
Sunday, June 06, 2021

Jangan salah tafsir pesawat China ‘ceroboh’ ruang udara

Malaysia Gazette:

Jangan salah tafsir pesawat China ‘ceroboh’ ruang udara

Muhammad Noor

KUALA LUMPUR – Jangan sesekali samakan isu pesawat dari China dan Israel yang dikatakan ‘menceroboh’ ruang udara Malaysia, demikian menurut Pakar Pertahanan, Mohammad Fuad Mat Noor.

Beliau berkata, pesawat-pesawat China hanya berada di kawasan 12 batu nautika dan tidak langsung memasuki ruang udara Malaysia.

“16 pesawat itu pun jenis pengangkut, bukan pesawat tempur dan melalui kawasan pertikaian yang menjadi rebutan beberapa negara termasuk Malaysia serta tidak dilihat seperti ada agenda untuk memasuki ruang udara Malaysia.

“Ia sangat berbeza dengan pesawat Israel yang memasuki ruang udara kita dengan keizinan daripada Jabatan Penerbangan Awam (CIAAM) yang mana sepatutnya tidak berlaku,” katanya kepada Malaysia Gazette.

Beliau menjelaskan, dengan pesawat jenis Hawk serta penjelasan dari China bahawa mereka dalam misi latihan, bermakna tidak ada apa yang perlu dibimbangkan.

“Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussien juga sudah melakukan tugas dengan menghantar notis bantahan dan memanggil Duta Besar China untuk ke Malaysia yang mengikut operasi prosedur standard.

Jelasnya lagi, dengan keadaan aset-aset pertahanan negara yang tidak secanggih negara lain, Malaysia seharusnya berbangga kerana pasukan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) dapat mengesan pesawat-pesawat tersebut.

“Tahniah TUDM kerana masih mampu mengesan ruang udara dengan baik,” katanya.

Dalam pada itu, Muhammad Fuad turut memohon kerajaan Malaysia agar memberi tumpuan terhadap aset-aset keselamatan negara.

“Selepas Israel masuk sebelum ini, sepatutnya kita pertingkat lagi aset-aset yang ada. Ini soal pertahanan, kita patut ada yang lebih baik daripada apa yang ada sekarang.

“Kerajaan seharusnya lebih memberi perhatian terhadap aset-aset pertahanan sama ada udara dan darat.

“Bajet untuk aset-aset TUDM ini semakin dikurangkan. Dulu, tahun 2009, ada peruntukan tiga peratus daripada Keluaran Negara Kasar (KDNK) untuk keperluaan seperti ini, namun sejak beberapa tahun ini turun kepada satu peratus sahaja.

“Kalau ada bajet yang baik, sudah pasti aset pertahanan kita juga akan jadi terbaik,” katanya lagi.


kt notes:

If a defence expert like Mohammad Fuad Mat Noor has been adamant that the Chinese transport planes did not enter Malaysian airspace, then was the RMAF interception of them in just an FIR correct and lawful, bearing in mind we don't even have a gazetted ADIZ (Air Defence Identification Zone)?


  1. It has nothing to do with sovereign rights within a territory!

    It has everything to do with been China!

    That's how these mfers read/interpret any headline news involving China/CCP/Chinese!

  2. Betul, cannot compare.

    ONE Israeli CIVILIAN plane entered WITH OUR PERMISSION.


    China intruded into M’sian waters 89 times in last three years, says audit report
    Tuesday, 14 Jul 2020

    PUTRAJAYA: China's military encroached into Sabah’s and Sarawak's waters in the South China Sea 89 times from 2016 to 2019, says the third series of the Auditor-General's Report 2018.

    Of the 89 times, the China Coast Guard (CCG) intruded into Malaysian waters 72 times while the remaining were by the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), the report added.

    "Our audit found that the reason for the CCG and PLAN's existence was to demonstrate China's presence in regard to its South China Sea claims, especially in the Beting Patinggi Ali (BPA) area," stated the report released on Tuesday (July 14).

    It added that the intrusion of CCG ships increased in 2017 but decreased in 2018 and 2019.

    Despite it reducing, China started to place PLAN ships in the country's maritime zone, the report noted.

    "The Royal Malaysian Navy (TLDM) took action by chasing the concerned ships out and submitted a report of the intrusion to the Foreign Ministry to make a diplomatic protest. But the ships from China continued to trespass into the country's maritime zone," it said.

    The report added that the first diplomatic protest was made in 2017 in response to the diplomatic protest note from China involving its claims in the South China Sea, especially in the BPA zone.

    In 2018 and 2019, the report said, five diplomatic protest notes were made on China's intrusion into Malaysian waters in the South China Sea.

    1. See… see…!

      China/CCP/Chinese hater showing his f*cking mind!

  3. ccp have the habit to invade others airspace, while pn hv the habit to do backdoor plotting, its a dage n xiaodi show, communist memang communist, full of lies n deceit.

    1. So easy with yr f*cked hatred of a unsustainable lies!

      "CCP have the habit to invade other airspace"


      Airspace of who?

      Formosa? South Sea? Yr uncle Sam?

      Most likely in yr wet dream of full of lies & deceits.

    2. Your whiteface masters in concert with your SHIT boss (tSAI bitch opening and laying herself out to the Japs and the hypocritical Americans) are the ones full of lies and deceit. And precisely because you swallow all her SHIT, you too are full of deceit and lies.

    3. i can agree both communist n that dpp bitch r full of shit, lies n deceit.

    4. What else can u not agreed NOW, after all yr lies r been exposed?

      Waiting for low tide, to see u swim naked?

      Anehised pariah!

    5. i always agree with the truth, for eg communist is full of shit lies n deceit.

    6. That the TRUTH u learnt under that fart filled well!

      Any wonder?

  4. Definitely no comparison.

    Kerbau Tok Kok.

    The Israeli flight was a CIVILIAN aircraft, fully , properly declared flight plan, enroute to land in Singapore, which they used ICAO procedures to obtain proper Malaysian authorization to transit Malaysian airspace.

    If Malaysia ever starts closing airspace above Johore to civilian aircraft in innocent passage to and from Singapore Airport, it would be an unfriendly act indeed.

  5. Tiga-tiga ekor OCBC with sickening banana complex worshipping these rapacious whiteface masters shamelessly....biasa la, coming out like Pavlov dogs foaming at the mouth.

  6. Amazing, the number of CCP arse-licker scum who would sell out their country in favour of the Chinese Communist Party.

    1. Amazing, the number of demoNcratic arse-licker scum who would protect their country in favour of the fair, just & honest universal values.

      Just double confirm the saying of

      'Patriotism Is Last Refuge Of Scoundrel.'

