
Saturday, September 11, 2021

Zaid on the Failures & Wastages of the Mahathir Era

Zaid to Tok Pa: How come Malaysia is now poorer than Vietnam?

IN addressing the ways and means to tackle poverty in an effective way, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Economy) Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed (also known as Tok Pa) has to start by asking why or where Malaysia failed to become like neighbours Singapore, China Japan or South Korea.

“What factors have pulled us down? Why are we even poorer than Vietnam?” asked former de-factor Law Minister Datuk Mohd Zaid Ibrahim in his latest Facebook posting.

“These are the questions Tok Pa needs to ask in all earnestness. Unless we grasp the real problems that inhibit our growth, we can never overcome poverty problems but will exacerbate it. Irrespective of the impressive five-year plan.”

In Zaid’s contention, Malaysia should be at par with South Korea, Singapore, and China because ‘we were much more prosperous when we started in 1957’ compared to those countries.

“We have regressed as our march towards prosperity and high income have floundered. That’s very clear,” he observed.

“After COVID-19, we will probably have another one million people added to the poverty group. So to talk about tackling poverty in an effective way, Tok Pa has to start by asking why we did not become like our neighbor (Singapore) or China Japan or South Korea. What factors have pulled us down?”

In Zaid’s opinion, Mustapa has to ensure that the Government’s role should be prioritising on helping the people at all times.

“The the mantra (Tun) Dr Mahathir (Mohamad) always used is not good; about how it is OK to give projects or give loans to the rich or big corporations because they paid taxes.

“In the first place, I don’t know how much the rich pay taxes. Clever people are not always honest. What must not be forgotten is the role of the Government to give a helping hand to the rakyat. That’s their prime responsibility.”

Zaid further advised Mustapa not to trust private and corporatised government entities and government-linked companies (GLCs) when it comes to understanding the difficulties of the rakyat.

“(The) Government must revert to using and employing government servants who are still happy to serve the people. If we have to remove some of the civil servants who are not capable of doing their work, please remove them,” he suggested.

“It is better to have 800,000 highly skilled and motivated civil servants than 1.6 million who can’t perform and have no heart to serve.”

Although it is a daunting task to change structural weakness in the Government, Zaid questioned: “What good is extravagant and nice sounding policies that has failed to work in the last 50 years?”

“We can’t find short term solutions to cure deep seated and chronic problems of the past. For too long we play politics with peoples’ lives. This must end,” he added. – Sept 10, 2021


  1. QUOTE
    I don’t know how much the rich pay taxes.

    I know in the case of Jibby....he didn't pay any taxes for billions laundered through his personal bank account.

  2. While the ideas are noble, it will be a pipe dream to trim down the civil service due to its usefulness as a vote bank.

    Moreover, if you reduce even only 20% of the civil service, you create first, animosity and second, you have on your hands more unemployed and unemployable mainly Malays.

    No, I don't think you can reduce the number of civil servants. The only thing that perhaps can be done is to stop recruiting and let attrition do its magic.

  3. One critical area that urgently needs weeding out is the Attorney General's Chambers, but when Tommy Thomas made such remarks, Zaid Ibrahim savagely attacked him.

    Zaid is ultimately still an UMNO Machai at heart.

  4. All pointed out by opposition then like DAP, but BN partners like MCA, MIC and Gerakan were so Lembek, Boh Lam Phar, allow Toonsie 1.0 and UMNO to rape, pillage and plunder the country. Until national debt reach 1 TRillion, Jibby had to introduce GST to pay it off, then when Harapan took over after GE14, Guanee had to stop the bleeding.

    1. have to admit LGE is good with Tin Milo tactics, what with a few pretend-tears-lamentation

  5. That's right, after fighting a war with 500 yo Bullyland, Vietnamese did not sulk, or continue to fight among themselves. They united, worked hard and today are Best Friends Again with Uncle Sam. Even the CDC opened their Regional HQ in Hanoi. No Hard Feelings.

    Why can't Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan etc do the same. Why Blame 500 yo Bully for their own failure to Work Hard after the war in their country is over?

    1. Did yr uncle Sam managed to plant ANY radicalized subversive elements within Vietnam after his tail run?

      If u can answer that question then u wouldn't blame Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan etc for unable to pull themselves up!

      But then for a blurred mfer, everything is so so superficial - especially when it is deep in the path of eugenics while not saying so!
