
Thursday, October 21, 2021

Sajat continues searching for ‘eternal’ happiness Down Under

Sajat continues searching for ‘eternal’ happiness Down Under

NUR Sajat’s story is one of true grit which plight perhaps only the Muslim transgender community in Malaysia can comprehend.

A talented entrepreneur and a millionaire who runs successful cosmetic business, Sajat ended up migrating to the Land Down Under for good after numerous close-shaves with the Malaysian religious authorities for offending the religion of Islam.

In a recent video interview with AFP, the 36-year-old said she fled to Thailand earlier this year because she “was abused and treated inhumanely” by religious officials in Malaysia.

She was said to be on the run for the last few months after a blasphemy charge was levelled at her in Malaysia for ‘dressing’ as a woman.

She was reportedly detained and fined by Thai authorities on Sept 8 for having an invalid passport. She was then believed to be seeking refuge through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

“The decision to run away was the last resort for me, because I did not feel happiness. (I was) not free,” she said. “There is freedom and gender equality in Australia.”

Appearing earlier in her livestream on TikTok, Sajat, who was born Muhammad Sajjad Kamaruz Zaman told fans that she resides in the Sydney suburb of Canterbury city where she looks forward to starting afresh, including continuing her business there.

“I don’t need to repent because I did not do anything wrong,” she said in response to social conservatives who reminded her to change her ways during her livestream.

Sajat has reportedly applied for refugee status with the UN and is seeking asylum in Australia after her passport was canceled amid attempts by Malaysian authorities to extradite her.

She also said she had sold all her businesses in Malaysia and intended to start afresh in Australia which welcomes her with open arms.

Sajat further told AFP that she would continue working in Australia with a focus on gold and cosmetics.

I want to rebuild my business empire here,” she said, noting that she will not return to Malaysia because “people like me are abused and intimidated” there. – Oct 21, 2021


  1. There is no "eternal happiness" anywhere in this world of Samsara.

    What she does have a fighting chance in liberal, democratic, free Australia is an opportunity to be live her life as a normal human being instead of being persecuted by Taliban-wannabes.

    1. Do remind her/his about the true reality of yr "liberal, democratic, free Australia" before the dingo chips r down!

      After that, go & ponder about yr f*cked samsara of nowhere.

    2. I don't expect a Godless Commie atheist to understand the concept of Samsara.

      All human societies are flawed, but Australia really runs a more humane social system than most authoritarian and/or communistic systems.

      No surprise that so many Modern Mao's Rich and Red park their precious assets in Australia.

    3. "No surprise that so many Modern Mao's Rich and Red park their precious assets in Australia."

      See the flaw of "human rights of democracy"? The above is the exhibit of such system. China is in the process of correcting that and such action will never be able to carry out in the US of A. Homelessness will be eliminated unlike in US, will be increasing instead.

      In China, religion is a personal matter, human rights are personal security, peaceful environment, health, education and personal development, these come before freedom of speech. Didn't Jesus said "For what does it benefit a man if he gain the whole world but loses him soul" Replace that with "For what does it benefit a man if he has freedom of speech but loses his life because he has no food to eat or he is killed by the neighbourhood gangsters or robbers.

    4. Yup, religion is a personal matter. What is more personal than an App containing a Holy book that you download to read at home on your Handphone or Tablet ?
      Yet the People's Republic of China government bans the Apps, making Religion a State matter.

      "For what does it benefit a man if he gain the whole world but loses him soul"
      Exactly, matter how much the Communist China Goverment may boast about its material progress, there is no denying it is holding its People's minds in chains, with a gigantic censorship organisation, the largest in the world.

    5. Wakakakakaka…

      "Australia really runs a more humane social system than most authoritarian and/or communistic systems."

      Wakakakaka… old moneyed mfer, have u visited & talked to those island nations vassalized by the Oz?

      Ooop… dingo only takes good care of its lair. All other outside 'hunting' territories - Live & let live as the dingo dictates!

      Truly blurred fart!

      First, China is a socialist atheistic state! Religion IS a state matter - as long as they don't act like that f*cked 法轮功, they r been tolerated.

      "Yet the People's Republic of China government bans the Apps, making Religion a State matter."

      So u still want to twist that Quran/Bible app, as quoted in that twisted BBC trash, as yr base reference! Mfer, goes download those app before y fart.

      Ooop… don't forget to check whether these app just list the books as verbatim as the text. OK?

      Wakskakakaka… 3X

      For a self proclaimed capitalistic dickhead, do parade yr superficial soul before u fart!

      U SHOULD just turn what u have labelled CPC China on yrself - just to see how hypocritical u r been indoctrinated.

  2. Good for you Nur.

    To her distractors muslim bigots, go and look after your own soul.

  3. Land of The Free and Easy Junior...ha ha ha....

    1. Junior, indeed!


      Incubator of that WASP indoctrination mah!

  4. Now in the Land of The Free and Easy Junior, Nur Sajat is Free to Bang the Keyboard and Hentam Kerajaan Bigot and Corrupt from afar, like a Good Blogger (we know of another Down Under heh heh heh). Nobody there will bother her.

    Imagine if she had decided to go live in the 5000 yo Bullyland would she enjoy this kind of Freedom?

    1. The ultimate question IS would a deeply indoctrinated zombie change course after been transported to a new land!

      Deeply indoctrinated as in the WASP-inspired land of free & easy to do anything she/he wants!

      Wait till she/he is been rundowned in that new land of free bcoz of her/his preferred sextuality by the ultra white!

      Then u fart!

      Ooop… game to do it yrself?
