
Friday, June 04, 2021

MCA WTF - MCO Cigarette sales OK, Liquor No

MCA froths over alcohol sale ban

MCA has criticised Putrajaya for enforcing a ban on alcohol sales during the two-week "total lockdown" period.

In a statement, only in Chinese, today, MCA secretary-general Choong Sin Woon said that this was an over-extension in the application of the law.

"Alcoholic beverages and soft drinks ought to be treated as essential goods according to the National Security Council rules.

"There should be no ban on such sales," he said.

He added that enforcement efforts should be conducted professionally and rationally, within the confines of the law while enforcers should not act under the influence of emotions or public opinion.

Enforcement officials in Kuala Lumpur have ordered liquor shops or departments in supermarkets to close during the "total lockdown" period.

Deputy Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Rosol Wahid defended the move, claiming that alcoholic beverages were not an "essential item".

However, he said cigarettes, which he conceded are not essential items, can be sold during this period because a ban would cause problems for addicts.

According to senior minister (security cluster) Ismail Sabri Yaakob, only liquor shops were affected by the temporary ban and that alcoholic beverages can still be purchased from convenience stores.


  1. MCA now backed into a corner. No choice but to whimper a protest. They will be ignored, so will they QUIT BN & PN....? Will Wee KHAT Siong resign as Minister or will he be like UMNO ministers?

    And What About MIC......Gerakan.....?

    1. when Maslee implemented KHAT in schools, did DAP with its 42 tikus resign? NO, in fact Lim KHAT Siang extolled the virtues and joys of learning KHAT - what a balls carrier

  2. i can understand why softdrink n cig is not essential, but i dun understand how alcoholic is essential.

    chinese melayu 2x5

    1. Mfer, drown yr sorrow mah!


      But can yr hp6 Mandarin reaches this level?

      Definitely NO - only soft drinks & cigarette to poison yr katak-ised kidney & lung!

    2. most chinese, unlike libai or u wakaka, cant write or recite poem after get drunk. go drink some ice water la.

    3. Still better than a nonchinese trying hard to showcasing its hp6 whatsoever Chinese understandings!

      Go drown yr sorrow with jack Daniel lah! Ooop… don't forget to top up with those blue bill from yr ketuanan pals!

    4. Poetry & wine - to the Chinese, old & young, ancient & contemporary!

      中国是一个诗的国度,中国人对诗歌有 着独特的文化情结。


      几千年来,中国人一直被这些 代代相传、流传至今的无限诗篇所滋养。

      所有中国人, 无论是学者和普通人, 都还有一颗不朽的“诗心”。


      Too long to elaborate the feelings of the Chinese drinkers, ancient & contemporary!

      KT, thousands apology for posting this Chinese write.

      Sometimes, the original is the best that no any translation can imitate its true essence!

  3. Statement only in Chinese, means MCA is only bullshiting to the Chinese community.

    Dare not take its UMNO and PAS masters to task.

    No Balls MCA, as usual

  4. Malaysia is the first country in the world to make the scientific research breakthrough showingbthat the sale of alcohol in retail shops ( not public drinking ) increases the risk of Covid-19 spread.

    There could be Nobel Prize material There.

  5. Iamail Sabri (NSC) bilang tak boleh, Azmin (MITI) bilang boleh, why are two Muslims arguing over alcohol while Wee KHAT Siong diam diam Boh Lam Phar...?

  6. Anyone throwing rotten eggs at MCA service Centre yet? Ha ha ha…

  7. A PAS guy I've known for years rethorically asked me, you try to put a convincing argument how an alcoholic drink is an "Essential Food"
    I asked him , how do you convince me cigarettes are "Esssential" .
    He says to him cigarettes Are essential, as he would have a very uncomfortable day without lighting up at least one.
    So , I told him , please respect that an occasional drink of whiaky does make my day better.

    The Guy is not exactly a Zombie, he's a graduate of University of New South Wales , (hahahaha), an architect by profession.

    1. U can trained a monkey to imitate some human acts.

      But u can never take the monkey out from him/her!

  8. Why MCA make statement only in Chinese? Takut DaGe faham? Only want the Chinese to think they are so "brave"?

    Truly Boh Lam Phar this Wee KHAT Siong.

    1. Yr definition of that "DaGe"?


      Blowing with the wind with foul smell!

    2. Malaysian DaGe (for MCA) = PAS.

    3. Malaysian DaGe (for MCA) = PAS.

    4. TS stoo kerbau-ing lah. If you had said MCA's DaGe is PPBM I would agree, but PAS? Kerbau loh, wakakaka

  9. Tobacco is "essential" but ginseng is not? Apa macam MCA? Another Gostan coming soon? By that time 14 day MCO3 is over. Ha ha ha.

    Why are we not essential services, ask traditional medicine practitioners
    Bernard Saw
    5 Jun 2021

    The Ministry of Health (MOH) must explain why traditional and complementary medicine (TCM) clinics are not listed under the essential services, TCM clinics said.

    They said their industry was allowed to operate under the previous two rounds of movement-control orders (MCO 1.0 and MCO 2.0) but now told to close operations in this current full lockdown from June 1 to 14.
