
Sunday, September 26, 2021

We’re only seeking China’s views, says defence minister

We’re only seeking China’s views, says defence minister

Senior minister for defence Hishammuddin Hussein said having good ties with China does not mean that Malaysia is compromising its sovereignty. (Bernama pic)

JOHOR BAHRU: When the government reached out to China on the formation of Aukus, the trilateral security pact made up of the US, the UK and Australia, it had merely wanted to get the country’s stand on the issue, said senior minister for defence Hishammuddin Hussein.

Rejecting opposition allegations that Malaysia was “receiving instructions” from China, Hishammuddin said it was not wrong for Malaysia to want to know China’s views and its possible response over the matter.

“The opposition’s claim is baseless because what I informed the Dewan Rakyat was far from receiving instructions from China,” he told reporters at the Ulu Tiram Camp here today.

Hishammuddin was asked to comment on a recent statement from the opposition that Malaysia should remain neutral and not lean towards any world superpower, especially over the Aukus issue.

The Sembrong MP said having good ties with China did not mean that Malaysia would compromise its sovereignty and stance.

“Malaysia’s strength is that we are close to these two superpowers (US and China) and our relationship is based on mutual respect between the US and China, and they respect our stand,” he said.


  1. Why not seek Five Power partners views? Especially Oz, since they are the one buying the submarines.

    This year is the 50th Anniversary of the Defence pact. Sudah 50 tahun perjanjian dan kerjasama dengan Oz, sekarang nak koyak kontrak, ada DaGe baru?

    What Defence Agreement do we have with DaGe?

    We should be talking with Oz over AUKUS, becos of 50 year agreement, rather than with Bully, with whom we have NONE.

    So are we moving away from Anglophone to Sinophone?

    1. Anglophone to Sinophone???

      Wow… wow… ultimate blurriness on parade.

      Blurred mfer, seeking China's view on aukus is good neighborhood practice as the 'nuclear' spillovers pollute the whole of the backyards of these countries - in case u r still in lalaland!

      "seek Five Power partners views?"

      Blurred & terbalik with yr fart AGAIN!

      Have u interchanged yr top front & back bottom orifices while farting?

      It's Oz's official obligation to inform the members of the 5 power pact, in which he is a member, prior to jumping into the aukus bed! That dingo-ish behaviour of the Oz towards the other partners is showing contemptuous TRULY!

  2. Can H2O oso confirm with DaGe why they need 12 nuklear submarines armed with 10,000km range nuklear warheads in Southern Hainan, at the doorstep to Southern Seas? And why Oz building 8 conventional submarines 10,000 km away near Antarctica is a problem? Why is that even DaGe’s concern?

    1. Does China has the obligation to answer?


      Ooop… have u tried that question on WHY uncle Sam has so many nuclear powered carriers roaming the earth's oceans, many a time far far away from his backyard?

  3. It's very ugly optics for the Malaysian Defence Minister to be rushing to Beijing to get orders from Malaysia's Big Red Master.

    Malaysia's national interest lies in keeping neutrality from both Western powers and Beijing.

    Social media "analysts" may get starry eyed gushing about how powerful China is now now in East Asia, but the facts of life arr Malaysia is still heavily involved in very important good economic relations with USA.

    You start taking sides, you get burnt.

    1. Mmmm… seeking views from China about augus is akin to "ugly optics" & taking sides!


      Old moneyed mfer, China is an affected party vis-a-vis aukus!

      Ooop… I don't understand the underlying logic of aukus building!

      Oooop… have u last checked who would be the economic powerhouse in this part of the world that truly mattered to m'sia?

      For a Yankee asslicker, who else!

    2. As I have written before, in Penang where I live, almost every corner I turn are Yankee corporations , that directly or indirectly through SMEs and their Supply Chain, employ hundreds of thousands of people.
      Good, solid manufacturing and service jobs.

      The economic powerhouse that truly matters to Penang is the United States of America.
