
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

谢谢大哥 for contributing 500,000 doses of Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine

China to give M'sia 500k Sinovac doses, Hisham thanks 'big brother' Wang

China has agreed to contribute 500,000 doses of the Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine to Malaysia, said Foreign Minister Hishammuddin Hussein.

Hishammuddin said he received the confirmation on the contribution from his counterpart in China Wang Yi yesterday.

"On behalf of the government of Malaysia, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my counterpart, Wang and the government of China, for this positive development," he said in a statement.

Hishammuddin had previously referred to Wang as a “big brother” when they met in April.

Meanwhile, the minister issued a similarly worded statement thanking Japan and its Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi.

This is after Japan said it would be sending AstraZeneca vaccines manufactured in the country to Malaysia.

Hishammuddin said the contributions from China and Japan would help intensify Malaysia's vaccination programme.

The rate of fully vaccinated Malaysians is a criteria in the government's four-phased Covid-19 exit plan.

To enter Phase Two, 10 percent of the population needs to be fully vaccinated while daily cases need to be below 4,000, and ICU capacity at moderate levels.


  1. My heart goes out to the 250,000 ( 2 shots) people who will think they are fully vaccinated, poor sods , 100,000 of unknown whom will in fact have dangerously weak insufficient antibody response to protect against Covid-19. (Maximum 60% efficacy for Sinovac based on Malaysian Government Ministry of Health own website).

  2. Due to 40% of fully vaccinated Sinovac recipients will in actual fact not be immune, Malaysia will NEVER achieve Herd immunity if mainly using Sinovac.

    Mahathir the putative dictator cleverly proposed achieving Herd Immunity as a necessary milestone for exiting Mageran.
    He knows full well Malaysia has ZERO hope of achieving Herd Immunity under the current Vaccine plan.

    The clever Bastard is already thinking 3 steps ahead of everyone else.

    1. U want to talk about herd immunity?

      Is herd immunity in Malaysia only achievable via China-made vaccines?

      Mfering liar of know-nhingness!

  3. msia zombie number is at least 10 mil, what can a efficacy 50.00000001% 500k doses do? a useless xiaodi.

    1. Why u worry?

      U won't & shouldn't get any of those China-made vaccines.

      Hippo altruism of the f*cked kind!

    2. i wanna make sure all zombie get the zombie jab, so the rest can get non ccp made vaccine.

    3. All Chinese within China r getting Chinafade vaccines. In fact many foreigners r getting free jabs too in China - including many Formosa katak!

      So mfer, u should worry about when yr uncle Sam & auntie pommie would openly release the Pfizer & AZ vaccines to the world! Expired vaccines DON'T count.

      Perhaps, u should go back to Formosa for yr expired AZ dose!

  4. Bullyland vaccines (Sinovac, Sinopaharm) are made using the old fashioned way, ie they are inactivated vaccines, made by injecting dead vaccine particles into the human body, to trigger the production of antibodies. So in order to make these vaccines Bullyland must be growing a lot of the live virus. Hopefully they are very careful and don't let the live virus escape their labs....ha ha ha...

    1. Old technolody!

      This is a proven & effective technology that most likely has saved yr miserable toddler life!

      There are three main approaches to designing a vaccine. Their differences lie in whether they use a whole virus or bacterium; just the parts of the germ that triggers the immune system; or just the genetic material that provides the instructions for making specific proteins and not the whole virus.

      Using inactivated virus (wakakaka… vaccines!) that still maintain the full DNA characteristics that the human T-cells can recognize - ie no chance for the virus to escape T-cell detections even the attached spike protein mutated!

      Wakakakaka… need to grow a lot of the live virus to manufacture the inactivated virus!

      Blurred mfer, is that the f*cked Info u have gathered from yr fart filled well?

      Efficacy rate?

      Based on whose calculation & using what methodologies?

      China has closed to 700M people been inoculated with china-made vaccines. No major side-effects have been reported.

      The low infection rate, especially against all recently mutant variants, is a DEFINITE proof of the efficacy of these vaccines.

      Do u know why yr pommieland has to extend the lockdown till end of June?

      Ditto with the rising rate of infection in NY that u have not been told!

      Bcoz those western concocted vaccines, targeted using unique spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2, CAN'T work against a new mutant variant where that targeted specified spike protein has mutated!

      Besides, no body - absolutely no reputed medical scientists - dare to claim for no unknown future medical conditions of the gene modification vaccine technologies.

      All currently in used vaccines r applied under the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). All of them ARE unproven except those using inactivated whole virus as the base.

      Mfers, all said & done - when yr chance of inoculation comes MAKE very sure u refuse any China-made vaccines.

      So easy mah - it's yr life!

    2. Know nothing Talk cock.
      Even your beloved CGTN says , to date 223 Million Mainland Chinese fully vaccinated so far.
      Where the Kerbau 700 Million come from ? Outer Space ?

    3. U read Mandarin?

      Know the difference of one-dosed & fully vaccinated?

      700M right from the mouth of CCTV!

      Ain't CGTN part of CCTV? Blurred mfer, don't just used one-liner statement. Where is the official quote & TIME stamp?


  5. No wonder we did not protest DaGe ship menceroboh our Tanah Air just last week.

    Anyone care to deny and defend?

    MMEA: China vessel spotted in M'sian waters off Miri
    Tuesday, 08 Jun 2021

    KUCHING: A China Coast Guard vessel has been reported to have encroached into Malaysian waters off Miri, just days after Chinese military aircraft were detected near Malaysian airspace.

    Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) Miri director Capt Md Fauzi Othman said the agency received a report on the Chinese vessel's presence near Beting Patinggi Ali on June 4.

    Also known as Luconia Shoals, Beting Patinggi Ali is located about 84 nautical miles (155km) off the Miri coast.

    "Assets from MMEA and the Royal Malaysian Navy are monitoring the situation closely," Md Fauzi said.

    He said the assets were deployed near Beting Patinggi Ali at all times to monitor the area and maintain the nation's sovereignty.

    On June 3, Wisma Putra summoned the Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia and handed over Malaysia’s protest note in response to an incident involving flight by Chinese military aircraft in Malaysia’s airspace off the coast of Sarawak

    RMAF said the 16 planes were detected flying in a tactical formation near the Luconia Shoals.

    1. Simple question that this blurred mfer quietly avoid!

      "encroached into Malaysian waters off Miri"


      What Malaysia territory?

      It's a disputed territory !

  6. 500 yo Bully oso donate lots of vaccine to Malaysia why KT don’t mention and say thank you?

    1. Wait till the physical consignment of vaccine landed ONLY then u fart!

      Right till now, uncle Sam still has not export any covid-19 vaccines outside the USofA. Including those tens of million doses of AZ & JJ that soon to be expired in June!
