
Saturday, September 25, 2021

Can you ever trust KHAT when he refuses to resign as he had pledge to if Mahathir didn't hand over the PM post to Anwar?

MoU with govt not a betrayal, Kit Siang reminds DAP leaders

Lim Kit Siang says the memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Pakatan Harapan and the government has also led to reforms such as the anti-hopping law and equal allocation for oppostion MPs.

PETALING JAYA: People should stop criticising Pakatan Harapan (PH) for its memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the government over fears that it could boost Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s chances in the next general election (GE15), Lim Kit Siang said.

“There are those who believe that if the prime minister reverses the tide of defeat and wins the war against the Covid-19 pandemic, he will be unbeatable in GE15.

“Such thinking is wrong,” the DAP veteran told Sabah and Sarawak DAP leaders in a Zoom meeting last night.

He reminded them of the existential threat from Covid-19 with more than two million cases reported and almost 25,000 lives lost.

“All Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, region or politics, must have one single and common duty – to win the war against the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Also the notion that Ismail will be unbeatable in GE15 if we help him to win the war against the Covid-19 pandemic may not be correct at all.

“Winston Churchill was the war hero of Great Britain when he defeated Nazi Germany in May 1945, but in the July 1945 general election in United Kingdom, his Conservative Party was crushed by the Labour Party which won a landslide victory with 393 seats against the Conservative’s 197 seats,” Lim said.

The Iskandar Puteri MP admitted that the MoU signed between the prime minister and PH leaders on Sept 10 has given rise to very divided public opinion.

“There are those who oppose the MOU on the grounds that we should not betray our principles and objectives or even out of fear that it would signify the demise of the opposition.

“However, those who have read the MOU would know that this is simply not true,” he said.

“This is why one of the terms of the MOU is its full disclosure, fully in accordance with the principles of transparency and accountability.”

Lim also cited reforms, such as the anti-hopping law and equal allocation for opposition MPs, as justifying the agreement reached with the government.

“Fifty years ago, I first raised in Parliament the need for an anti-hopping law. Now, there is a possibility that it would be on the statute books.

“Also, for over 50 years, DAP had advocated equal allocation for all MPs, regardless of them being from the government or opposition. Now, this is going to be a reality,” he said.

Lim concluded that ultimately, winning GE15 will depend on who has a vision for a better future for all Malaysians.

1 comment:

  1. choke on it kt, we still want him there just to annoy you, I'd rather trust him than your wet dream jibby, you are just pissed off cause what he said is true

    the tokong
