
Sunday, September 19, 2021

Uncle Koon: Marvelling at how China can have upper hand over the US

Uncle Koon: Marvelling at how China can have upper hand over the US

By Koon Yew Yin

THE COVID-19 pandemic is the game changer. Although COVID-19 pandemic started in Wuhan, China in December 2019, China managed to control the spread.

China has a total of 95,689 COVID-19 cases and 4,636 deaths as of Sept 19, according to data from Worldometer. In the past 18 months, China has very few daily new cases. This is in stark comparison with the US which has a total of 42.86 million COVID-19 cases and 691,562 deaths during the same period.

Space race

While the US has an average annual growth rate of about 4.5%, China has an average of about 10% in the past 40 years. China is now ranked among countries with the highest technological expertise alongside the US, Germany, Russia, the UK, Singapore, Israel and Switzerland.

In January 2019, China’s Chang’e-4 became the first spacecraft to land on the far side of the moon. Its rover, Yutu-2, is still operating and studying lunar geology nearly two years later. China is now the only country to land successfully on the moon in the 21st century – and has done so three times.

On Friday (Sept 17), the return capsule of the Shenzhou 12 manned spaceship carrying Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo touched down safely in the Gobi Desert in north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

The three Chinese astronauts – the first to be sent to orbit for space station-construction – returned to Earth on Friday (Sept 17) after completing their three-month mission including two spacewalks and setting the Chinese record for the longest crewed spaceflight mission.

In a related development, China’s defence system has improved by leaps and bounds especially with its drone strike capability and guided long ranch missiles with nuclear heads to strike any target.

China’s stealth armed drone codenamed Sharp Sword

In November 2013, China successfully tested a stealth armed drone called the Sharp Sword. Today, China has several armed UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles) models in service including the CH-3, CH-4 as well as the Wing Loong 1 and Wing Loong 2.

Biggest bully in the world

Former US President Jimmy Carter once said that the US spent 95% of its 245 years history in wars. This is true and you can verify the truth in Google.

In 2020, the US military expenditure reached an estimated US$778 bil, representing an increase of 4.4% over 2019. As the world’s largest military spender, the US accounted for 39% of total military expenditure in 2020. This was the third consecutive year of growth in the US military spending.

The US controls about 750 bases in at least 80 countries worldwide and spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined. China does not have any military base outside China.

kt note: China does have an overseas base in Djibouti. The People's Liberation Army Navy has used the base to conduct anti-piracy operations off of the coast of Djibouti and around the Horn of Africa.

China will soon deliver the final blow. The Chinese yuan will soon replace the US dollar as the world’s currency. That would give China more control over its economy. It is inevitable that China’s economic might will only grow stronger in the new future.

China’s economic achievements

While the US is still the world’s largest economy by virtue of gross domestic product (GDP) with US$20.81 bil followed by China with US$15.22 bil, China is now the No. 1 trading nation in the world if all its imports and exports were to be totalled up.

On the overall, the US has run a trade deficit with China over the past decade which amounted to more than US$2.3 tril. At US$3.24 tril in July, China has the world’s largest foreign exchange reserves in the world.

China now has the largest new car market in the entire world. The country now produces more than twice as many automobiles as the US does. After being bailed out by US taxpayers, General Motors (GM) is involved in 11 joint ventures with Chinese companies.

Not only is China today the No. 1 gold producer in the world, it now consumes more energy than the US does; the country is in aggregate the leading manufacturer of goods in the entire world and uses more cement than the rest of the world combined.

Moreover, China produces three times as much coal and 11 times as much steel than the US while at the same time produces more than 90% of the global supply of rare earth elements.

Below are some other areas which China stands out:
  • The uniforms for the US Olympic team were made in China. πŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜‚
  • 85% of all artificial Christmas trees the world over are made in China.
  • The new World Trade Center tower in New York is going to include glass imported from China.
  • China is now the No. 1 producer of wind and solar power on the entire globe.
  • China is now the No. 1 supplier of components that are critical to the operation of any national defence system.
  • In terms of published scientific research articles, China is expected to become the No. 1 in the world soon. – Sept 19, 2021


  1. All these wonderful achievements were possible of course because 5000 yo Bully was liberated by 500 yo Bully when WW2 was ended by atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Yapan surrendered unconditionally.

    From 1937-1945, 5000 yo Bully suffered under the Cruel and Zalim Yapanese soldiers, like the Rape of Nanking that KT love to plaster all over the place ha ha ha...

    But now got plenty of money and can fly to Mars they continue to show Bully traits.....accuse Oz of ignoring the non-proliferation of nuklear weapons (they are not), but they themselves threaten to use nuklear boms NON-STOP, instead of using peaceful diplomatic channels.

    Did Yapan threaten to invade Taiwan?

    Did Oz threaten to bom anyone?

    China threatens to nuke Japan non-stop if it tries to defend Taiwan, says it is making an ‘exception’ in the no first use policy for Japan

    In a video uploaded on a Chinese Military channel on Xigua Video, CCP said that even if Japan deploys only one soldier, one plane and one ship in support of Taiwan, it will start a full-scale war against Japan starting with nukes

    14 July, 2021
    OpIndia Staff

    The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has threatened that it will nuke Japan if the country defends Taiwan. In a video uploaded to Xigua Video, a Chinese online video-sharing platform, China has said that if Japan ‘dares to intervene when it decides to ‘liberate’ Taiwan, it will launch a full-fledged war against Japan, starting with attacks with nuclear bombs.

    In the video uploaded on a Chinese Military channel named Liu Jun Tao Lue (roughly means “Military strategies”) on the platform, the CCP said that even if Japan deploys only one soldier, one plane and one ship in support of Taiwan, it will not respond with equal measure, but instead will start a full-scale war against Japan. ‘We will use nuclear bombs first, we will use nuclear bombs continuously until Japan declares unconditional surrender for the second time’. By ‘second time’, the CCP referred to the surrender of Japan to the allied forces after the nuclear bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II.

    The video was spotted by Chinese-born human rights activist and author Jennifer Zeng, who posted it on Twitter and her blog. After she shared the details of the video, it was removed from Xigua. Jennifer Zeng shared the video along with English subtitles, based on which this report has been written.

    1. What a fart from a blurred mfer's his-story book!

      "liberated by 500 yo Bully when WW2 was ended by atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Yapan surrendered unconditionally"

      China was liberated by the Yanks during WWII!

      Wow… wow…

      How many Yankee solder boys died in yr claimed war to liberate China from the Jap?

      "accuse Oz of ignoring the non-proliferation of nuklear weapons (they are not)"

      Blurred mfer, not only is Oz so r yr uncle Sam playing their tak tau/tak paham fascicle in signing that NPT!

      Where is the beef in yr fart?

      All have turned into foul gaseous, right?

      "threaten to use nuklear boms NON-STOP"


      Wakakakaka… truly an aneh-ised f*cking lie! More so from an aneh source!

      Blurred mfer, China is the ONLY country in the world that OPENLY declared a non striked-first nuclear weapon deployment!

      Where's yr uncle Sam's? Auntie pommie's? Aneh's?


      Finally too that aneh news is broadcasted to the whole world by those 台毒 dickhrads!

      Any wonder?

      Ooop… co-hosted by a blurred mfer dwelling under a fart filled well!

  2. There r STILL many obstacles for China to achieve the dreamed goal of Chinese reinvigoration after hundreds of yrs of infamies caused by recent foreign powers.


    USofA is the biggest & strongest opponent in this regard! There r many reasons:

    1) The coming failing of the US$ hegemony & its inherent seigniorage dominance in world trades.

    US won't allow that to happen anytime soon.

    There r plans NOW to exercise another round of regional financial crisis where US could harvest the expected financial gains in the dollar-boom-burst-circle within the weakened economic activities of these well-fed nations via yrs of weak dollar nurturings.

    But this time now, the second biggest world economy WOULDN'T play ball, unlike in the case of 2008 subprime mortgage where China helped to buy US govt bonds to the hundreds of billions to salvage the weakened US$ from falling from the cliff.

    In doing so, China imported huge inflationary pressure, to help eliminate potential world financial chaos initiated by the wantonly printing of US$. That inflationary bug has resulted in the current potentially dire housing-boom-burst crisis within China!

    2) the vigorous advancements in China industrial & scientific fields have caused big concerns to US politicians, business entities & commercial conglomerates.

    US won't allow that to happen anytime soon, too.

    Hence, the implementation of the The Wolf Amendment passed by the US Congress in 2011 that prohibits NASA from using government funds to engage in direct, bilateral cooperation with the Chinese government and China-affiliated organizations from its activities without explicit authorization from the FBI and the US Congress. This is a total waste of international cooperation for the advancement of human space exploration, just to ease a self inflicted Yankee pride!

    The forbidding of advanced CPU chips fabrication by any semiconductor foundries using equipments involving more than 5% of US patented technologies. This has slowed the dominant play of Huawei in smartphone positioning. But less so on its 5G telecommunication evolutions! In fact, in the coming 6G proposed standards, all existing patents used would most likely be constrainted for hindering the further developments of nano range semiconductors!

    Look more likely that US & US-backed chip conglomerates would be the biggest losers. Many would SOON fade into history due to bankruptcies!

    3) Taiwan would be a battleground pit for the Yank to showcase his military mights to ALL his allies, who r now in doubts about that Yankee trustfulness & comradeship!

    To do that US has to bandwagon a diehard team of like-minded partners. Japan, India & Oz would be the core partners with pommieland, far far away & with diminishing war power to play the proverbial 3rd wheeling!

    There would be a war involving Taiwan, bet yr last dollar!

    The outcome would most likely be a new world order san USofA or China.

  3. I haven't been in China for some years now, last 2 years being completely impossible due to Covid-19.

    If I have been out and about the whole day, there is always a black layer of goodness knows what gunk to be washed off my face at night.

    I always marvel at the people who have to live permanently under such conditions 24×7.

    1. Ooop… u liked to visit coal mines during our stay in China!

      No wonder lah.

      Always a black layer of goodness knows what gunk to be washed off yr f*cling face at night is a mild description then!
