
Sunday, September 26, 2021

UMNO must eliminate its vampiric clone

Puad: Umno will not cooperate with Bersatu in the next polls, period!

UMNO supreme council member Datuk Puad Zarkashi reminded Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) that his party will not cooperate with the latter in the next general election.

“We are clear on this. Umno has passed a resolution in its annual general assembly (AGM) last year not to cooperate with Bersatu in the 15th General Election.

“Umno had also decided to contest on all 16 seats where its incumbent won on our ticket but defected to Bersatu. No compromise on this matter,” he stressed in a Facebook post.

Yesterday, Bersatu president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin told Malay daily, Utusan Malaysia, that his party would go all out against their opponents in the next general election.

However, the former prime minister described Bersatu’s ties with Umno as still “hazy”, adding that he was open to any alliance based on the party’s principles.

“We do have ties with other parties such as Umno at the federal and state levels. Just that we are not clear on Umno’s stand but it’s not up to me to decide,” the Pagoh MP was reported as saying.

On that note, Puad said that there was nothing “hazy” about the matter as Umno and its delegates have made their stand clear.

“Umno is not a member of Perikatan Nasional and there is no reason for us to abandon the ‘no Bersatu’ policy.

“Besides, any move to rescind the decision will fail as it would trigger a huge uproar from our grassroots,” the former deputy minister concluded. – Sept 25, 2021

1 comment:

  1. More fighting !
    More Kacau-Bilau !

    We want's good for the country that the Race send Religion Supremacists are at odds with each other.
