
Saturday, July 24, 2021

Hypocrisy of US & Canada sending wastes to Malaysia while preaching green sustainability

Penang sends back 24 containers of paper waste to US, Canada

An investigation by the state Department of Environment found 19 of the containers were from Canada and five were from the US.

BUTTERWORTH: The Penang Department of Environment (DOE) has ordered 24 containers containing paper waste to be sent back to the US and Canada following an inspection at the North Butterworth Container Terminal (NBCT) here yesterday.

Penang DOE director Sharifah Zakiah Syed Sahab said today an inspection on the containers found that they contained paper waste, but there were no approval letters from the DOE’s director-general.

“Our investigation found 19 units of the containers from Canada and five from the US had paper waste.

“The importers did not have a licence from the local authorities or a manufacturer’s licence from the international trade and industry ministry (Miti).

“The importer’s failure to obtain approvals can lead to negative consequences, such as the possibility of illegal disposal and processing of waste, open burning as well as various other problems,” she said in a statement.

She said the recycling process at illegal premises could also cause serious pollution issues as it required large quantities of water, up to 45 cubic metres per tonne of paper.

Sharifah Zakiah also said the recycling operation could produce effluents that could pollute drains and rivers if not treated first.

“According to legislation, industrial effluents must be treated first to comply with the standard limits in accordance with the Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulations 2009 before being discharged.”

She said there was currently a significant increase in the entry of solid waste, including paper waste, into the country since China announced a total ban on all types of solid waste from entering its country from Jan 1.

She said this had resulted in industry players, who usually exported the waste to China, to relocate their operations to Southeast Asian countries, including Malaysia.

According to her, waste materials illegally imported through the NBCT could also be further re-routed to other countries for processing or disposal.

“As such, there is a need for all parties to work together to prevent Malaysia from becoming the world’s dumping ground,” she said.


  1. What about China exporting its Scam fraudsters to Malaysia ?

    AH...but you will defend... those are criminals , individuals and organised gangs , nothing to do with China government.

    Same here...those exporters were private organisations in USA and Canada, exporting to willing importers in Malaysia, no doubt without proper permits.

    USA and Canada governments were not involved.

    Isn't it the case in any country that the onus is on the Importer to ensure all the approval paperwork is on the ball ?

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      No question about a diehard anmokausai mfer to dress up the cesspool concentrates splashed all over its master/idol!

      A simple question - would the port authority at the exporting nation CHECK the content of the container - just so it complied with the declaration on the export paper?

      Ooop… no need to check lah. The country is very ethical about environmental controls.

      As long as the wastes DON'T stay within the country!

      Truly shameless to the nth.

    2. Ignorant cocksucker just wants to hentam hentam.

      Paper waste is not classified as hazardous waste under international conventions. In fact, properly carried out, paper is one of the most recyclable materials.

      US and Canadian Government authorities had no mandate to interfere in the willing exporter/ willing importer trade. They do NOT run a Socialism with Chinese Characteristics system.

      The primary legal onus is still on the importer to ensure compliance with Malaysian law.

      My company imports millions of ringgit of materials from around the world, every year. That I very clear.

      The exporter, thousands of miles away, that is not his job, except in cases such as hazardous materials, certain export controlled items, e.g. anybody exporting advanced microprocessors to Huawei wakakaka..

    3. Oooop… must not let this fart passes!

      "Fukushima's proposed release of reverse osmosis filtered Very low-grade Radioactive waste water"


      Reverse osmosis filtered Very low-grade Radioactive waste water!

      Only a know-nothing dickhead dares to write a equally know-nothing fart to sound its f*cked argument.

      Mfer, go check whether reverse osmosis CAN filter radioactive tritium waste water before u croak lah.

      Know what's tritium & how reverse osmosis works?

      I know… I know… fart filled well has an advanced reverse osmosis technology that can distinctly separate the isotopes of hydrogen!


      What else can u fabricate to ampu yr idolized FART?

    4. As I said, Communist Cocksucker only wants to hentam hentam.

      The most dangerous , long-lived Radioactive components are heavy metal salt ions.
      Radioactive strontium, caesium, cadmium, plutonium.

      The reverse osmosis process Japan intends to treat Fukushima waste water will remove 100% of the heavy metal contamination.

      The only radioactive component that is not possible to remove is tritium, radioactive Hydrogen, which is bound in the water.
      Tritium has a half-life of 12.3 years, a tiny fraction of the tens of thousands of years half-life of the radioactive heavy metals, and in any case Fukushima waste has only low-levels of tritium waste.

      The science is clear cut, minus the Drama Queen politics coming from China.

    5. Yr company imports millions of ringgit of materials from around the world, every year. Yet, u f*ckingly DON'T know about export/import compliance requirements of the countries involved!

      Mmmm… contrabands to avoid taxes via undertabling!

      The FOB/CIF cargo handler should be an experienced courier who knows the submissions of the RELEVANT export/import documentations to the control authorities at both ends. Besides the shipping company would also want a clear declaration of the cargo contents.

      These containers declared under HTS Code 4707.10. 0000 contained Waste And Scrap Of Unbleached Kraft Paper Or Paperboard Or Of Corrugated Paper Or Paperboard.

      US/Canada export authorities might have no objection bcoz it is not illegal to export them.

      But the M'sia import authority would object as in this case due to no approval letters from the DOE’s director-general or manufacturer’s licence from the international trade and industry ministry (Miti).

      What's was the cargo handler did? Don't know the requirement in m'sia? Don't care? Or thinking can kautim? In this case do u think the US/Canada exporters would bear the rerouting costs or the mishandling of the courier?

      BTW, due to the current shortage of containers all-over the world, a 20ft container could be rented in the region of $300+ per month. 40ft would be at least $600. How much carton paper should the 19 packed in order to recover just the cost of transportation?

      Wakakakakaka… there r more to this story. M'sians r just been told about the carton part!

      Old moneyed mfer, there r NO Government authorities who would have no mandate to interfere in the willing exporter/ willing importer trade. Proper legal declarations r a given legal necessity in impex trades!

      It has nothing to do with yr f*cked political ideology. It has everything to do with proper impex controls of a sovereign nation.

      Another know-nothing fart to syiok yr ego, no?

    6. Of the 'paper waste' import, many of u don't know that almost all these wastes r been fully paid - site to container to ship - by the exporting nations to 3rd world importers.

      ie the importers r only responsible for distributing those wastes to the 'recyclers' in their respective countries.

      These middlemen make money from both sides - exporters for clearing the waste disposing headaches & selling the wastes to the foreign recyclers for processing. These recyclers ALWAYS dump off the toxic byproducts illegally irregardless of the environmental impacts.

      There r cases of faulty declaration of the container contents - many r just declared as harmless waste such as papers & cartons. In fact, hide within these harmless wastes r many industrial hazardous chemical materials that r too costly to be recycled/reprocessed in the country of origin!

      This is the biggest way to make more money as otherwise the profit margin from those paper wastes is too insignificant even to pay for the rental of the containers!

    7. Wakakakakaka…

      Care to show where r the radioactive strontium, caesium, cadmium, plutonium used in TMSR?

      The biggest radioactive waste headache in the current Fukushima contaminated water is tritium. The half-life of 12.3 years doesn't mean the tritium would disappear after 12.3 yrs.

      Know what is the nuclear sickness caused by tritium in take?

      Know-nothing mfer is playing drama queen, indeed, with its science dug out from that fart filled well! Maybe u should drink a glass of that water to support yr fart & Taro Aso!


      The primary legal onus is on the importer to ensure compliance with Malaysian law.

      Import declaration is submitted by forwarder under the name of the IMPORTER.
      The IMPORTER is legally accountable for clearing the goods through Kastam.

      The shipments mentioned in the post were almost certainly on FOB terms.

      Do you know what FOB terms mean ?
      Do you know know when does legal ownership of the goods transfers with FOB terms ?

      Communist Dedak Eater obviously has never cleared a single ounce of cargo through Malaysia or any other Country's Customs before.

    9. Yes, the primary legal onus is on the importer to ensure compliance with Malaysian law.

      But how many times r they been handled by the importer himself/herself?

      Most of the time, they r been subjugated to the courier company, for procedural & time considerations. The courier company is the expert in dealing with those countless paperworks, schedule & coordinations!

      Has yr company ACTUALLy handled all these paperworks? The only answer is yr relevant personnel just sign & chop those documents as advised by the courier company!

      So what's yr fart?

      I don't deal with goods, in & out, of m'sia territory but I have had many such experiences in multiple countries. The legal dealings shouldn't differ, as there r agreed international bipartisanship on impex exercised by trading countries.

      I'm not going to argue with u about fob/cif. Those who know, know!

      Obviously u r not in the loop! Yet still keen to fart around with know-nothingness!

      Wakakakakaka… consult yr guys who deal with the shipping agents before parading yr farys lah.

  2. Paper waste in shipping containers we can see but GREENHOUSE GASES that cause CLIMATE CHANGE is invisible.....and 5000 yo Bullyland is the world's biggest farter. They won't even peak farting till 2030. And farts don't need shipping containers to export.

    China’s greenhouse gas emissions exceed those of U.S. and developed countries combined, report says
    THU, MAY 6 2021
    Emma Newburger

    China is now responsible for more than 27% of total global emissions. The U.S., the world’s second-highest emitter, accounts for 11% of the global total.

    The findings come after a climate summit President Joe Biden hosted last month, during which Chinese President Xi Jinping reiterated a pledge to make sure the nation’s emissions peak by 2030.

    China’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2019 exceeded those of the U.S. and the developed world combined, according to a report published Thursday by research and consulting firm Rhodium Group.

    The country’s emissions more than tripled during the past three decades, the report added.

    China is now responsible for more than 27% of total global emissions. The U.S., which is the world’s second-highest emitter, accounts for 11% of the global total. India is responsible for 6.6% of global emissions, edging out the 27 nations in the EU, which account for 6.4%, the report said.

    The findings come after a climate summit President Joe Biden hosted last month, during which Chinese President Xi Jinping reiterated his pledge to make sure the nation’s emissions peak by 2030. He also repeated China’s commitment to reach net-zero emissions by midcentury and urged countries to work together to combat the climate crisis.

    “We must be committed to multilateralism,” Xi said during brief remarks at the summit. “China looks forward to working with the international community, including the United States, to jointly advance global environmental governance.”

    Xi said China would control coal-fired generation projects and limit increases in coal consumption over the next five years, with reductions taking place in the five years following that.

    However, Chinese officials have also emphasized that economic growth, which is still largely dependent on coal power, remains a priority. And the nation is still increasing construction of coal-fired power plants.

    For instance, the China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China together funded $474 million worth of coal projects outside China in 2020 alone. And coal accounted for more than half of China’s domestic energy generation last year, according to Li Gao, director general of the Department of Climate Change at China’s Ecology Ministry.

    1. Mfer, check the data then ADD per capita!

      Only then u fart!

      But would u?

      Or u DON'T even know the difference!

  3. Ooop… all u anmokausai acolytes, what say u about the 39% efficacy of Pfizer-BionTec vaccine against Delta valiant as reported by the Israeli health authority?

    Israeli fake news?

    As long as the Pfizer vaccine reduces critical illness & hospitalisation!

    Wakakakakaka… didn't that the common laughing stock of YOU mfers against China made vaccines?

    How shamelessness when been cornered with the same argument!

    Perhaps, there r some truth in many of the 'conspiracy' news in the DarkWeb that Pfizer has all the time playing numeric acrobat with the vaccine data.

    Just wait for more disclosures lah. Better dig deeper into that cesspool of yr fart filled well to come up with more 'laudable' excuses.

    1. Cunny Cunt Fake News.
      Not Israeli Fake News.

    2. Wakakakakaka…

      Is that yr self confession for yr know-nothingness!


      Israel says Pfizer vaccine efficacy in preventing infection drops to 39%.

      Health Ministry report shows vaccine's efficacy is also down when it comes to preventing serious illness, 91%, and hospitalizations, 88%; recently 5,770 fully vaccinated people were diagnosed with COVID, 495 were hospitalized, 123 died.

      Latest news : Efficacy now drops to 16% from 39%. However, this news needed further official confirmation.
