
Saturday, June 05, 2021

World famous Indian classical dancer Ramli Ibrahim puzzled at cancellation of talk on dance, race at varsity


Ramli Ibrahim puzzled at cancellation of talk on dance, race at varsity

Ramli Ibrahim said he agreed to the talk as he wanted to expose Malay students to cultural inclusivity. (Facebook pic)

PETALING JAYA: Classical dance legend Ramli Ibrahim has been left puzzled over a decision by an Islamic centre of a local university to cancel a talk at the very last minute.

The online talk, which would have seen Ramli talk about how dance transcended race, was to be held today.

According to an announcement by the organiser, they were told to cancel the event for “certain reasons”.

When contacted, Ramli said his office, which had been negotiating with the student body of the said university, had informed him of the cancellation yesterday evening.

He said besides the “certain reasons” given in the letter, no further explanation was provided.

Ramli, however, wasn’t surprised, as it wasn’t the first time he had endured such treatment.

He said it was a feature that has been “hovering” over his career of almost 20 years.

“There is always this controversy of a Malay man performing a Hindu dance.

“And some Islamic centres in local universities would filter (the) cultural policies of the institution,” he said, adding there was growing concern by the public over the ad-hoc religiosity of such bodies.

He went on to say that he had agreed to give a talk as he wanted to expose Malay students to cultural inclusivity, which he feels is relevant as Malaysia is a multicultural society.

FMT has contacted the university for comment and is withholding its name pending a response.


(1) An incredible Malaysian artist where I penned:

But I also worry for him, for someone who loves the makyong and wayang kulit and Indian classical dances, as well as animals, but who lives in Malaysia. I hope the PM will protect him from the "usual mob".

(2) Unique artistry of Malay dancing in the 1950's (from my other blog KTemoc Kongsamkok)


  1. If you agree with DaGe logic, which you surely do, you have to understand and accept that maintenance of social stability, and suppression of any activities which may cause instability is paramount.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      What a f*cked mind!

      Ain't "that maintenance of social stability, and suppression of any activities which may cause instability" the sole responsibility of an elected govt?

      It's pure universal value of good governance!

      Unless in that fart filled well, universal value of good governance has a very different interpretation.

    2. Gratuitous suppression of even peaceful discussions and opinions is NOT universal value of Good Governance, but the work of Authoritarian Regimes that fear their own shadows.

    3. So what's yr f*cked definition of "peaceful discussions and opinions"?

      “a beautiful sight to behold” as mentioned by one old bitch in the Capitol hill of US?

      Moreover, what so authoritarian about the banning of trump Facebook a/c?

      Whose afraid of whose shadow?


    4. CK, this MonstrousBigot will slink away, unable to counter or mount a meaningful debate. He is only able to mouth those few cliche as he lacks his own independent critical thinking....and he lacks no company here, namely that Batty banana and that Tipu banana, hehe

    5. Don't care!

      I'm not here to debate him.

      I just want to debunk his f*cked lies while enlightening the other readers!

      He can continue lying until his wet dream busted & wet his pants.

  2. If UMNO's university tak bagi, MCA or MIC's TARUC or AIMST can host Ramli's talk.....come on.....cucuk your BN DaGe UMNO....ha ha ha...pity DAP tak ada uni, because they keep politics and education separate, as it should be.

  3. a local communist university

    1. Modelled from those f*cked 台毒 incubation universities !
