
Tuesday, August 03, 2021

UN and OIC, please HELP clean up the American utter mess in Afghanistan - those Yanks have already scurried off like rats in the night

UN and OIC must help carve Afghanistan’s future, academic says

WITH the Afghan Government on the brink following the complete withdrawal of US troops later this month, an academic urged the United Nations (UN) and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to intervene before a civil war erupts in the nation.

“The current Afghan administration, led by President Ashraf Ghani, is having trouble persuading his troops to fight the Taliban aggressively, despite the latter claiming control of more than 85% of the country’s territory.

“People who cooperated with the US and its allies, including their family members, are at risk of being killed by the Taliban as the troops leave Afghanistan later this month.

“The US is obligated to stabilise Afghanistan at all costs, because they cannot afford to repeat the mistakes made in Iraq.

“The Islamic State was formed as a result of the US handing over power to the Iraqi people before stabilising the country, resulting in the world having to deal with a strong radical movement until today,” HELP University Faculty of Business, Economics and Accounting and Institute Crime and Criminology senior lecturer R Paneir Selvam told FocusM.

Soon after taking office, US President Joe Biden announced that US will pull out its troops from Afghanistan, after being there for 20 years.

While his decision received praise from Americans, Afghani people started worrying about the return of Taliban, a radical Islamist movement which took over the country in the 1990s, before being toppled by the US forces in 2001.

Their fears came true after Taliban managed to take over swathes of territories from the country, with the Afghan forces being defeated without help from American troops.

Many Afghanis who worked for the US forces were found killed by Taliban fighters, together with their families.

Since then, Biden has announced a programme worth US$100 mil to deport the families of Afghani workers who helped US troops.

Paneir Selvam said the situation in Herat City itself has deteriorated in recent days, with Taliban forces gaining the upper hand.

“Inside Herat City, the Taliban have taken control of a crucial district, as well as the route that connects the provincial capital to the airport,” he added.

The China-Afghanistan connection

Paneir Selvam said that US’ action has caused a major upheaval in Afghanistan as apart from Taliban, other anti-Taliban movements including the Islamic State is also gaining strength in the nation.

“Afghanistan may face a civil war. Just recently, while Ghani and his top officials held outdoor prayers to mark the commencement of Eid al-Adha, at least three rockets hit near the Government palace.

“The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack,” he mentioned.

On that note, Paneir Selvam said that one must wonder on how the Taliban, despite not being in power for two decades, was able to obtain enough resources to challenge the Afghan Government.

“Who is providing them with funds and weapons? Where are they getting sensitive logistics and intelligence reports from?

“In the event Taliban does overthrow the current Government, will they be recognised by other world powers?

“Most importantly, what role is OIC going to play to ensure the rights of Afghani people will be protected at all times?” he asked.

Paneir Selvam added that one should not discount the role China will be playing in carving Afghanistan’s future, given the country is an integral part of the multi-billion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative.

He said that senior Taliban leaders have meet high-ranking Chinese officials recently, including Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Tianjin to discuss geopolitical issues.

“The Taliban delegates, headed by its co-founder Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, is also leading the group’s political commission.

“Wang Yi recognised the Taliban as a major military and political power in Afghanistan at that discussion. He also highlighted that the Taliban would play a key part in the country’s ‘peace, reconciliation, and reconstruction’ efforts.

“And the Chinese official stressed that it respects Afghanistan’s sovereignty and insisted on non-interference in country’s domestic issues,” Paneir Selvam noted. – Aug 1, 2021.


  1. Let China get its turn to worry about Islamic Zombies at its backdoor.

  2. The UN and OIC originated the problem, with Osama bin Laden's AlQaeda being able to use Afghanistan as a base for their terrorist activities, with impunity.

    The Yanks Big mistake was not getting out of Afghanistan in 2003, after the Taliban had been removed from power.
    Fuck nation building, Afghans are responsible for Afghanistan's future.

    1. "The UN and OIC originated the problem, with Osama bin Laden's AlQaeda" of using Afghanistan as base?

      Old moneyed mfer where did u dig out this piece of shit?

      Or u r covering up for yr uncle Sam's insidious act of helping AlQaeda building bases there when the Russko was busy fighting in Afghanistan with the Taliban!

      U should shout right from the beginning for "Afghans are responsible for Afghanistan's future".

      Yet just at the turn of yr f*cking head, u r proposing the China to worry about Islamic Zombies at its backdoor!

      Don't worry, the Chinese r super hardwired in dealing with the Taliban. & the Taliban know best not to stir the dragon lair!

  3. "Yankee Go Home" is a very popular slogan among many people around the world, especially left-wing youths.

    Except....when the Yankees really do go home.

    Almost all South East Asian countries, except perhaps Burma and Cambodia, will be peeing in their pants if they Yanks really did decided South East Asia and the South China Sea are of no value to Yankee vital interests, and go home.

    South East Asia would be left with no counterweight to the China Bully.

    Almost all South East Asian defence forces would survive maybe about 5 minutes facing the PLA, so they would be left with no choice but accepting just about anything China says.

    1. Old moneyed mfer,what have u been intoxicated?

      Those foul gaseous from that fart filled well!

      After shouting about Yankee's withdrawal for "Afghans are responsible for Afghanistan's future", u want to uncle Sam to interfere in ASEAN!

      Make up yr f*cking mind!

      Either way, yr Yankee Doodle would still play "make America great again" w/o blinking his eyes when the situation demands!

      Leaving all in the same initial conditions with hundreds of thousands of deads as bonus!

      Liken to SVietnam, khemer Rough & Afghanistan!

    2. The Allied forces occupied Afghanistan and gave the locals 20 years to sort out local politics. But like leaders in Malay-sia they are totally incompetent. But now it is time to Balik-Kampung and Wish Best of Luck to Afghans.

    3. Yanks scurrying away in the dark from fear of Talibans. Even switched off all lights at Bagram without informing locals who took over - real Parians lah the yanks

  4. Afghanistan is Yesterday's War. Now Focus is on Southern Seas. Allied forces must gang up before Bullyland RAMPAS everything from poor neighbours.

    Oz, Britannia, Yindia, Japan and now Germany sending warships to defend Asia.

    Germany Sends Warship to South China Sea in Latest Challenge to Beijing Territorial Claims
    BY JON JACKSON ON 8/2/21

    Germany sent a warship to the South China Sea on Monday for the first time since 2002 as tensions continue over China's claim of the territory.

    The frigate warship known as the Bayern (Bavaria), departed the German naval base of Wilhelmshaven on Monday during a ceremony attended by the country's defense secretary, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer.

    "Together with its allies, Germany wants to show more presence in the Indo-Pacific [region]," Germany's navy said in a statement.

    India to deploy naval task force into South China Sea and beyond
    By Brad Lendon, CNN
    August 3, 2021

    The warships will depart India early this month, the Defense Ministry statement said, without giving a specific departure date.

    The task force, which includes a guided-missile destroyer, guided missile frigate, anti-submarine corvette and guided-missile corvette, will participate in a series of exercises during the two-month deployment, including the Malabar 2021 naval exercises with US, Japanese and Australian forces.

    In other bilateral exercises during the deployment, the Indian warships will work with naval units from South China Sea littoral states, including Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines, the Defense Ministry said.

    "These maritime initiatives enhance synergy and coordination between the Indian Navy and friendly countries, based on common maritime interests and commitment towards Freedom of Navigation at sea," the Indian statement said.

    Japan sends destroyer after China’s Liaoning aircraft carrier group spotted passing Okinawa

    Japan sent destroyer JS Suzutsuki and patrol aircraft to monitor and gather information on Chinese navy group
    5 Apr, 2021

    China’s carrier group – including the aircraft carrier Liaoning, one Renhai class stealth guided missile destroyer, two Luyang III class guided missile destroyers, one Jiangkai II multi-role frigate and one Fuyu class fast combat support ship – were spotted passing the waterway between Okinawa and Miyako Island and heading towards the Pacific on Saturday morning.

    Japan has sent destroyer JS Suzutsuki, a P-1 maritime patrol aircraft and a P-3C anti-submarine warfare patrol aircraft to “gather information and monitor the movements of the Chinese vessels”, the joint staff said in a statement published on Sunday.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      There will be a SCS maritime fireworks parade as expected if it comes to that circumstances.

      All these 'contrived' armada, made up of naval ships of day gone by, r just poorly orchestrated Yankee showing of his military persuasiveness with his alliances.

      How many of u can still remember not so long ago when a Yankee nuclear submarine was MIA-ed in the SCS under mysterious conditions?

      Uncle Sam had no choice after lost of critical golden hour rescue timeframe, to ask for China naval helps for find&salvage operation.

      After the request & quick response by the Chinese, everything went dark - no more news disclosure & many internet postings were conspicuously delected!

      Even that half-crooked qeII carrier from that sunset country has to make awkward route to cater for her journey to the SCS. She is a poor match for her country's mighty naval past - carrying Yankee fighter jets & armories, to showcasing her spurious firepower!

      None of the other country's fleet r worth mentioning bcoz all of them KNOW very well about their individual naval prowess, especially in remote seafronts where they have had zilch supply & support capability.

      The Yank is of limited help to support them. Otherwise, the Yank wouldn't 'entice' them to take part!

      Blurred mfer, do keep to yr senseless c&p pastime. U need it to prove yr know-nothingness.
