
Friday, September 24, 2021

Help us bring Indira Gandhi's daughter home, we ask cops

Help us bring Nur Sajat home, cops ask entrepreneur’s family

Nur Sajat, now using the name Bella, is in Bangkok upon being released on bail after detainment by Thai police. – SYEDA IMRAN/The Vibes pic, September 24, 2021

KUALA LUMPUR – The police are counting on help from Nur Sajat’s family to help convince the cosmetic entrepreneur to willingly return to Malaysia.

Bukit Aman Criminal Investigations Department (CID) director Datuk Seri Abd Jalil Hassan said he hopes Nur Sajat can return to Malaysia to face court proceedings.

“At the same time, we are in the process of applying for Nur Sajat’s extradition,” he was quoted as saying by Sinar Harian during a press conference at the Gombak district police headquarters.

He said Nur Sajat is now using the name Bella and has obtained a UNHCR card while waiting for a relocation offer from another country.

On Monday, the police hunt for Nur Sajat ended after receiving a report that Thai immigration had detained the 36-year-old on September 8.

Nur Sajat was detained in a luxury condominium unit in Bangkok after Thai authorities received information from their Malaysian counterparts, reported Harian Metro.

The Malay daily quoted a source as saying that Thai immigration had pinpointed Nur Sajat’s location on June 4.

The source also said a raid was carried out around 6pm on September 8 resulting in Nur Sajat’s arrest, who was brought to Thai immigration headquarters.

“Nur Sajat was charged in Thai courts on September 9 but was released on a US$2,000 (RM8,381) bail posted by an acquaintance the following day.”

For now, the source said Nur Sajat is in Bangkok and has been told to check in with the Thai immigration every 14 days.

The shariah high court in Kuala Lumpur issued an arrest warrant on February 23 against Nur Sajat for failing to attend proceedings.

The accused has been charged with dressing up as a woman at a religious event and bringing Islam into contempt three years ago.

In proceedings on January 6, Nur Sajat was charged with committing the offence at a beauty centre owned by the entrepreneur in Section 16, Shah Alam, at 7.30pm on February 23, 2018.

Nur Sajat was charged under Section 10(a) of the Shariah Crimes (Selangor) Enactment 1995, which provides for a maximum fine of RM5,000, imprisonment not exceeding three years, or both, upon conviction. – The Vibes, September 24, 2021

1 comment:

  1. If only this Kerajaan Allah would show the same vigour in locating the daughter of Indira Ghandhi!!

    But playing God and claiming to do God's word to show their so-called piety is all they care about.

    How then do these hypocrites hope to impress the nons about their religion.

    And it would be interesting to find out what the reverts like Firdaus Wong think about the Nur Sajat and Indira Ghandi cases.
