
Sunday, August 22, 2021

Wake up, Tony Pua!

From FB 'Malaysia Reborn' group:

By e.s. shankar. Please share if you like. Thank you.
“Perhaps its time to start a new painting. Already got a title in mind.
‘The Unbearable Lightness of Being Stupid'. Any bidders? 18/08/21
Getting kicked out of Govt in Feb2020 was bad. But playing a major starring role in returning power to UMNO? Devastating. 20/08/21.” Tony Pua.
Like many, I have been a supporter of PKR and DAP for a very, very long time and their Pakatan Harapan coalition that heroically won the 9 May 2018 general election and formed the government for 22 months between 10 May 2018-24 February 2021. But the above comments by DAP MP Tony Pua suggests that he does not know who is the Devil or PH’s implacable enemy. So too, many “analysts” and self-appointed “experts on politics.”
On 3 August 2021, 11 UMNO members labelled The Klepto/Court Cluster Group who were mainly convicted criminals or facing numerous court cases for corruption, MLA etc., withdrew their support for then PM Mahiaddin and his Perikatan Nasional coalition government. This meant that Mahiaddin had lost his thin majority in Parliament and by the Constitution, had to immediately tender his resignation to the King. He refused and defied the Constitution and King.
On 13 August 2021, in a televised address, Ex-PM Mahiaddin offered a number of “reforms” and possibly a unity government in preparation for a Vote of No Confidence (VONC) against him in Parliament, scheduled for 6 September. The offer was primarily aimed at DAP which had 42 seats in Parliament. Mahiaddin had hoped that either by DAP abstaining or voting in his favor, he could stave off resignation and the collapse of his PN government in just 17 months. As it happens, the leadership of DAP and PH did not fall for Muhyiddin’s amateur tricks and PN fell. The “reforms” offered were:
1. Institutional reforms such as maximum 2-term tenure for future prime ministers with Opposition MP’s to be included in Parliamentary Select Committees.
2. Anti-hopping law for MP’s.
3. Implementation of the voting rights bill which reduced the voting age to18.
4. Bribes – up to about RM3.5 million pro rata per year budget allocation for Opposition MP’s. Opposition Leader in Parliament to be given the status of a Senior Minister (not a Cabinet post)
Was this a genuine offer? Was Mahiaddin a sincere man whose word was his bond? Believable and trustable? This is what Mahiaddin had done while being Home Minister in PH and PM under PN:
1. Blocked all reforms, especially the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC).
2. Backstabbed PH and plotted the fall of the PH government with Mahathir, Azmin Ali and Hamzah Zainuddin in the infamous ‘Sheraton Hotel Move;.
3. Sacked Chairman Mahathir who was the founder of Bersatu (PPBM).
4. Formed PN with crooks like Najib.
5. Formed an Islamic Muafakat government which was not inclusive of non-Muslims. In one stroke, he removed all representation in government for 15 million of the Rakyat and rendered us into 2nd class citizenship with a bloated Cabinet comprising 73 Ministers and Deputy Ministers. He packed the civil service, public institutions, statutory bodies and universities with Muslims.
6. Blocked the re-opening of Parliament and a VONC against him.
7. Declared Emergency on 12 January 2021 on the pretext that it was necessary to contain the Covid19 pandemic. Up to 1 August, the number of Covid19 infections had risen by more than 700% and deaths, 1,500%!!!
All Tony Pua had to do was ask himself a couple of simple questions:
1. With no majority support and especially no 2/3 majority in Parliament, by which century did Tony (or his DAP colleague Ong Kian Ming) think Mahiaddin would have been able to deliver his “reforms”? 2121?
2. Having blocked a VONC and any reforms while in PH or as PM under PN for 17 months, why would Mahiaddin suddenly offer a reform agenda with bribes? For DAP or PH’s benefit?
It’s incredible that Tony Pua can be so naive, green. How could he be taken in by the snake oil salesmanship of con men and Ketuanist opportunists like Mahiaddin, who for years under UMNO, had been demonizing and plain lying that DAP was anti-Malay, anti-Bahasa Melayu, anti-Islam, anti-Royalty, pro-Communist China and a secret member of PAP, Singapore?
Wake up Tony Pua. Please recognize that both the Devil and Your Enemy for Life, are the Ketuanists from UMNO. They are the wolves in sheep’s clothing who will tear you and DAP apart in a heartbeat, drink your blood for breakfast and burn your carcass.
Here are some inspiring words from the Al Pacino character in the academy award winning 1992 movie ‘The Scent of a Woman’:
“Cradle of leadership. Well, when the bough breaks, the cradle will fall. And it has fallen here. It has fallen. Makers of men, creators of leaders, be careful what kind of leaders you’re producing here...But, I can tell you this. He won’t sell anybody out to buy his future. And that my friends, is called INTEGRITY! That’s called COURAGE! That’s the stuff leaders should be made of.
Will Tony Pua now leave DAP because he is openly in conflict with the leaders of DAP? I hope not. Malaysian politics is full of overblown egos and prima donnas. The learning curve is steep.
Please do not ask DAP or PH to sell its soul or sell anybody out.
Wake up, Tony!


  1. 2/3rds majority would have been possible if TP and OKM had managed to convince enough opposition MPs. But alas people like Ronnie on his high horse did not. No issue. Parti 42 have to block vote, and still solid and ES Shankar is free to vote PN/BN.

  2. So many suckers par excellent!

    Has the writer ever considered who's the biggest handicap in the development of m'sia?

    Umno - the lair of all the ketuanan dickheads, be they be called whatsoever labels within/without umno now.

    TP is right for not working with umno in any format as such action would inadvertently prolong the sustainability of this racist hegemony.

    Though other offshoots of this grand-bigotry outfit exist but they r all have nothing in matching up to its setup & spread!

    Isolating umno IS the right move to nail it shut within that coffin!

    Yet, many still can't see & want to act with bolihland's interests at their arguments!

    Simple & short-term solution satisfy gullible mind, indeed.

    1. Mahathir was the father, leader and biggest representative of UMNO - and TP worked with him

    2. Yet, mamak is out of umno & has vowed to finish it off!

      Read my take AGAIN!
