
Friday, June 04, 2021

Average 15 incest cases a month, sometime 300 per annum - needs a Confucian education

MM Online:

Police say getting average of 15 incest cases a month

Siti Kamsiah said that the number of incest cases recorded between 2017 and this April was 1,197. — Picture by Hari Anggara

KUALA LUMPUR, June 4 — An average of 15 incest cases are reported to the police each month, with most lodged by the victims themselves.

Bukit Aman Sexual, Women and Child Investigations Division (D11) principal assistant director ACP Siti Kamsiah Hassan told Utusan Malaysia that the development came from growing awareness about the abuse and a refusal to remain silent.

“Every month there are definitely victims who come forward to report having been victims of ‘sexual acts by close individuals and I see this increase (in (reported cases) as being due to awareness,” she was quoted as saying by the Malay daily.

She said that the number of incest cases recorded between 2017 and this April was 1,197.

She added that 300 cases were reported in 2019, followed by 296 in 2017, 266 in 2018, 259 last year, and 76 up to April this year.

Siti Kamsiah said there has been no drastic increase in the numbers since five or six years ago.

kt note: Just 1 single case of incest is horrible in a Confucian society

Previously on January 15, it was reported that the police have noticed an increase in the number of rape reports allegedly perpetrated upon minors by older members of their family during the various movement control order (MCO).

kt note: It's that "incredible sense of sexual desire that the wife cannot fulfil" [an official statement by the Malaysian government], aggravated more so during MCO

According to Utusan Malaysia, Siti Kamsiah Hassan attributed the increase in reports lodged to the disclosures made by victims to a trusted relative during this period when families are forced to bunker at home.

The assistant commissioner of police told Utusan Malaysia that the proximity of family members allowed them to observe behavioural changes in the children and soon after encourage them to lodge a police report.


[08 March 2018]

To mark Int'l Women's Day, Perak PAS official moots polygamy

Perak PAS information chief Wan Tarmizi Abd Aziz has suggested that women should mark International Women's Day by consenting to polygamy.

"Women's Day will be more meaningful if a woman gifts another woman to her spouse as a mark of appreciation of other women," Wan Tarmizi wrote on his Facebook account.

At the time of writing, his Facebook post had attracted 10 comments, comprising mixed reactions.

Some even asked if Wan Tarmizi's Facebook account was hacked.

Wan Tarmizi told Malaysiakini his statement was based on Islamic teachings.


  1. Green Zombies will regard it as a grave insult if you ask them to follow Confucian values.

    1. Zombieicism & Confucianism r totally incompatible!

      To each its own!

      But can those mfering kayak understand that simple humanistic principle?

      Wakakakakaka…. Expecting too much!

  2. DaGe should update thousands-year-old Confucius teaching with more modern Islam and consider polygamy. Many young women refuse to marry, or marry late and don't want babies. All those wasted eggs and wombs. Must nationalise them for DaGe-land.

    China getting old before getting rich

    China is getting broadly old before getting broadly rich. That’s a dark, demographic cloud on the socio-economic horizon. In 20 years, China’s elderly will double from 10% to over 20% of the population. By 2050, 330 million Chinese will be over age 65, and China’s “dependency ratio” for retirees could exceed 40%. This means that there would be only (roughly) two working adults bearing the full burden of supporting one senior citizen. A typical young working couple will have to support four elderly parents, putting unprecedented pressure on the family bonds that hold society together. Adding the number of children below 15, the dependency ratio could reach 70 percent — and there is insufficient wealth to create a national safety net.

    The demographic advantages that China enjoyed for decades — a young workforce that catapulted China to the world’s second largest economy — is now over. A shrinking work force does not augur well for the country’s economy.

    1. as usual you go off at a tangent - the post is on incest

    2. Is this the only phenomenon in Confucius societies?

      Or is this a humanistic understanding cultivated via a twisted capitalistic worldview?

      Or is it the same f*cked lies circulating within that fart filled well!

      Don't worry about China. It's none of yr f*cking business. The CCP authority would work out a solution through Chinese wisdom & trial&error.

      U should keep sticking yr f*cking head like a ostrich into the cesspool concentrate to find yr inspirational c&p!

    3. Then why you talk about husband having four wives?

  3. even ccp treat confucius like dirt.

    1. What a f*cked katak lie!

      Mfer, look at China NOW. Is Confucius covered in dirt?

      Or yr f*cked mouth is full of cesspool concentrates?

    2. I visited Shandong some recent years back and went to Qufu, the ancestral home of the Confucius - the place was very well looked after by the Chinese government, so HY, don't tok-kok wakakaka. The multi-thousand year trees in the Confucian Temple were very impressive and lent an enormous sense of tranquility to the atmosphere.

    3. The Cemetery of Confucius was attacked in November 1966, during the Cultural Revolution, when it was visited and vandalized by a team of Red Guards from Beijing Normal University, led by Tan Houlan.

    4. thats hardware with no soul to trick the gullible tourist n zombie, pray tell what confucius value the current cpp regime practice among govt n people?

      however i can sort of agree with ck, confucianism might revive now in ccpland to serve the interest of emperor xi, in fact most thing confucius taught is to serve emperor n how people shd behave under the rule of emperor. that said the confucius scholar during han did trick hanwuti saying his mandate is from heaven which can be changed anytime to restraint one man rule power, its not something original from the man confucius.

    5. Monster, 1966???

      Francis Light came to Penang in 1786, wakakaka

    6. You can't hold people today accountable for what happened in 1786, but the Chinese Communist Party people who carried out the 1966 atrocity are alive and many are in still in power.

      Ktemoc frequently dredges up allegations of Yankee and Israeli misdeeds from the 1940s and 1950s.

      Why does Ktemoc insist on giving the Chinese Communist Party a free pass on misdeeds carried out in 1966 ?

    7. "what confucius value the current cpp regime practice among govt n people?"

      Wakakakakaka… which one comes first since the founding of Chinese civilisation?

      China or Confucianism?

      Many of u hp6 mfers, forgetting that the century old chinese wisdoms ain't no invention of Confucius. He just compiled them into readable references/books. He had inevitably added his own flavours to suit his personal undertaking!

      So, 犬养mfer, yr question SHOULD be

      "what Chinese value that the current CCP regime practices among govt & people?"

      Simple answer - look no further than 应收尽收, 应医尽医 in looking after the well-being & life of all Chinese during the covid pandemic!

      BTW, how confused r u in our own twisting farts?

      1st u claimed "ccp treat confucius like dirt".

      Then u farted "confucianism might revive now in ccpland to serve the interest of emperor xi".

      Ain't these two mutually exclusive?

      Maybe in yr katak-ised Formosa traning, nothing could be mutually exclusive. In a lie, everything goes to serve the intense of evil blackgoating.

      Truly aneh-ised pariah katak!

    8. "The Cemetery of Confucius was attacked in November 1966, during the Cultural Revolution, when it was visited and vandalized by a team of Red Guards from Beijing Normal University, led by Tan Houlan."

      Old moneyed mfer, how about the demolishing of the status of the Yankee founding fathers all over the USofA just before trump stepped down from the presidency?

      Can't see the similarity? Or u just AGAIN fart w/o letting the words going through yr petrified neurons!

      During a chaotic period, there will always be opportunistic mfers picking an action, no matter how ridiculous, to advance their evil intense by provoking the highly hypnotized crowds into irrational zombies to follow their chants.

      Let me give u another f*cked nonchinese turncoat of Chai Ling (柴玲) who provoked the misinformed Chinese students into bloodletting at 1989 64 incident in Tiananmen Square.

      She encouraged the blurred students to revolt with blood, claiming she would die with them. Instead, she quietly retreated to HK on the eve of the incident, carrying with her loads of us$ that was conned from the oversea donations!

      She would be forever be cursed whenever her name is mentioned!

    9. of course when i refer to confucius the man, i am talking abt lunyu n not the entire four books five classics. lu memng half pile water on anything chinese wakaka.

      i use the term "might" bec mao reject confucian in entirety, and xi knows many chinese would reject the revive of mao thought especially glf n cr, he might need an ideology that could unite the chinese to revive zombie dream, hence most probably confucianism is one. so its a step by step to make this a mutually inclusive event, moreover, what communist tongue cant do?

    10. 论语 is a compilation of words done by the students of Confucius. Those words were the insights that Confucius fathomed via wide readings of the ancient texts!

      Half pile of cesspool concentrate on anything Chinese from u, right?

      "mao reject confucian in entirety"


      Don't just used yr favourite one-liner. Show proofs of referable sources lah. Lies from 台毒水炮 or fart filled well ain't admissible!


      "xi knows many chinese would reject the revive of mao thought especially glf n cr, he might need an ideology that could unite the chinese to revive zombie dream, hence most probably confucianism is one"

      Is that the best fart u can come up with?

      Most Chinese still consider Mao was a key person in founding modern China. His thoughts & teachings r widely available throughout China. Rejection of Mao's thought within China is just the wettest dream of mfers like u, supported by 恨国公知.

      Socialism with Chinese characteristics is an evolving phenomenon that has many unknowns. The administrators could only utilise their best trained minds to do trial&errors. Along the ways, there would be mistakes, changes & unavoidable modifications.

      Confucianism, a misnomer, isn't that solution for modern China. But it's so deeply entrenched within the soul of China bcoz it's Chinese wisdom quoted in words. Like many thing within China it would evolve, adapt, adopt & transmogrify to suit the contemporary needs of modern China.

      Xi promotes ideology that's ALREADY sourced within the soul of Chinese - 以民为重,重复中华民族伟大复兴.

      That's no mutual exclusivity in that conclusion.

      Anymore farts from u?

  4. What can one expect from a bunch of sex starved selfish "men of God"?
