
Friday, October 15, 2021

Bangladesh - Quran placed on knee of a Hindu god a desecration?

3rd day of clashes in Bangladesh over Quran ‘desecration’

Police clash with Muslim devotees during a protest over an alleged insult to Islam, outside Baitul Mukarram Mosque today. (AP pic)

DHAKA: Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at thousands of protesters in Bangladesh’s two main cities today, in a third day of religious disturbances in the Muslim-majority nation, authorities said.

The protests began on Wednesday after footage emerged of a Quran being placed on the knee of a god during celebrations for the Hindu festival of Durga Puja. Hindus make up 10% of the population.

At least four people were killed late Wednesday when police opened fire on a crowd of around 500 people attacking a Hindu temple in Hajiganj, one of several towns hit by the disturbances.

Two Hindus were also killed, and some 150 others were injured across the country, community leader Gobinda Chandra Pramanik told AFP, with at least 80 makeshift temples attacked. Authorities did not confirm the toll.

Today up to 2,500 Muslim worshippers gathered outside Baitul Mukarram Masjid, Bangladesh’s largest mosque in central Dhaka, demanding “exemplary punishment” for the “desecration” of the Islamic holy book.

“They brought out a procession and then hurled sandals and bricks at our officers. We fired tear shells and rubber bullets to disperse them,” Sazzadur Rahman, Dhaka’s deputy police commissioner, told AFP.

He said at least five officers were injured and three protesters were held.

An AFP photographer at the scene said more than 5,000 people joined the protests.

In Chittagong, meanwhile, police fired 50 rounds of blanks to disperse hundreds of Muslim protesters who hurled missiles at officers guarding a makeshift Hindu temple, local police official Bijoy Basak said.

High-speed mobile phone internet services were shut down across the country in an apparent bid to prevent spread of violence.

And amid concern over the “disturbing” violence from Hindu-majority neighbour India, Bangladesh prime minister Sheikh Hasina met leaders of the community yesterday and promised stern action.

“So far around 90 people have been arrested. We will also hunt down all the masterminds,” home minister Asaduzzaman Khan said.

The Hindu minority, who number around 17 million, have faced sporadic violence in recent years, often sparked by rumours spread on social media.


  1. Yup, the Quran placed on knee of a Hindu god is indeed an act of desecration.
    Let them protest, its like letting off steam.
    Bangladesh is a pressure cooker society, unbelievably crowded, widespread poverty, lack of jobs, strict social and religious restrictions.

    The lucky ones who manage to work in Malaysia, with what by their standards are good, well-paying jobs, are glad to be here.

  2. Uyghurs and their fellow brother Telly-ban must protest against Bully tactics. And Malay-sia must bang table at DaGe too.....ha ha ha....

    Apple took down a Quran app and a Bible app in China on the request of Chinese officials
    Isobel Asher Hamilton

    Apple has censored a Quran app and a Bible app in China, the company confirmed to the BBC.

    Apple said Chinese officials had flagged the apps as breaking laws on illegal religious texts.

    Apple's human rights policy says the company is "required to comply with local laws."

    The apps, which are called Quran Majeed and Bible App by Olive Tree, were first reported as having been taken down by activist website Apple Censorship on Tuesday.

    Apple directed the BBC to its Human Rights policy, which says: "We're required to comply with local laws, and at times there are complex issues about which we may disagree with governments and other stakeholders on the right path forward. "

    Apple told the BBC that Chinese officials had said the apps breached laws on hosting illegal religious texts.

    1. You have already quoted "the apps breached laws on hosting illegal religious texts"

      So what's your problem?

    2. My problem ...

      Why on earth would a Regime treat a Quran to be considered an illegal religious text?

      Nobody has shown any evidence the Quran that was hosted on the App is a distorted or deviant version ( there are such websites , just as there a distorted versions of the Bible, but not this one).

      Of course, I know, for you
      whatever Fart comes from the People's Republic of China Goverment smells of Heaven.

    3. This blurred mfer ONLY read headline san content digestion!

      So what do u expect?

    4. An atheist parti can make ruling on whether religious text is legal or illegal? Do they have Menteri Agama like we do...?

      Very aneh.

      They must explain which part of the religious text is illegal.

    5. Nobody has ever proven Huawei products have backdoor and are security threat but still Huawei is banned capriciously.

      Islam is holy, not evil, there's no argument about it. The religion is the most abused, misused and misinterpreted by the deviationists, extremists and terrorists, that can you deny it?

      China ban possession of guns for people safety while US permit possession of guns for people to protect their own safety. Obviously China has done a better and more effective job than US of A. Can you deny that?

      Of course it is not surprising, we know to you everything China smell obnoxious.

    6. Religion is just an ideology dresses up as faith!

      So too is atheism - an ideology discarding faith components by its followers.

      Blurred mfer, read more before u fart again as who needs to explain which part of the religious text is illegal.

      AGAIN, who's yr 'very aneh'?


    7. So old moneyed mfer u believed a f*cked write-up as in

      "Nobody has shown any evidence the Quran that was hosted on the App is a distorted or deviant version"


      Have u used those Apple app?

      Who is that nobody u mentioned?

      There are distorted versions of the Bible. So, too with a distorted versions of Quran!

      Mmmmm… even in interpreting a same copy of the 'holy' text, there r multiple 'pious' farts!

      Which one rules supreme?

      Quran is not banned in China. U can even order it from the web!

      Apple isn't transparent in its reply to bbc's, as usual, twisted questioning about Quran Majeed & Olive Tree.

      An order "required to comply with local laws." Is been twisted into banning!

      Old moneyed mfer, either u r showcasing it fluid England or u r just want to fart kau-kau!

  3. China ban Apps hosting the Quran, a book held holy by 1.9 billion people around the world.
    For all the talk of USA being anti-Islam, US freely permit possession and propagation of the Quran in USA.

    Obviously USA has done a better and more Humane job than China.

    Nothing capricious about banning of Huawei. Its a matter of trust.

    Huawei is a Company domiciled in the People's Republic of China.
    Lets say Australia allowed its 5G system to be run by Huawei.

    In the middle of a looming future military crisis in the South China Sea, the Communist China Goverment instructs Huawei, at 0.00 hours Beijing time, you SHALL collapse down the entire Australian 5G network.... Huawei has Zero way to say NO to the Government of the People's Republic of China.

    1. Three years on and you are still talking about this cock-and-bull story of trust! The whole world knew it is purely political, US against China, including ex-Australia PM Malcolm Turnbull.

      Fortunately you didn't quote Germany, France or Italy, among whom have all abandoned to play 'lieutenants' for the US, indirectly refute the false and malicious allegation of security threat by agreeing to Huawei 5G participation in their respective countries.

      Not talk only, even written into the Law - Executive Order 13769, titled Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States, known as the Muslim ban.

    2. Wow…

      "China ban Apps hosting the Quran"

      So did yr petrified neurons ever asked what did that app do?

      Just show a page of Quranic text?

      Or adding its own 'twisted' interpretation of that text?

      In yr "free & easy" yankeeland, uncle Sam WON'T need to do anything before this Apple app would be censored by Apple due to public complaints!

      But u won't know it, right?

      The CAUSE is Apple is obligated to red-tag an tag whenever it receives public complaints!


      "Huawei has Zero way to say NO to the Government of the People's Republic of China"

      How about that same phenomenon when all the US-based techie companies saying NO to the CIA/United States Department of Homeland Security to down tool vis-a-vis Oz connected network?

      That's yr f*cked idealism of "USA has done a better and more Humane job than China"!!!

      Huawei DOESN'T need Oz's 5G network BUT the reality is Oz needs Huawei patented 5G technologies to work its 5G charm!

      Should CPC China do a same game plan as yr uncle Sam's technological islandization wrt China?

      What a f*cked dickhead, u r!
