
Thursday, July 01, 2021

Atuk the Cyclop - Patron Deity of Thieves

OutSyed The Box:

Of Dr Mahathir's Thieves, Ethics And Morality

I really think it is best for Dr Mahathir to go back to Kedah and see if he can impart some useful people skills to the people there, particularly in Langkawi. As I have said previously service levels are poor and getting worse. It has gone from 'tidak apa' to 'saya peduli apa'. With this type of attitude, hawking by any roadside longkang, not needing licenses, not needing proper trash removals, not needing hygiene will remain a never ending career path for the 'Vision' society.

'Great service levels and great cleanliness leads to great wealth' especially in the 21st century.

I saw the caption below in FMT. I did not bother reading it. It is wasted ink and wasted time.

Dr Mahathir has always been surrounded by the corrupt, the thieves, homosexuals and don't know who else. He tolerated them all. Dr Mahathir "closed one eye" to them. Sometimes he closed both eyes.

Here are some examples.

1. I recall Dr Mahathir saying that in the 1990s there was one Ketua Pemuda who made an asset declaration in excess of RM240 Million. Dr Mahathir said he was surprised how this young fellow (at that time) could have so much money. But did Dr Mahathir do anything about that obviously corrupt fellow? No he did not. He 'tutup mata sebelah' and let that fellow go up higher in the party. That fellow went on to steal even more millions. Now that same fellow has made it to the top and is at last facing corruption charges in Court. So the question to Dr Mahathir is "Why didn't you stop him when he was at RM240 million?"

2. In the early 1990s the IGP then had told Dr Mahathir that Pintu Belakang was doing the back door thingy. Dr Mahathir dismissed the IGP's report. Why did you do that?

The IGP MUST HAVE HAD his entire spectrum of surveillance evidence - they had followed Pintu Belakang everywhere, they must have had photographic and video recordings, telephone tappings and plenty more evidence.

Yet Dr Mahathir chose to 'tutup mata sebelah" again.

And then later circa 2000 (after the country had been thrown into chaos and anger) Dr Mahathir said exactly the same thing at that party general assembly. Dr Mahathir said that throughout Pintu Belakang's time in government 'kita tetap perhatikan apa dia buat'.

This is exactly what the IGP had told him in the early 1990s. 'We have been watching him'.

So all the time you knew what he was doing but you still let him rise up through the system. Then later you dismissed Pintu Belakang for being 'morally not suitable' which has put the country in a political tailspin until today.

Today you and your friends are wasting so much effort to make sure that Pintu Belakang does not get the keys to the Pintu Depan. What kind of stupid management is that? What kind of morality and ethics is that?

3. And now there is another Pintu Belakang fellow who has been caught on tape having his a$$ drilled. Yet you promoted him and still promote him. His sister who was your biggest supporter has now become disillusioned with you. She rightly asks 'Why the double standards'? You dismissed the other Pintu Belakang for being 'morally not suitable'. This fellow also gets his ass drilled yet you do not find him 'morally unsuitable'? How come? Why the double standards?

4. You chose that super crook to be your Advisor. Again I remember Dr Mahathir saying about that super crook 'He has done some bad things'. What an understatement. If he "has done some bad things" why do you promote him in Government? Since then he has stolen even more hundreds of millions. His fingers are everywhere - even around the 1MDB thievery.

The truth is Malaysia was indeed ruled by thieves. And Dr Mahathir did indeed stay on with them all. The truth is it is you who closed one eye to these thieves.

It is about good ethics and morality. When good ethics and morality are lacking, criminal behaviour will be tolerated. For example to achieve political objectives. The desired ends justifies the means.

The Law can only punish crime. Sadly the Law does not punish poor ethics or a lack of morality. Ethics and morality come from the home, from the mother and the father.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like another blogger who is no fan of the old fool.

    No doubt the old idiot does things to suit his agenda. And at the top of his agenda is that he truly hates Anwar and will go all out to prevent Anwar from becoming PM.

    And poor Anwar was too stupid not to see it.
