
Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Najib to the Government: Have some balls and impose a real lockdown

Focus Malaysia:

“Is this another half-baked lockdown?” Najib questions various exemptions

FORMER Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak criticised the Government for providing exemptions for many economic sectors during the total lockdown, particularly those in the electric and electrical (E&E) goods.

“Why can’t you have some guts just for 14 days? Too many factories given exemptions during the lockdown.

Miti (Ass-binte) is authority for issuing exemptions

“The E&E factories, which employs about 600,000 workers, are allowed to operate. If you allow them to continue, other direct and indirect suppliers such as transportation providers and ports will also have to be allowed to operate on grounds to ‘preserve global economic supply chain’.

“But who is going to preserve national interest and the people’s economic interest who are calling for a total lockdown to flatten the COVID-19 curve, which is at a critical level now?

“And where is the fairness in closing down shops owned by petty traders while big corporations owned by tycoons continue to make money during this tough time?” he asked in a Facebook post.

Yesterday, Senior Minister (Security) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said that all economic and social sectors, apart from essential services, will be disallowed from operating beginning June 1.

Be fair to all

“The list includes office areas, retail outlets, factories and shopping malls. As for malls, only businesses listed as essential service providers will be allowed to continue as usual at the premises.

“The measure is expected to reduce the number of those working actively from 15 million to 1.5 million,” the Bera MP was reported saying.

Among the sectors allowed to operate as usual are E&E, oil and gas, chemical products, machinery and equipment and textiles (to manufacture personal protective equipment).

Unimpressed with the list, Najib said that everyone has to make sacrifices during a crisis to help the nation, with no exception given to anyone.

He added that multinational companies (MNC) and other big corporations would not fold or move to another country just because they are not allowed to operate for the next two weeks.

“As for the other sectors, please monitor whether the products and services they provide are really in short supply.

“If we have enough supply, close the sector. It’s just for 14 days,” the Pekan MP stressed. – May 31, 2021


  1. Jibby does not care about the poor workers or retirees. Pura Pura saja.

    If so worried about the workers welfare why dun Jibby return the 4B he transferred out of KWAP and sent to Switzerland and merata rata?

    Judge asks what happened to the RM4b loan granted to SRC, Najib's lawyer replies 'no one knows'
    Hafiz Yatim & Izzul Ikram
    April 08, 2021

    Judge asks what happened to the RM4b loan granted to SRC, Najib's lawyer replies 'no one knows'

    PUTRAJAYA (April 8) : A Court of Appeal judge today questioned Datuk Seri Najib Razak's lawyer on the status of the RM4 billion loan granted by Retirement Fund Inc (KWAP) to SRC International Sdn Bhd in 2011 and 2012, and was told "no one knows".

    Justice Datuk Vazeer Alam Mydin Meera posed the question to counsel Harvinderjit Singh, in the wake of questions raised on the huge sums granted to SRC by KWAP on two occasions which were immediately transferred out of the country.

    “We only know that the sum of RM2 billion came in August 2011 and on the same day, it was transferred out, and similarly in March 2012, another RM2 billion came in and it was transferred out," Harvinderjit said.

    “We know roughly that RM1.8 billion was transferred out in the first instance, and possibly the same in the second, for investment. As to what is the status of the fund now, we do not know and there was no evidence before the court or anyone who came to court to say what the status is,” he said.

    He added that the transfer of the money did not go through the SRC board.

    “We do not know who approved it (the transfer of the funds overseas). Any act of removing the RM4 billion is theft. To say it was theft is also difficult as there was no police report lodged over the transfer of funds. We do not know its status,” said Harvinderjit...

    ...“It should also be mentioned that testimonies of witnesses reveal that the significant bulk of the RM4 billion drawn down to SRC by KWAP was almost immediately upon receipt transferred to accounts outside the country, and which now appeared to have been frozen by the relevant authorities in Switzerland. Its present status is not made clear in this trial,” he stated.

    Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah testified during the trial that he had tried to retrieve the funds that were allegedlly frozen in Switzerland but was prevented to do so by Najib.

  2. Jibby, YOU and your party are the gomen. If so concerned about the welfare of the poor please announce you no longer support PN or UMNO.

  3. Jibby, have some balls and quit UMNO, PN.

  4. In reality, Jibby is the real , super-elite person.
