
Thursday, October 21, 2021

Sphinx-like mystery to baffle best brains


Egyptian man spends six months with mobile phone in belly before surgery to remove it

A man had a mobile phone removed from his stomach, six months after he swallowed it. — Reuters pic

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 21 ― An Egyptian man waited six months after swallowing a mobile phone to seek help when he suffered from severe abdominal pain.

The man sought out Aswan University Hospital where a team of surgeons successfully removed the device following a two hour procedure, Gulf News reported.

Checks that included X-Ray and CT-scans found a strange object in the man’s belly that led to severe inflammation in his stomach and intestines.

The patient, who was not identified, was then immediately taken to the operation theatre to undergo surgery.

Aswan University's medicine faculty dean Dr Mohammed Al Dahshouri said this was the first time he had encountered such an incident.

“It was really bizarre as the man did not reveal why he swallowed the mobile phone,” he said.

The patient, who is now in stable condition after undergoing the surgery, was told by doctors that the device had posed a great threat to his life due to the battery containing harmful chemicals.

It is not immediately known why the man had swallowed the mobile phone.


kt notes:

It's not why he did it that's puzzling but HOW did he do it, and HOW did he endure it for 6 months?


Dei, WTF

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