
Monday, October 18, 2021

Jakarta-KL worried about nuclear subs Down Under

Jakarta-KL worried about nuclear subs Down Under

Even though that country doesn’t have the capacity for nuclear weapons, we are worried and concerned, said Saifuddin Abdullah after a meeting with Indonesia’s retno Marsudi.

JAKARTA: Malaysia and Indonesia have strong reservations over Australia’s decision to acquire nuclear-powered submarines, even though nuclear weapons are not part of the plan, foreign minister Saifuddin Abdullah said.

Referring to Aukus, a trilateral security pact agreed last month between Australia, the United States and the UK, Saifuddin said the two Southeast Asian nations were concerned about the ramifications.

“We agree on the latest issue in the region regarding a country near our territory that is purchasing new nuclear-powered submarines,” Saifuddin told a joint news conference after a meeting with counterpart Retno Marsudi.

“Even though that country doesn’t have the capacity for nuclear weapons, we are worried and concerned.”

Australia's cherry bombe Alaska

Indonesia had said last month that it was concerned Aukus could lead to a regional arms race.

The deal comes amid increasing tensions in the East and South China Seas, conduits for trillions of dollars of shipments amounting to about a third of global trade.

The Philippines, a US defence treaty ally, has backed Aukus, saying it offers a necessary counterbalance to an increasingly assertive China.

Malaysia previously said it would seek the views of China and Asean on the issue.

The Indonesian and Malaysian ministers also expressed disappointment with the Myanmar junta’s lack of progress in implementing an agreed peace plan with Asean.

Asean had on Friday decided to exclude junta chief Min Aung Hlaing, who led a Feb 1 coup, from an upcoming regional meeting, in an unprecedented snub by the bloc.

Asean will continue to offer humanitarian assistance to Myanmar, said Marsudi.

The foreign ministers also said they were in discussion about starting a travel corridor between Indonesia and Malaysia, and had agreed to finalise maritime sea borders in southern Malacca and the Sulawesi Sea.


  1. Somebody was telling us, when it suit their mentality, that Australia is a long way from the Asean region.

    So why get so worked up about submarines likely to be based in faraway Freemantle or Sydney ?

    By the way, seems Malaysia and Indonesia close both eyes to the hugely increasing size of the nuclear submarines fleet based at Hainan Island, much , much closer than Freemantle or Sydney.

    A threat to peace, No ?
    Please explain why No.

    1. Why?

      When dealing with thingies nuclear, distance/proximity ain't issues dickhead like u could fathom.

      "hugely increasing size of the nuclear submarines fleet based at Hainan Island"

      Wow…… mfer have u checked how many nuclear subs the Chinese has?

      How about currently ONE!

      "A threat to peace"!!??

      The only way an Australian boat could operate in regional waters where the country to be at war would be as a unit of a US Navy task force.

      First, the RAN’s nuclear fleet will have to sail under the air cover provided by a US carrier task force if it is to survive. Second, if the United States is at war with China, so is Australia, since the Australian Defence Force will be integrated into the US force.

      So, how close is Oz to ASEAN vis-a-vis China or US?

      Old moneyed mfer, u r blinded to the FACT that yr "freedom loving" uncle Sam always fight his war FAR FAR AWAY from his home turf!

      Thus AGAIN, who's "A threat to (regional) peace"?

      The China fleet of 10 Nuclear submarines is a threat to peace in the Asean region, which Malaysia and Indonesia stupidly chose to stay silent.

    3. Wakakakaka…

      "The China fleet of 10 Nuclear submarines"

      Wow… wow…

      So easily been convinced by a f*cked analysis picked from nowhere!

      Well, what does one expect from a blurred mfer who is dying to bash anything China!

      If u have bought into that fart, then what r those 72 US nuke submarines roaming the oceans of mothership earth doing?

      Ooop… policing for the free & American ways of the world, no?

      Truly a pariah meeting dickhead!

  2. 5000 yo Bully is very sneaky, trying to split ASEAN. Now having Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia deep in the Debt and Road Trap.

    General Min Aung Hlaing oredy BFF with Modern Mao....

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Blurred mfer regurgitating old lies AGAIN!

      Talk about sneakiness, perhaps u have a pair of blind eyes on both yr uncle Sam & auntie pommie.

      How selective can u be?

      Oooop… spurious WASP-inspired training works it's charm, right?
