BS with imaginative figure plugged from his ass!

    The South China Sea is bounded on the west by the Asian mainland, on the south by a rise in the seabed between Sumatra and Borneo, and on the east by Borneo, the Philippines, and Taiwan. The sea’s northern boundary extends from the northernmost point of Taiwan to the coast of Fujian province, China. As the largest marginal sea of the western Pacific, it covers an area of about 1,423,000 square miles (3,685,000 square km)

    A simple calculation of the SCS area vis-a-vis the known visible landmasses - islands, shoals, atolls, rocks, cays, banks, and reefs - shown a nominal landmasses of less than 10% of the total area of SCS.

    If the defined 12 nautical miles (22 kilometres; 14 miles) from the baseline of UNCLOS is taken into consideration, the claimed landmasses is still less than 30% of the SCS.

    "Asean civil society groups as a whole should continue to reiterate our sovereign maritime rights over the South China Sea in accordance with our historical claims and international law."

    Historical claims - prove them!

    International law - UNCLOS?

    First define the true ownership than talk about the entitlements as spell out in the international laws.

    Ooop… don't keep getting yr uncle Sam to get involved with thingies UNCLOS.

    China is a signatory while US isn't recognised any clauses as defined under UNCLOS!

    "we should ask China to respect our rights vis-à-vis the South China Sea just as we want the US to respect China’s position on Taiwan."

    Then get the priority RIGHT first! Don't just fart to gain yr media exposure.

  6. Watch this video by Brian Berletic here :

    Brian suggested that the US is planning a limited attack on China, using Taiwan as the flash point to goad China into an "invasion".He is absolutely right that the US will use, abuse and discard Taiwan once its usefulness is over...that's what Taiwan is, a pawn and that disgusting Tsai English whose children are already in the US living in lavish mansion, living the "good life" there while mommy is busy fattening her offshore bank account earning commission purchasing outdated US weaponry at inflated prices. How different is she from our Umno gang ? That's demoncrazy at work, hehehe

    I have posted earlier this : Strategists admit West is goading China into war

    1. China has been predicted by analysts as becoming the MOST powerful nation on Earth thus the West must 'cripple' her as much as possible NOW

    2. According to these analysts, the window of this coming attack is getting smaller....that's why we see this incessant coordinated media attack on China, moving pillar to post demonizing China to manufacture consent from its grossly uneducated masses, already groggy with massive brainwashing for decades now, to justify a coming war on China. But they forgot that China is not Iraq, or Syria or Afghanistan or even the Qing Dynasty.

  7. "五星出东方利中国"

    "When the 5 planets aligned in the eastern sky, China will be blessed"

    A 2000+ years ancient encoded quote inscribed in a Han dynasty arm protective coat 汉代蜀地织锦护臂 found in 1995 inside a Han general's tomb in Xinjiang.

    The 5 planets r 岁星、荧惑星、填星、太白星和辰星 - Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus, Mercury.

    The next astronomical date when these 5 planets r visibly aligned in the eastern China sky will be in 9th Sept 2040.

    The word 中国 Zhongguo first appeared in 何尊(He Zun,ritual wine vessel) unearthed in 1963 & dated 3100yrs old of the western Zhou dynasty.

    1. This is most interesting. Tx CK for posting this. I have been reading some of these metaphysics topic from ancient sources on and off for some years now.
