
Monday, August 02, 2021

Blocked by FRU, opposition MPs' march to Parliament dispersed - another TREMENDOUS victory for Mahia

LIVE - Blocked by FRU, opposition MPs' march to Parliament dispersed

Malaysia's political crisis has taken another turn today as opposition MPs attempted to enter the Dewan Rakyat grounds but were turned away as roads were blocked.

They gathered at nearby Dataran Merdeka and are planning to march on Parliament shortly.

Meanwhile, all opposition MPs from DAP, PKR, Amanah, Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (Muda), Parti Pejuang Tanah Air (Pejuang), Warisan, Parti Sarawak Bersatu and Upko came together to call for the resignation of Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and his cabinet.

Parliament was originally supposed to be in session today but has been called off, due to Covid-19 cases in the vicinity.


  1. This is worse than Bullyland where security guards dragged elected lawmakers out of Hongkieland legislature, here Kerajaan Zalim dan Ganas use FRU to lockout elected legislators.

    Guards Drag Pro-Democracy Lawmakers From Hong Kong Legislature

    Pan-democratic lawmaker Andrew Wan is taken away by paramedics following a scuffle with security guards and pro-Beijing politicians in Hong Kong's Legislative Council, May 8, 2020.

    Pro-democracy lawmakers were dragged out of Hong Kong's Legislative Council (LegCo) on Friday at the behest of a pro-Beijing lawmaker whose legal powers to have them removed were immediately questioned.

    The standoff began after Starry Lee, a lawmaker for the pro-Beijing Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB), physically occupied the chairperson's seat at a committee meeting setting the legislative timetable.

    Shouting "Starry Lee, step down!" pro-democracy lawmakers charged the dais where Lee was sitting, prompting security guards to form a protective cordon around her.

    Lee claimed that her status as a former chairperson of LegCo's house committee gave her the right to conduct its business.

    Several pro-democracy lawmakers were carried out of the chamber by security guards and paramedics on Lee's say-so, while the remainder of the pro-democracy camp displayed banners and chanted slogans.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      "security guards dragged elected lawmakers out of legislature"

      What say u, blurred mfer, when such act was done in Formosa? SKorea? Poland? Ukraine?

  2. Interesting to read that all Pejuang MPs were present.

    Does it mean Anwar will work with the old buffoon? And get screwed again?

  3. Malaysia appears to have descended the standard of Venezuela, where after losing the majority in the Assembly, President Maduro ordered police to block MPs from entering the Congress building.

    Malaysia, Banana Republic standard

    1. or, as the Trump-ites bashed their maverick ways into Congress, wakakaka
