
Monday, September 13, 2021

What prevents Malaysia from becoming a developed nation? Answer: One person

What prevents Malaysia from becoming a developed nation?

By Koon Yew Yin

HISTORY has it that when the ancient Chinese decided to live in peace, they made the Great Wall of China; they thought no one could climb it due to its height.

During the first 100 years of its existence, the Chinese were invaded three times and each time, the hordes of enemy infantry had no need of penetrating or climbing over the wall because they just bribed the guards and came through the doors.

The Chinese built the wall but forgot about the human characters. Though the Great Wall has over the years become a powerful symbol of China’s enduring strength and spirit, it has actually been a good reminder to the Chinese of the superiority of human behaviour.

The Chinese realised much later that the best defence against the enemy is not a fortified wall, but a fortified character. Thus, there goes the saying of ‘the building of human character comes before the building anything else’.

Be truthful

William Shakespeare captured it succinctly when he said, “the fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves”. Meanwhile, former Porsche CEO Peter Schutz said: “hire character; train skills.”

Lastly, back in the days when Germany was divided, a huge wall separated East and West Berlin.

One day, some people in East Berlin took a truck load of garbage and dumped it on the West Berlin side.

The people of West Berlin could have done the same thing, but they didn’t. Instead, they took a truck load of canned goods, bread, milk and other provisions, and neatly stacked it on the East Berlin side.

On top of this stack, they placed the sign: “Each gives what he has”.

Hate and revenge have never solved anything. Instead, it spirals down into an everlasting abyss of despair and anger. The Chinese have a saying – ‘revenge has no ending. Love from deep within has far reaching solutions’.

Soul searching

I have written two books, namely Malaysia: Road Map for Achieving Vision 2020 and New Road Map to a Developed Nation.

Malaysia was one of the richest countries in the world based on gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. We were the biggest producer of tin, rubber and palm oil in the world for a relatively small population of 32 million people.

Moreover, we have petroleum. Yet, we could not be classified as a developed nation but Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea are classified as developed nations. All these countries do not even have timber to build their houses.

What is wrong with Malaysia?

Corruption: The biggest culprit in the country is corruption. Just a few days ago, our former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was appointed economic adviser to the new Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob. Najib has stolen billions of ringgit and is still being charged in court for corruption.

Transparency International’s 2017 Corruption Perception Index ranked Malaysia at the 62nd spot out of 180 countries. Business executives surveyed in the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014 revealed that unethical behaviours of companies constitute a disadvantage for doing business in Malaysia.

Civil service: Managing a country is like managing hundreds of business operations in every town and cities. Good managers produce good result while bad managers produce bad result. Just based on the number of COVID-19 cases, our civil and politicians have not managed our country well.

Through Google, I found out that Malaysia has 1.71 million civil servants on the Government’s payroll as of March 2019 for 32 million people. That means one civil servant for every 19 citizens.

For comparison, the UK has 430,075 civil servants for a population of 66.65 million people or one civil servant for 150 British citizens.


Dr Mahathir Mohamad's remarks on how the Malays were forced to accept orang asing (foreigners) during British rule in exchange for independence is downright insulting and unbecoming of a prime minister who represents all Malaysians, said DAP lawmaker Ramkarpal Singh.

Ramkarpal was referring to the prime minister's speech at yesterday's Malay Dignity Congress, where Mahathir said:

“... Orang asing berasa selesa dengan negara kita dan mereka ingin tinggal di sini. Nak tak nak pun, kita terpaksa terima, kalau tidak kita tidak akan mencapai kemerdekaan.

(Translated above statement: The foreigners felt comfortable in this country and wanted to stay. Like it or not, we were forced to accept or we would not have achieved independence).

Meritocracy: As I said earlier, good managers produce good result and bad managers produce bad result. To achieve good results, the management must be efficient. The best and quickest way to get good result is to practice meritocracy.

Our Government must practice meritocracy in the selection of students for entry to universities. As a result, we will always have better qualified graduates to work in the civil service or in the private sector.

Becoming a developed nation: Our Government must not select civil servants based on race and religion. If the Government practices meritocracy for the selection and promotion of civil servants, we will always have the most efficient civil servants managing our country so that Malaysia can become a developed nation. – Sept 13, 2021


  1. Don't get too fixated with personalities.

    The system is rotten, driven under the control of a rotten ruling party with rotten leadership.

    Blaming it on one person is just scapegoating, and will never solve Malaysia's problem.

    Blaming it on one person also leads many to think, just get rid of the person, or the person dies, problem solved.... but NO...problem not solved.

  2. you're right in that even if the person dies, the problem won't be solved. That's because the venom he spreads into the system for almost half a century is too widespread, too deep and totally embedded

    1. KT very "obdurate", always put all blame on ONE PERSON, must be HATE, but ayam simple person, prefer to just say "degil"....ha ha ha...

  3. But even if that person dies we can continue to blame the parties (MCA, MIC, Gerakan) who were complicit for 50 years because they are still around, but KT never mentions them, only hentam that ONE PERSON.

    And today, despite being in power, instead of trying to undo some of the harm these parties had caused they continue to make things worse, even when that ONE PERSON is no longer in gomen.

    1. So simple in those acts!

      Liken to yr f*cked understandings of thingies CPC/China/Chinese.

      Blurred mfer, it's ALL in yr mind lah.

  4. Why do we want to listen to a person who cannot even get his facts right?

    Malaysia was not one of the richest countries in the world. We were on par with Ghana when the British left us.
    Before that, The British took all the wealth from the rubber and tin. Then rubber and tin were no longer so valuable and then they left.

    We have done very well with what we have. Heterogeneity is a handicap to economic growth. Taiwan, korea are homogeneous. Not Malaysia. Yet Malaysia is one of the most progressive islamic nations in the world and has overtaken former world power Turkey.

    What we need is better education levels and hardwork. Corruption is an issue but the type of corruption counts too. Korea has lots of corruption too. Virtually Every single korean president has been charged for courruption after leaving office.

    1. Sounds like a Ketuanan Melayu apologist.

    2. Steven if you have facts to rebut my argument instead of resorting to ad hominem attacks then at least we can learn from each other.

    3. "We have done very well with what we have"

      Indeed! To many ketuanan freaks, some zombies & sleepwalking blur-sotongs.

      "In part with Ghana when the British left us"?!!


      "Heterogeneity is a handicap to economic growth"


      China is homogeneous! USofA is homogeneous! France is homogeneous! Etc etc…

      A blurred mfer playing eugenics theme to justify its fart!

      Yes, Malaysia was one of the most progressive islamic nations in the world due to the presence of the large number of minorities who have hindered the progression of radicalised zombiecism in the past. Many enlightened old melayu helped too. But NO MORE as of today.

      BTW, when was turkey ever a world power?

      Mmmm… maybe in the eyes of those syiok-sendiri zombies!

    4. China is definitely homogeneous 90pct han. France was homogeneous when it developed. Heterogeneity is a handicap when it comes to development. Please read the development economics literature.

      Turkey the remains of the ottoman empire was a world power with the capital in Istanbul. The empire lasted for hundreds of years until the 1920s.

      Please stick to facts and don't resort to ad hominem attacks especially if you dont have facts.

    5. "Heterogeneity is a handicap when it comes to development"


      If there r "development economics literatures" spell about that postulation u SHOULD have burn those books!

      Handicaps in social development &/or national reconstruction exist in multiple forms. Societal heterogeneity is just a convenient excuse for eugenic dickheads to advance their racist homogeneous dogma for coherence development!

      The greatest feast is the prevalence of EQUALITY regardless of race, gender & religion!

      Yet most of them f*cked promoters refuse to state that fact. Otherwise, their champion for race homogeneity is LOST!

      Many of current developed nations have no major homogeneity in their core populace! Yet u r game to fart about " when they were in the path to "developed"!

      Look at Germany before the WWII, wasn't it developed & homogeneous - except when the Nazis didn't consider all those undesirable populaces were pure enough to be German!

      So where the fart is yr definition of homogeneity vis-a-vis a country?

      At what percentage would yr homogeneity starts?

      Turkey was/is never a shadow of Ottoman empire even when the most likely successor of one Mustafa Kemal Atatürk reinvented the modern Turkey. The current Turkey is just a pathetic mixed of nationalists+zombies+syiok-sendiri dickheads that r TRYING to be a Islamic champion (visfa-vis those MiddleEast mismatches) while seeking to force itself into a Christendom NATO!

      BTW, do u actually know what ad hominem means?

      Ditto too with FACTS!

  5. The system is too rotten to be saved. This is because of Ketuanan's feelings of entitlement.

    As time goes, with Ketuanan's composition of the country growing to 70% or more, things will get scarier for the nons.

    The nons are better off seeking greener pastures before it is too late. If they do not want to do it for themselves, they should think of their children's future.

    Sabah and Sarawak would be smart to go on their own or they will ultimately be consumed by the ketuanan mob.
