
Thursday, July 29, 2021

Mahia yang Derhaka

Don: Muhyiddin has breached his oath of office, committed 'derhaka'

Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has breached his oath of office to be loyal to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and defend the Federal Constitution, said prominent political analyst Awang Azman Awang Pawi.

Awang Azman, an associate professor at Universiti Malaya (UM), said the prime minister and the entire cabinet should consider resigning to accept collective responsibility.

“When his majesty had expressed he was ‘amat dukacita’ (very disappointed) and said the government had cancelled all emergency ordinances without royal assent, this goes against the Federal Constitution and will be seen as disrespecting the constitutional monarchy.

“In addition to this, what was agreed during the audience with Takiyuddin and Idrus - that is to table and debate the annulment of the emergency ordinances were not performed.

“This is a form of ‘derhaka’ (treachery),” said Awang Azman, who teaches Malay studies at UM’s Department of Socioculture.

He told Malaysiakini this when asked to comment on Istana Negara’s strong rebuke against de facto law minister Takiyuddin Hassan and Attorney-General Idrus Harun over the purported revocation of the emergency ordinances.

According to Istana Negara, the Agong did not consent to the revocation of the emergency ordinances and accused Takiyuddin of misleading the Dewan Rakyat.

Awang Azman believed that Muhyiddin had chosen this path to avoid a vote in Parliament.

“He is worried if it is debated in Parliament, when a vote is called the concern is that he will not receive majority support.

“This will cause the government to fall,” said Awang Azman.

What comes next?

This episode, Awang Azman said, would leave a black mark in Malaysia’s history and an apology from the executive was in order.

Both Awang Azman and political analyst Muhamad Nadzri Mohamed Noor said the first order of business was to refer to the Dewan Rakyat's Rights and Privileges Committee for disciplinary action.

This committee is chaired by the Dewan Rakyat speaker Azhar Azizan Harun. The six members consist of four backbenchers and two opposition MPs.

The Standing Orders allow the committee to suspend the membership of an MP.

Additionally, Nadzri said a confidence vote against Muhyiddin can be called.

“This has been delayed for a long time... It must be resolved swiftly.

“(Muhyiddin) must either prove his majority, prove his legitimacy or form a new government,” he said.

Among others, Muhyiddin can forge a confidence-and-supply agreement with the opposition.

Awang Azman added that PAS also needs to deal with the Takiyuddin situation or face the wrath of voters.

“As for PAS, they need to take action against Takiyuddin before PAS is punished by the voters,” said Azman Awang.

1 comment:

  1. KT’s Tag- team Buddy RPK is twisting the whole thing and trying to pin the blame on Toonsie for what he did to the Agong in the 90s….ha ha ha so lucu….why not blame DAP and LKS as well.

    The need for the Agong’s consent was removed in May 1994 by PM4, Dr Mahathir
