
Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Pariah PN(MPs) pandai ponteng paliament

Netizens fume over absent MPs during Nurul Izzah’s speech at the Parliament

MUAR MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman took a one-minute footage showing fellow MP Nurul Izzah Anwar speaking at the Dewan Rakyat in regards to the 12th Malaysia Plan and the improvements required to meet the suffering of the B40 community due to COVID-19.

However, the public noticed something else apart from Nurul Izzah’s passionate speech: the ruling Government’s aisle was almost empty with almost no MPs in sight.

“It is disgusting to see our Ministers & Deputies not attending the parliament. What is the point voting such leader to power? WAKE UP MALAYSIA!” said user Meng Hui Goh.

User Nebula added: “How dare these MPs take millions rm salaries and perks yet not attend parliament???? Tax payers should b outraged.”

Another netizen retorted by saying: “Ini lah bukti kerajaan tido makan gaji buta…”

(This is proof that our Government is sleeping while earning fat salaries)

In her speech yesterday, Nurul Izzah touched on various issues pertaining to the 12th Malaysia Plan and suggested for the Government to look into three aspects; which are realistic measurement, strengthening delivery system and setting the rights targets to ease the process.

She also touched on the suffering of households where women are the breadwinners, where they were worse off than normal households.

“The children from the B40 group are going through extreme food poverty and lack proper nutrition. They also risk becoming the ‘lost generation’ due to lack of access to home-based teaching and learning (PDPR).

“Many children are getting sidelined, especially the poor, due to COVID-19. As a result, their education, future and ability to earn a living is worse off than their parents. This is the reality of our Malaysian Family,” the PKR vice president stated.

“Thanks” to MoU

Back to netizens’ frustration over absent lawmakers, user Azmanyunus claimed that MPs were getting lazy due to the recently signed memorandum of understanding between the Government and Pakatan Harapan.

“Pembangkang dah sign MOU dgn gomen so what do u expect? Sudah kena beli la. Ketua dia pun sudah dpt taraf menteri. Skrg nak komplen bila tempat duduk kosong? Pembangkang gave them the assurance so why should govt MP be on their toes anymore?

(The Opposition had signed MoU with the Government, so what do you expect? They got bought over. Their leader got ministerial rank and now you want to complain about empty seats? The Opposition gave the Government assurance so why should Government MPs be on their toes anymore?). – Oct 5, 2021.

1 comment:

  1. Come on....don't go blaming the MOU.

    There is Nothing in the MOU the stops the Opposition from holding the Government Party accountable...

    The MOU was intended to stabilise the government from being constantly on the verge of collapsing.

    DAP ever had only 12 MPs , PKR down to 1 MP, and they can still perfectly make a loud noise.
