
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Kadir: ‘Exorcising the ghost’ of Seri Perdana with RM38.5 mil renovation

Kadir: ‘Exorcising the ghost’ of Seri Perdana with RM38.5 mil renovation

AT a time when generally every single citizen has to tighten his or her belt to ensure survivability, the latest Facebook posting by veteran journalist Datuk A Kadir Jasin, “Hantu raya Seri Perdana terus menggila” (loosely translated as “Seri Perdana’s great ghost goes berserk”) easily strikes a chord with Malaysians of all levels.

In his captivating post, Kadir clarified that the actual renovation cost of the Prime Minister’s (PM) official residence in Putrajaya stood at RM38.5 mil instead of RM30 mil (as per the media statement of Special Functions Minister Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad).

To re-cap, the renovation project was only approved on March 19 this year during the premiership of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin with works commencing 10 days later on March 29.

As of Sept 29, the project was already 74% completed although the irony is that Muhyiddin is not destined to occupy the residence in view of his resignation as PM on Aug 16.

“Responding to netizen Ba Yon, without prejudice, based on the information that I received, the project’s contractor is Kumpulan Awam Bina Sdn Bhd. If indeed this is true, can we know if the project was secured via tender or direct negotiation?” asked Kadir in his FB posting.

“They preach about being concerned of the rakyat’s plight and the Malaysian Family concept. With the exorbitant RM38.5 mil renovation cost, we can rent 310,483 units of the Hardcore Poor Housing Project (PPRT) flat at a monthly rental cost of RM124 per unit.”

Netizen Yeop Antan seconded Kadir’s call for the Government to reveal the true identity of the contractor.

“Not even a year of work and the price already fetches RM38.5 mil. Moreover, it’s not like they’re starting from scratch, it’s just renovating. Starting from scratch might even cost less. How bad was the wiring? Did Rosmah’s demons bite off the wires?”

Tun Mikael felt that such a major allocation is uncalled for at this moment in time when the economic outlook is bleak and uncertain.

“Shouldn’t this be the time to be prudent and to spend carefully? Is it because the current Government is not chosen by the people, hence there is no sense of trust and accountability in their action?”

Soon Tet Leong philosophised that what has been revealed and what is still happening each day are all signs of a general failure of Malaysia as a nation. – Sept 30, 2021


  1. I sapot we go back to Original 1957 Constitution. Then add in MA63. Everything else is Bullshit amended by UMNO, MCA, MIC, Gerakan etc.

  2. Contractor started work on March 29 this year?

    Who approved?

    My plumber want to fix my leaking toilet oso cannot. MCO. No approval from MITI, got stopped by polis on highway.

  3. No wonder Jibby wants GST back, he is expecting to be PM10 or 11 ha ha haa...

  4. QUOTE
    German Chancellor Angela Merkel To Retire After 16 Years - Contoh Pemimpin Terbaik

    German chancellor Angela Merkel is wrapping up a historic 16 years in power. Germany will say goodbye to its leader, physicist and quantum chemist. She did not buy real estate, cars, yachts and private jets.

    She lives in a normal apartment like any other citizen. She lived in this apartment before being elected Chancellor of Germany. She did not leave it and she does not own a single villa, houses, pools, gardens.

    She has not receives free state service, no housing, no electricity, no gas, no entertainment expenses, no personal chef, no water, no free phone from the Federal Republic of Germany budget and lives humbly like other Germany citizens.

    She does her own shopping carries her own shopping bags, pays for her purchases and if she receives a parking ticket, she pays out of her own pocket.

    For sixteen years, she never changed the style of her wardrobe. At a press conference, a journalist asked Merkel: ''We realize that you are wearing the same suit, don't you have another?' She replied: 'I am a civil servant, not a model.'

    In another press conference, they asked her: "Do You have a housewife cleaning your house, preparing food, etc." Her response was: "No, I have no servants or need them. My husband and I do this work every day at home."

    Then another journalist asked: "Who is doing the laundry, you or your husband?" Her response was: "I'm fixing the clothes and my husband is the one who runs the washing machine."

    She did not appoint any of her relatives to a state position. She did not claim to be a creator of glory. She will leave her post after leaving Germany at the top.

    Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Europe's largest economy, will always remain a great example of leadership, driven by values, selfless principles, facts and empathy.

  5. The story is that Chairman Moo is quite superstitious. There is a belief that the previous occupants, good or bad , impart energy to the building.
    Mahathir never stayed at the PM's official residence. So the previous occupant was Najib.

    Moo was determined to cleanse Najib's 10 years of negative influence from the PM's residence.

    Hence the huge renovation costs..


  6. Many questions on the renovations and the attendant costs arise.

    We must also ask how the tender was conducted. It would be interesting to see the breakdown of the works and costs mapped out.

    Some renovation funds diverted into somebody's pocket??? Almost a certainty.
