
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Eff-ing Totally Shameless - The so-called holy man lying through his un-brushed teeth

Hadi, shouldn’t action be taken against Sheraton plotters too?

YOURSAY | 'Were you not one of the plotters involved in ousting the Harapan govt?'

PAS wants action against plotters, says PN govt democratically set up

Koutsoyannis: "The Prophet had once compared such people to those who are in the bowels of a ship, trying to breach the hull because of their haste to get some water.

"They care not for others in the ship. But they must be stopped in order for everyone to be safe," said PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang.

Didn't he do the same in the Sheraton Move?

DalvinK: Yes, isn't this classic example of the pot calling the kettle black? A year ago, he plotted to ousted Pakatan Harapan.

For the story of the Prophet that you told us, tell that to yourself first because you helped the collapse of a legitimate government that we voted for!

Vijay47: Hadi, if your compliance with Islamic teachings were in any way consistent with the frequency with which you quote Muslim leaders and scholars, politics in Malaysia would have been a more honourable vocation, and the unfortunate citizens in Kelantan and Terengganu would be suffering less misery.

You urge that action be taken against “plotters” and those engaged in politicking. Why? It would be more appropriate to bring to justice those holding on to reins they are not entitled to, those within and outside the hull who are bent on scuttling the ship for their own security and the hoarding of dirhams.

Do you believe, Hadi, that the constant quoting from Muslim scriptures and naming ancient religious leaders somehow bestows upon you a level of piety most would treat with amusement and ridicule?

It is of great relief that you suggest a government be allowed to take action on matters that were not mentioned in the Quran.

Does this mean you agree that there is a world other than what you subscribe to, that you now deviate from your earlier conviction that the worse Muslim is better than a devout non-Muslim?

Sadly, it is not the devil alone who creates doubt. That and worse are often accomplished by mercenaries who greedily receive payments for services they fail to render. I am sure, Hadi, you must know at least one of them.

Meerelzty: Hadi, relax. Why get so excited over political leaders having meetings with the palace?

We know that you may be feeling insecure clinging to your position. We also know that your position comes with a good salary and many perks. More so, getting paid for doing very little. Where on earth can you find such a job?

Also, you don't understand what is democracy when you said "the formation of Perikatan Nasional (PN) government was based on democratic principles".

How can taking government through the backdoor be considered democratic?

Just A Malaysian: When Hadi plotted against a democratic-elected government and brought down Harapan, he was doing a patriotic duty to protect the ummah.

Now when others may plot to do the same on PN, he decried treachery. Forked tongue or double-headed snake, you take your pick. Hadi should stop quoting from the holy book to justify his selfish act.

Clever Voter: Hadi represents the nightmare facing Muslim communities. He has perfected the art of misrepresentation.

Spreading hatred is one thing, this man also enjoys material gains, all of this at expense of the people and society he supposedly represents.

He would not be taken seriously by better-informed urbanites, and looking at his grassroots support, this self-serving man will do well so long as there are enough gullible and trusting rural folks.

Tholkappian: "The formation of the PN government was based on democratic principles," you say Hadi?

Have you forgotten the Sheraton Move? Were the people who gathered in the hotel on that fateful day to topple the Harapan government that was democratically elected, angels?

Were you not one of the plotters involved in the most sinister, undemocratic and highly unethical and iniquitous ousting of the Harapan government?

If there are people against whom stern action should be taken, it should be the politicians from Bersatu and PAS.

And you must be one of the topmost people on the list. In fact, you had attributed the success of the Sheraton Move to PAS and said it should be called the ‘PAS move’ and not ‘Sheraton move’.

RedWolf4463: It is simply amazing how accurately he describes himself and his PN cohorts without realising it.

Goliath: It would do the national press a great big service if the entire PAS party including this delusional head of party sits through a Democracy 101 course before making announcements like this.

Clearly, Hadi has no clue what a democratically-elected government means.

Hang Babeuf: Hadi is now an expert on democracy - on the philosophical foundations of its sustaining principles.

Watch out, John Rawls and Michael Sandel and all the rest of you there - he is coming after you and your reputations!

He is an expert. He says so. And, in fact and more than that, there is a hadith from the Prophet to prove it!

BrownPhoenix6394: I love how some holy men can lie true their teeth and create a new definition of “democracy”.


Hadi Awang demands action against "plotters", those who are trying to oust the current PN government


  1. Hadi is Holy, man.
    Don't play-play.

  2. typical communist tongue, acuuse others jealous la, dengki la, plotter la.

    1. Communist tongue!


      Fart filled well has run out of foul gaseous for the katak to go hill!

    2. communist use to organise and support student protest before 1951 but today massacre student that do protest

      same same what.

    3. U mean as those students as in Burma, Venezuela, Russia, Ukraine instigated by yr uncle Sam's colour revolutions fart!


      Katak tongue, indeed.

  3. Give "credit" to Hadi and PAS because they have been able to hoodwink people in Kelantan and Trengganu for a long time. But then, this is a reflection of the race and religion that they are easily conned.
