
Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Who is China?

From Wikipedia:

On 7 December 1949, after the loss of four capitals, Chiang evacuated his Nationalist government to Taiwan and made Taipei the temporary capital of the ROC (also called the "wartime capital" by Chiang Kai-shek).

Some 2 million people, consisting mainly of soldiers, members of the ruling Kuomintang and intellectual and business elites, were evacuated from mainland China to Taiwan at that time, adding to the earlier population of approximately six million. These people came to be known in Taiwan as 'Mainlanders' (Waishengren, 外省人). In addition, the ROC government took to Taipei many national treasures and much of China's gold reserves and foreign currency reserves.

After losing control of mainland China in 1949, the ROC retained control of Taiwan and Penghu (Taiwan, ROC), parts of Fujian (Fujian, ROC)—specifically Kinmen, Wuqiu (now part of Kinmen) and the Matsu Islands and two major islands in the South China Sea (within the Dongsha/Pratas and Nansha/Spratly island groups). These territories have remained under ROC governance until the present day.

The ROC also briefly retained control of the entirety of Hainan (an island province), parts of Zhejiang (Chekiang)—specifically the Dachen Islands and Yijiangshan Islands—and portions of the Tibet Autonomous Region (Tibet was de facto independent from 1912 to 1951), Qinghai, Xinjiang (Sinkiang) and Yunnan.

The Communists captured Hainan in 1950, captured the Dachen Islands and Yijiangshan Islands during the First Taiwan Strait Crisis in 1955 and defeated the ROC revolts in Northwest China in 1958. ROC forces in Yunnan province entered Burma and Thailand in the 1950s and were defeated by Communists in 1961.

Ever since losing control of mainland China, the Kuomintang continued to claim sovereignty over 'all of China', which it defined to include mainland China (including Tibet, which remained independent until 1951), Taiwan (including Penghu), Mongolia (known by the ROC as 'Outer Mongolia', 外蒙古) and other minor territories.

In mainland China, the victorious Communists proclaimed the PRC to be the sole legitimate government of China (which included Taiwan, according to their definition) and that the Republic of China had been vanquished.


kt notes:

Both "China" claim to be the same one nation since the end of WWII. So what's the problem?

The USA should leave the Chinese to sort out their national identities among themselves, and not be busybodies, full stop.


  1. 500 yo Bully oredy recognize 5,000 yo Bully, together with 179 other countries; only 17 small insignificant countries recognize ROC.

    One Bully Policy.

    So Apa Lagi Bully Mau?

    1. Yr uncle Sam is playing that usual 'western gentleman' fart of outwardly righteousness BUT with insidious behind-the-scene Machiavellian plots!

      So Apa Lagi Bully Mau?

      Oooop… u DON'T want to know!

  2. While the national identities are still unresolved, both Chinas should have the freedom to trade, govern and have foreign relations for their side. Similarly other countries should have the right to trade with and have foreign relations with both Chinas.

    But to give face to DaGe, since he is a Big Bully, most nations, by a ratio of 10-to-1, have their embassies in Beijing, not Taipei.

    But DaGe insist on Winner Takes All, By sheer number and by Force. No different than White Man Take All from outnumbered Native Injuns and Aborigines.

    Let the White and Black Ozzies sort it out among themselves, who owns the land Down Under. Of course the White man will win.

    1. Blurred mfer, can u apply what u have just farted to current Afghanistan, Iran, NKorea etc etc as been treated by yr uncle Sam?

      Ooop… u tak faham!

      Yr uncle Sam MUST have the ultimate say in interfering of others' domestic affairs!

  3. While the two belligerents sort it out, both should be treated as equals and have equal rights, but DaGe being a Big Bully throw tantrums whenever ROC upgrades it’s defence capabilities.

    Did ROC complain to United Nations when DaGe developed nuklear weapons? Heck, ROC can’t even join the UN because DaGe objected and UN bagi jalan to them.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Upgrade vis-a-vis buying under duress!

      Take yr f*cking picks.

      Under what jurisdiction can ROC complain to United Nations when China developed nuclear weapons?

      Ditto too under what UN constitution can a single unique country represents by two 'warring' parties in the UK assembly?

      Truly aneh-ized pariah!

    2. The UN can be very accommodating unless Bullied….two warring sides of one country can both be admitted as members…

      The Republic of Korea (commonly known as South Korea) and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (commonly known as North Korea) were simultaneously admitted to the United Nations (UN) in 1991.

    3. So why can’t we have Two Chinas in the UN?
      One communist, one Democratic.

      In 1949, two new countries were created in these occupied territories: the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) in May and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) in October. Both Germanies were admitted as full members of the United Nations (UN) on 18 September 1973.

    4. because BOTH China's want to be ONE

    5. Blurred mfer, u TRULY don't understand what a unique country means!

      EGermany & EGermany r two different countries. Ditto with N& S Korea!

      Taiwan is never a country by her own. It's a renegade province of China.

      Ooop… u don't understand what renegade meant!

  4. While the two belligerents sort it out, DaGe should stop being a Bully, stop interfering in ROC’s affairs and recognize ROC’s rights to be treated as a country. Full Stop.

    1. Taiwan is an inseparable part of China. PERIOD!


      Perhaps, u should ask the m'sia federal govt to stop interfering in ANY state affairs within the country!

      Other parade of yr famed know-nothingness. Wakakakaka…

    2. Catalonia also want independence from Spain, the Spain government does not agree. The rest of Spain have a right over the province of Catalonia even if those people do not live in Catalonia just like all Pahang people have a right over Penang and cannot let Penang be independent from Malaysia even when 100% of Penang people want independence. Why the rest of the world didn't "ke-po-chi" on Spain issue? Because Spain is a democracy. Why they "ke-po-chi" China/Taiwan issue? All because of the preconceived narrow-mindedness that democracy is the ultimate utopia system and that China communism is demonized as evil. That had been proven now is a fallacy, US is a leading example of failed fairy tale that is slowly heading toward ruination.

      So it prove that majority might not always be right even as majority of the world countries are democracies now. If China communist system is bad, how do you explain China progress on all front, leading on almost all sectors whether economy, sciences and technologies, etc., recognized as the world safest country, with more than 90% of its population satisfied with the Chinese government.

  5. The majority of Taiwanese just want to be Taiwanese, and be at peace.

    They do not take instructions from Beijing , and have no desire to be taking instructions from Beijing in future.
    Beijing has threatened overwhelming force if the Taiwanese continue to refuse reunification.

    There is only one nation that the Taiwanese can turn to for help , for the Taiwanese to defend themselves. That is the United States.

    As a self-governing Territory, whatever, that is the Taiwanese right.

    Foreign busybodies , such as ex-Malaysian Beijing Fanboys residing in Ozzland should stay the hell out their Kepochi noses....wakakaka...

    1. Can yr fart representing the overall views of the Taiwanese?

      Who the f*ck r u but a mfer with his self-claimed kepochi nose, poking into the internal affairs of China!

      Cakap tak serupa bikin.

      Ooop… u have a different & selective application technique in voicing yr diarrheas!

  6. "Invasion" is not "Sorting it Out". Wasn't this why everyone condemned 500-yo Bully for - "invading" Afghanistan?

    I think the best way to "sort it out" is to hold a referendum in ROC.

    Go on, Just Do It.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      "sort it out" with referendum!

      Good, make sure all the 1.4B of the Chinese r involved, not just confined to that f*cked Formosa alone!

      Just for yr f*cked understanding - the Scotland independence referendum only involved Scottish bcoz Scotland is a nation member of a 4-nation political entity of UK. Thus joining/leaving UK should involve Scottish only.

      Ditto with the claimed independence of Catalonia from Spain. The narrowly defined Catalonia independence referendum only involved the Autonomous catalonia community SAN the rest of Spain. Thus it's not legally constituted!

      Truly blurred fart from a know-nothing!
