
Friday, October 08, 2021

Tony Abbott's Taiwan visit attracts criticism from Morrison government ministers


Tony Abbott's Taiwan visit attracts criticism from Morrison government ministers

This week's historic trip to Taiwan by former Prime Minister Tony Abbott is causing ripples inside the Morrison government, with some ministers questioning whether the visit is necessary during a time of heightened tensions with China.

He'll also deliver a keynote address to an international forum in Taipei on Friday. While travelling as a "private citizen", Mr Abbott met Taiwan's President Tsai ing-wen in a formal meeting along with Foreign Minister Joseph Wu.

Although his visit is not considered official, the former prime minister has been accompanied to formal engagements by Australia's top representative to Taiwan, DFAT official Jenny Bloomfield.

Australia does not recognise Taiwan diplomatically, and opinion is divided among government ministers about their former leader's visit to the democratic island.

One Cabinet Minister told the ABC they believed Mr Abbott had been cautioned about making such a high-profile visit given current tensions with China, but conceded the trip was generally well received by Australians.

"It's not completely unhelpful in terms of domestic politics but it is unnecessary," the Minister told the ABC, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

Another senior minister who is very supportive of their former leader's activity acknowledged the trip would also be closely watched by Beijing.

"I'm sure (our) dear friends will see it for what it is – a friendly fact-finding visit," the Liberal frontbencher told the ABC.

Tony Abbott met Tsai Ing-wen for a formal meeting alongside Foreign Minister Joseph Wu.(AP: Pool photo)

On Tuesday Prime Minister Scott Morrison insisted Mr Abbott was visiting Taiwan in a private capacity and not relaying any messages on behalf of Australia.

"Tony is in Taiwan as a private citizen, and I didn't have any conversation with him before that… so what he said and what messages he passed on, he passed on in that capacity."

Despite the informal status of the trip, Mr Abbott has been given statesman-like treatment, meeting President Tsai Ing-wen flanked by representatives on both sides and dining with Minister Wu, who described him as a "friend" and a "fair dinkum free-trader" in reference to Mr Abbott's support for Taiwan joining the regional trade pact known as the CPTPP.

"It is in large measure to try to help to end this isolation from which Taiwan has been suffering for so many decades that I am here in this country and I do hope that this will be the first of many visits", he said. Mr Abbott, who congratulated Taiwan on its relatively successful COVID-19 containment efforts while complaining to Ms Tsai about the "wretched masks" required for the meeting, said he hoped to help end Taiwan's marginalisation on the world stage.

In recent years, Taiwan has been excluded from observer status at the World Health Organization due to China's pressure, and it is excluded from multiple other international bodies including the United Nations.

Mr Abbott also made reference to China, which had flown a record number of military aircraft into Taiwan's Air Defence Identification Zone in recent days.

"I do note that Taiwan is challenged on a near-daily basis by its giant neighbour", he told Ms Tsai.

"It's more important than ever, under such circumstances that your fellow democracies stand shoulder to shoulder with you".

China's government routinely criticises foreign politicians or organisations that meet Taiwanese government figures due to Beijing's insistence that Taiwan must come under China's control.

State media has described a visit by several French senators to Taipei this week as a "serious provocation".

An Australia-Taiwan relationship 'within limits'

China views President Tsai's government as separatist-leaning because she won't endorse an agreement Beijing made with a previous Taiwanese government in 1992 that affirms both China and Taiwan belong to "One China".

Speaking on Radio National, Foreign Minister Marise Payne reiterated that Australia has a one-China policy but also called Taiwan a "leading democracy" and a "critical partner" for Australia.

The policy recognises there is only one China that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to, but it is deliberately ambiguous so as not to recognise the PRC's claim of sovereignty over Taiwan.

Tony Abbott referenced Chinese incursions into Taiwan's air defence zone in his meeting.(AP: Pool photo)

Mr Abbott's high-profile visit has received considerable media attention in Taiwan, and comes during tensions with China that a Taiwanese government minister described as being the worst for 40 years.

Mark Harrison, a University of Tasmania specialist on Taiwan, said broader recent efforts by Australia and Taipei to form closer ties "within the parameters of Australia's One China Policy" makes Mr Abbott's visit noteworthy.

"The visit is nominally private but still offers an opportunity to express the intention to strengthen the relationship, especially in the context of Taiwan's application to join the CPTPP," he said.

He pointed out that former foreign political leaders have also met the Taiwanese leader when visiting for forums.

Tsai Ing-wen noted that Tony Abbott in 2015, as prime minister, met a Taiwan government representative in Canberra, a meeting Dr Harrison believes would be regarded as more important."The Taiwan system is very open and high level access is not unusual", he said.

"This is a more significant testing of the limits of Australia's One China policy and Beijing was no doubt very displeased", he told the ABC.

There hasn't been any mention of Mr Abbott's visit to Taiwan in China's state-controlled media.

Nor has China's Foreign Ministry representatives been asked about it at daily media briefings due to a public holiday.


  1. Stupid Are those Chinese in Malu Sial that support China Blindly....if after Jack Ma, Actress Vicky Zhoa and so many actress being de-Platform Like the UMNO PAS BERSATU PEJUANG AG, IGP ISMAL IS Doing TO MALAYSIAN Wanting to VOICE THEIR Opposition to the Supremacist Communist ISMAL RELIGION AND RACE...THEN YOU ARE SO STUPID AND DESERVE TO DIE FROM THE MUTATED HENDRA MERS DELTA Covid 2021 Genocide UNLEASHED VIRUS....Specially made for those with the Supremacist Religion Following that MAKE NOISE Pollution 5 x 7 x 365...Enjoy the Growing Mati Katak Death for another 63 years

  2. Has ROC objected to global leaders when they are invited to visit Beijing, welcomed by Modern Mao? So what is there to object when a foreign private citizen visits ROC?

    It is time that ROC's membership in the United Nations be re-instated. Yes, ROC was the original China, the Only China, it was a Charter and Founder Member from 1945-1949 until the Bullies RAMPAS-ed kuasa by force.

    1. Bullies RAMPAS-ed kuasa by force.??? Then you should blame your White American father and White English mum, wakakaka

    2. Wakakakaka…

      "RAMPAS-ed kuasa by force"

      This blurred mfer is playing the role of a reincarnated Chinese serf!

      Wow… wow…

  3. Frenchie regarde ta langue !

    French senator calls Taiwan a 'country' in visit China protests

    Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen (R) greets French senator Alain Richard at the Presidential Office in Taipei

    The head of a French delegation of senators on Thursday called Taiwan a "country" during a visit to Taipei, risking fury from China which has strongly protested against the trip.

    Alain Richard, a former defence minister, arrived on Wednesday for a five-day visit despite repeated warnings from the Chinese embassy in Paris.

    In a speech after he was conferred a top medal of honour by President Tsai Ing-wen, Richard said Taiwan's de facto embassy in Paris has been doing "a very good job in representing your country".

    France, like most countries, officially recognises China which claims self-ruled Taiwan as part of its territory.

    Beijing tries to keep the island isolated on the world stage and baulks at the use of the name Taiwan or any reference to it as a country.

    It has ramped up pressure on Tsai's government since her 2016 election win and has aggressively tried to dissuade politicians from visiting in recent years.

    The Chinese embassy in Paris warned that the visit would damage the interests of China, Chinese-French relations and "the image of France", in comments on its website.

    Beijing's ambassador wrote a letter to Richard in February, saying the visit would "clearly violate the one-China principle and send the wrong signal to pro-independence forces in Taiwan".

    Taiwan's foreign ministry has hailed the trip as "symbolising the insistence of Taiwan and France, as democratic partners, in upholding free and democratic values".

    "We are very moved that Senator Richard is undaunted by the pressure... to make his third visit to Taiwan," Tsai said on Thursday.

    She called a resolution Richard proposed in support of Taiwan's international participation, passed by the French senate in May, a "milestone" in relations.

    Richard chairs the French senate's Taiwan Friendship Group and visited the island in 2015 and 2018.

    Taipei has accused China of using "wolf warrior" diplomacy to try and scupper trips by foreign politicians.

    "Wolf warrior" is a label given to China's more aggressive posturing under President Xi Jinping that has been embraced by many Chinese diplomats.

    Last year, Beijing called a visit to Taiwan by the president of the Czech Senate, Milos Vystrcil, a "provocation" and vowed he would "pay a high price".

    Taiwan's defence minister said Wednesday that military tensions between the island and China are at their highest in four decades, after around 150 Chinese warplanes -- a record number -- made incursions into Taiwan's air defence zone in recent days.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      The gospel word of an expired politikus!

      Aiming to replace Macron in the next French presidential election by seeking capital 'donation' from a katak infested island which is dying of recognition!

  4. Tony Abbot is an EX Prime Minister, and is not even an MP anymore.
    He holds No Australian Government position whatsoever.

    What the fuck, his Taiwan trip almost as an ordinary tourist - a trip millions of people made every year before the Wuhan virus hit.

    The Australian Government must not be so frightened of the People's Republic of China's shadows that it has to oppose this tour..

  5. Keywords - ""It's not completely unhelpful in terms of domestic politics"


    Dingoland politics taking a page from its master uncle Sam's domestic politikus acts!

  6. Another “private” visit by another “former” PM? Bully sure Marah….ha ha ha…

    Taiwan will facilitate any plans by former Japanese PM to visit: MOFA


    Taipei, July 29 (CNA) Taiwan will provide all necessary assistance to former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe if he decides to visit to pay tribute to late President Lee Teng-hui (李登輝) on the first anniversary of his death, according to Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA).

    In a press statement released Wednesday, MOFA said Abe is a respected world leader who considers Taiwan an important partner, and he is a strong supporter of Taiwan's participation in international organizations.

    If Abe wishes to visit Taiwan on the anniversary of Lee's death, as has been reported, he will be accorded all assistance, MOFA said, after the Japanese daily Sankei Shimbun reported that Abe would like to make such a trip, if circumstances allowed.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      岩里政男's dying wish of been listed within that f*cked Yasukuni Shrine (靖国神社) along side his brother!

      Abe is probably there to bring back his ash!

      Good… Taiwan doesn't need a nihonjin wannabe to desecrate the land!

  7. QUOTE
    Abbott dumps on Beijing’s ‘new red emperor’ in provocative Taiwan speech
    Eryk Bagshaw
    October 8, 2021

    Singapore: China has committed human rights violations, breaches of international obligations, and cyber espionage under the “cult of the new red emperor”, said former Australian prime minister Tony Abbott, in a speech that marked a stark turnaround for a leader who once wanted to be a “true friend of China”.

    Abbott, who led negotiations over a China-Australia free trade deal while he was prime minister between 2013 and 2015, used a speech at the Taiwan Yushan regional security forum on Friday to unload on the leadership of President Xi Jinping and accuse Beijing of bullying, self-generating belligerence and to warn it could “lash out disastrously very soon”.

    “Our challenge is to try to ensure that the unthinkable remains unlikely; and that the possible doesn’t become the probable,” he told diplomats, politicians and business leaders at the annual forum in the capital Taipei….

    “I don’t think America could stand by and watch Taiwan [be] swallowed up,” said Abbott. “I don’t think Australia should be indifferent to the fate of a fellow democracy of almost 25 million people.

    The consensus among military analysts is that the probability of war will not increase significantly until the 2030s when China’s military capability matches that of the United States.

    Abbott said that two years ago he hesitated to attend the Yushan conference lest it provoke China. No Australian prime ministers have had an official trip to Taiwan since Harold Holt visited in 1967 for that reason.

    “But since then, Beijing has torn-up the ‘one country, two systems’ treaty on Hong Kong; put upwards of a million Uighurs into concentration camps; boosted cyber spying on its own citizens; cancelled popular personalities in favour of a cult of the new red emperor; brutalises Indian soldiers in the Himalayas; coerced other claimants in its eastern seas, and flown evermore intimidatory sorties against Taiwan,” said Abbott….

    “It’s weaponised trade, especially against Australia, with our barley, wine and coal exports all stopped on spurious safety grounds, and its embassy has published 14 demands – essentially that we become a tributary state – that no self-respecting country could accept.”

    Beijing has accused Australia of poisoning the bilateral relationship by tearing up investment deals, smearing its response to the COVID-19 pandemic and interfering in its internal affairs in Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Taiwan.

    Abbott’s comments will put the Morrison government in a difficult position as it navigates Beijing’s trade and diplomatic sanctions after two years of disputes over those issues. Abbott was welcomed by Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen at her presidential office and by Foreign Minister Joseph Wu. He was accompanied by Australia’s top representative in Taiwan, Jenny Bloomfield, on his trip as a “private citizen”.
    China-Taiwan tensions rise in Biden's first days
    A US aircraft-carrier group has entered the South China Sea just as rising tensions between China and Taiwan are causing concern in Washington.

    Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne was contacted for comment.

    Abbott said that as prime minister he was prepared to join the Chinese-led Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank because he thought that would help to give China a stake in a rules-based global order. He said the Chinese economic miracle in lifting half a billion people out of poverty was the “greatest and fastest advance in human well-being in all history”.

    “For Beijing, surely there’s a lesson here: the more freedom its people have, the better they’ve done; and the more respect China has gained,” he said.

    “Be a friend that experience shows, and you’ll have friends; be a bully, and you’ll only have clients, who can’t wait to escape.”…

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Scottie should watch his back!

      All those expired dingo politikus r rising to bet for the coming pm term!

      The best political capital is to play on the frustrated Ozzie's mood of been nose-rubbing on the floor by the Chinese in a series of trade blockages!
