
Monday, September 13, 2021

Doraemon jangan tembaklah

Stop evading and just table the Anti-Sexual Harassment Bill, PKR tells Rina

A PKR Senator lashed out at the Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Rina Harun for failing to table Anti-Sexual Harassment Bill, despite repeated promises in the past.

“I urge Rina to fix a timeline for it. Stop being evasive on the matter as it gives the impression that the minister is not serious about this important Bill,” Fadhlina Sidek said in a statement.

Fadhlina Sidek

Yesterday, Bernama reported Rina saying that the Anti-Sexual Harassment Bill is being drafted collectively through a special project team and is expected to be tabled in Parliament this year.

She added that the special team comprises representatives from relevant ministries and agencies, non-governmental organisations (NGO) as well as academicians knowledgeable on the issue.

“We had several engagement sessions, including with the Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF), Prolintas, Tribunal for Consumer Claims Malaysia, and the Housing and Strata Management Tribunal in an effort to get input in drafting the bill,” she was reported saying.

According to Rina, the draft had been reviewed jointly by her ministry and the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) since January, to ensure the Bill would be able to address existing legal gaps and implementation issues that would arise.

Hurling brickbats at Rina, Fadhlina said that it was not the first time the latter made such promises to table the Bill but failed to do so until today.

The PKR leader added that Rina should have organised a bipartisan meeting and consultation on the Bill to ensure the proposed legislation was drafted comprehensively.

“Plus, we also need to raise awareness of the public on the Bill, using advocacy programmes and legal literacy courses to ensure the people understand the proposed law,” Fadhlina remarked. – Sept 13, 2021

1 comment:

  1. How stupid can this Fadlina be? Of course this Rina is not serious about tabling the bill.

    If she (Rina) was really serious, it would gave been done a long time ago
