
Sunday, June 20, 2021

The Sins of VELL-y FIRE-y Cherubic Chubby Fei-Lo

Focus Malaysia:

Cyberbullying a right-thinking housewife: How low we have gone…

By Bernie Yeo

Only in Malaysia you get harassed and chastised for doing the right thing, as the case of the Kedah Menteri Besar and his two aides who were claimed to have breached SOP by “test driving’, and the woman who recorded the fiasco, would tell you.

Housewife Nini Siron, who blew the whistle over a purported movement control (MCO) violation involving the politician and his entourage, has since been attacked online.

Personal details of her family been circulated, including photos of her husband, her son and her sister being widely spread by those accusing her of fabricating the incident.

Had the ‘test drive’ involved a random stranger, the situation, I daresay, would have ended very differently. There wouldn’t be any media fanfare, no wild accusations, and certainly no flood of hate mail waiting for the whistleblower.

But unfortunately, it was the Kedah Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor whose ‘tail’ Nini had stepped on, and this had made all the difference in the world.

For all the trouble Nini had gone through to reveal the double standard and injustice, she had received ten-fold the insults, criticism and threats from supporters of the politician, and all of a sudden, it was as if Nini had had committed the most heinous and unforgivable crime of reporting someone breaking COVID-19 standard operating procedures (SOPs)!

In this case, I also question the fact that Sanusi himself had not come out to condemn such actions and instead, just allow his supporters to run the show.

Couldn’t he have said something along the lines of, “Come on, guys, knock it off and let PDRM do their jobs” to discourage the vindictive, crass and vulgar actions of his macai?

Come to think of it, is he vindictively glad that the spotlight is trained on Nini rather than him? Secretly relieved that he isn’t the target of the netizens’ hatred?

On what grounds must Sanusi be spared? He is simply the latest in the long line of politicians to have ‘allegedly’ flouted the MCO SOPs (note my use of inverted commas here; there always seem to be a thousand and one excuses to justify why these VIPs disregard SOPs in the first place, and let me assure you that in this case, the excuses are plenty).

If Sanusi feels that he has done nothing wrong, the easiest – and the right – thing to do would have been to call off his followers, step back and let the police investigate. Malaysia is no cowboy town; we actually have laws to deal with and punish the wrongdoers, you know.

It’s really not for ordinary Malaysians like you and I to judge who is right, and who is wrong in this case. If anything, cyberbullying a housewife who had only hoped to do the right thing by revealing the unfairness of the SOPs is nothing short of being childish and immature.

Come on, Malaysians, your ugliness is showing. – June 20, 2021


  1. Nini should have exposed her video anonymously, like the Sandakan Sex Tape or Jibby/Rosmah Can I advise you Something tape. Then all this persecution will have been avoided.

  2. To expect or even hope for the MB to call his dogs off is a dream only.

    The MB will probably be saying "let's see if you can tahan the many bites of my dogs"

    The policw should investigate the matter without delay.

  3. silence the people hk style
