
Sunday, August 22, 2021

In Johor, 779 teachers who refuse to be vaccinated - Porcine DNA?


In Johor, state govt to counsel 779 teachers who refuse to be vaccinated

The Johor government today revealed that a total of 779 teachers in the state are reported to have refused getting the Covid-19 vaccine shots. — Picture by Sayuti Zainudin

ISKANDAR PUTERI, Aug 22 ― The Johor government today revealed that a total of 779 teachers in the state are reported to have declined and rejected the Covid-19 vaccine shots.

Johor Education, Information, Heritage and Culture chairman Mazlan Bujang said the state government will call up the teachers who rejected the vaccine individually where they will be given information and counselling on the importance of being inoculated.

“We want the affected teachers to understand the vaccine’s importance, especially as the school session is expected to start in October.

“The Johor Education Department will assist by providing information to the teachers on the benefits of the vaccine so that they will be ready to receive their shots,” said Mazlan.

He was earlier replying to a supplementary question from Nor Hayati Bachok (Amanah-Maharani) on the vaccination rate of teachers in the state at the Johor state assembly in Kota Iskandar here today.

Mazlan said as of August 19, a total of 45,448 or 96.26 per cent of teachers in Johor have received their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

He said a total of 23,746 teachers statewide have completed both doses of the vaccine.

“For members of the implementation group, a total of 6,539 or 91.43 per cent have received their first dose and a total of 2,816 or 39.37 per cent have completed both doses.

“As for the operational support staff, a total of 9,236 or 71.49 per cent have received their first dose and another 7,030 or 54.42 per cent have completed both doses,” said Mazlan, who is also the Puteri Wangsa assemblyman.

Meanwhile, Mazlan said the Johor Education Department fully supports the cooperation between the state government and the State Health Department in ensuring that the vaccination programme reaches a 100 per cent target.

He said the cooperation involved school children as well as parents and guardians during the opening of the school session later.

“Referring to the Education Ministry’s media statement on August 15, the next school session will resume in stages starting October 3.


  1. 96.26% is very high already. The 779 who refused is a small number; they could have valid reasons for not wanting a vaccine, eg pregnancy, some health issue, recently recovered from covid etc. No need for Royalty to haul them up and embarrass.

  2. Not surprised at all, in fact I thought the numbers of the Vaccine hesitant and downright Anti-Vaxxers should be higher.

    There is a huge underground campaign conducted through social media to discourage people from being vaccinated. I get dozens and dozens of messages, without fail, forwarded by people each person knows, which makes the messages effective.

    The motives are varied, making the propaganda particularly difficult to fight.

    Some are motivated by religious objections, Islamic or Christian, against conventional "Western" or "Establishment" medicine
    Some have a fatalistic view , often religious based , that getting or surviving Covid-19 or not is purely in the hands of God, and no need for artificial Vaccines.
    Some propagandists profit from promoting "alternative" or "natural" cures for all kinds of illnesses, and have been fighting vaccines for ages. The Covid-19 vaccines are just the latest target.
    Some are politically downplaying Covid-19, its just like flu, you will survive.
    Others purposely exaggerate vaccine side effects or concoct non-existent risks.

    I remember receiving messages with dozens of photographs of people who came down with Bell's palsy (faces, lips twisted or paralysed to one side) , supposedly after being vaccinated with Pfizer vaccines.
    It scared the hell out of many people, making many people very reluctant to receive the Pfizer vaccine.
    What the messages didnt' mention was , e.g. Germany reported about 30 cases of Bell's palsy out of 30,000,000 vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine). In any cases it is treatable and people usually fully recover.

    Last , and not least of all, politically motivated messages intended to sow mistrust in Western vaccines e.g. Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, J&J.
    These are pretty obvious in intention and origin, because the Never say anything negative about China or Russian vaccines.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      "These are pretty obvious in intention and origin, because the Never say anything negative about China or Russian vaccines"

      Haven't u forgotten yr f*cking lies about the "top secrecy" on the efficacy of sinovac by China?

      Ooop… don't forget yr silence on the now acknowledged strongly reduced efficacies of Pfizer/Moderna vis-a-vis Delta valiant!

      So what's yr intention & origin?

      Maybe just foul gaseous leaking from that fart filled well to induce high on mfers like u.
