
Wednesday, June 02, 2021

16 Chinese military planes almost violated Malaysian airspace with ‘suspicious’ activity? Xièxiè Dàgē

MM Online:

RMAF says 16 Chinese military planes almost violated Malaysian airspace with ‘suspicious’ activity

Malaysia’s air force said they were forced to scramble jets to conduct visual confirmation after Chinese military planes flew to within 60 nautical miles off the coast of Sarawak. — Bernama file pic

KUALA LUMPUR, June 1 — Malaysia’s air force today said 16 Chinese military transport planes had come close to violating Malaysian airspace, after they were detected conducting “suspicious” activity over the South China Sea.

The air force said they were forced to scramble jets yesterday to conduct visual confirmation after the planes flew to within 60 nautical miles off the coast of Sarawak state of Malaysian Borneo.

The Chinese planes did not contact the regional air traffic controller despite being instructed several times, the air force said.

“This incident is a serious threat to national sovereignty and flight safety due to the air traffic density over the airways,” it said in a statement.

China’s embassy in Kuala Lumpur said the planes conducted routine flight training and “strictly abided by” international law without violating airspace of other countries.

“China and Malaysia are friendly neighbours, and China is willing to continue bilateral friendly consultations with Malaysia to jointly maintain regional peace and stability,” a spokesperson said.

Malaysia’s air force said the planes, comprising Ilyushin il-76 and Xian Y-20 strategic transporters, had travelled in an “in-trail” tactical formation at altitudes of between 23,000 and 27,000 feet.


kt notes:

Key words of the alleged airspace intrusion were:

a) almost violated

b) had come close to violating

Well, need I say more? Thus, I am inclined to believe the 
Chinese embassy (in Kuala Lumpur) saying the Chinese planes conducted routine flight training and had strictly abided with international law without violating airspace of other countries.

Then, on the RMAF report of the Chinese airplanes conducting “suspicious” activity over the South China Sea", the so-called 'suspicious' flights were, as mentioned by the RMAF itself, in “in-trail” tactical formation, meaning each plane followed the leader one after the other along the same path, spaced about 60 nautical miles (111 km) from one another. 'Suspicious' activity?

To summarise, the 16 planes flew one after the other but did NOT enter Malaysian airspace, thus were in the Singapore FIR and not Malaysian FIR (negating any need to contact Kinabalu Control).

But thanks to DaGe, the PN government can now heave a sigh of relief with this much-needed distraction from its domestic monumental eff-ups, wakakaka. Well timed Hisham!

Xièxiè Dàgē 👍👍👍😜😁


  1. These CCP arse-lickers are really showing their stripes.
    Is is one thing to criticise the West and the Yanks on China - I know many people are pathologically anti-Western, even if they voluntarily emigrate to the West.

    It is another thing when these CCP arse-lickers clearly willing to sell their country in favour of the CCP.

    1. Selling the country?

      What happen to all yr farts about fair, logical & rational reasonings?

      The only thing that the current debates proves IS all u mfers r just lopsided demoNcratic asslickers when the issues involved China/CCP/Chinese!

  2. DaGe can do as he pleases with XiaoTiTi.

    Under Orders, Hisham got no choice but swallow pride and make gostan statement.....big vaccine orders at stake....for Pharmaniaga, which is owned by Boustead, which orders Littoral Ships oso from DaGe.

    Pharmaniaga to order 10 mil more doses of finished Sinovac vaccine on expectation of demand surge
    Sulhi Khalid
    May 26, 2021

    KUALA LUMPUR (May 26): Pharmaniaga Bhd plans to import 10 million more doses of Sinovac Covid-19 finished vaccine from China.

    “Taking into consideration the current geopolitics and supply issues around the world, the supply of vaccines is unpredictable and there could be a possibility of vaccine supply shortage in Malaysia, if this happens.

    “The World Health Organisation (WHO) is expected to approve the Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine very soon and we foresee that once it happens, the global demand for Sinovac will spike and we may not be able to obtain it easily like now. Thus, we plan to place the order now, before that occurs,” Pharmaniaga group managing director Datuk Zulkarnain Md Eusope said in a media briefing today.

    1. Blurred mfer, u should look at it this way pharmaniaga is a war chest cum personal piggy bank of the ketuanan freaks!

  3. what relief? both jet invasion n wuhanvirus r from ccp, make no diff.

    1. Made no difference?

      When they r proven to be from yr uncle Sam!

  4. Baca below Baik Baik dan Faham...DaGe masuk Malaysia bukan satu kali tapi berpuluh puluh kali. Di Udara dan Di Laut. Possibly Below Laut too, we never know because our Scorpenes probably Rosak.

    Hisham is being made to backtrack because we need Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines.

    PETALING JAYA: Sixteen People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) planes were detected in Malaysian airspace on Monday, comprising the Ilyushin IL-76 and Xian Y-20 aircrafts flying in “tactical formation”.

    While the aircrafts eventually turned around after being intercepted by the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), it is understood to be the first time where a significant number of aircrafts have flown into the country’s airspace....

    ...Foreign intrusions in Malaysian territory in recent months

    Last year, the National Audit Department revealed that China Coast Guard (CCG) vessels had intruded Malaysian waters in the South China Sea 89 times between 2016 and 2019.

    In November 2020, the CCG was also involved in a standoff with the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) over hydrocarbon exploration, 44 nautical miles off the coast of Sarawak.

    During the same month, the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) ordered five merchant ships from Dominica, Indonesia, Palau, Panama and Liberia which had anchored without permission in local waters near Kota Tinggi, Johor.

    In April 2020, the Chinese survey ship Hai Yang Di Zhi 8 was detected close to an exploration vessel contracted by oil firm Petronas, within 200 nautical miles of Sarawak.

    Another two CCG ships were identified to be sailing alongside the vessel several days later, with China saying the Hai Yang Di Zhi 8 was only carrying out “normal activities”.

  5. This recent intrusion is not new. DaGe has been entering and leaving Malaysia as they please. And we are helpless to do anything about it because we need their vaccines and MONEY because we got Belted Down Their Road.

    China intruded into M’sian waters 89 times in last three years, says audit report
    Tuesday, 14 Jul 2020

    PUTRAJAYA: China's military encroached into Sabah’s and Sarawak's waters in the South China Sea 89 times from 2016 to 2019, says the third series of the Auditor-General's Report 2018.

    Of the 89 times, the China Coast Guard (CCG) intruded into Malaysian waters 72 times while the remaining were by the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), the report added.

    "Our audit found that the reason for the CCG and PLAN's existence was to demonstrate China's presence in regard to its South China Sea claims, especially in the Beting Patinggi Ali (BPA) area," stated the report released on Tuesday (July 14).

    It added that the intrusion of CCG ships increased in 2017 but decreased in 2018 and 2019.

    Despite it reducing, China started to place PLAN ships in the country's maritime zone, the report noted.

    "The Royal Malaysian Navy (TLDM) took action by chasing the concerned ships out and submitted a report of the intrusion to the Foreign Ministry to make a diplomatic protest. But the ships from China continued to trespass into the country's maritime zone," it said.

    The report added that the first diplomatic protest was made in 2017 in response to the diplomatic protest note from China involving its claims in the South China Sea, especially in the BPA zone.

    In 2018 and 2019, the report said, five diplomatic protest notes were made on China's intrusion into Malaysian waters in the South China Sea.

    Separately, the report also noted that in its audit, the negotiations on the maritime borders between Malaysia and Indonesia as well as Singapore were still ongoing, including solutions to solve related maritime border issues.

    The report found that spoiled assets and the wide area of Malaysia's Maritime Zone (MMZ) had made it difficult for security control activities and enforcement activities in the area.

  6. Wakakakakaka…

    Forcing the mule to climb up the mountain!


    The katak in heat to croak for Yankee helps!


  7. Distraction is the name of the game. Just like some Orange Demagogue in the most 'terrer' country in the world who managed to distract 74 million sheeple with fake stories of Chynah Virus after he more or less caused the death of almost 600,000 of his own people.

  8. Say what you like, China can do pretty much anything and countries in the region like Malaysia can only squeak to complain without any effect.

    Once China has built up its naval forces with enough aircraft carriers, even the USA will be no match in this region.

    At the moment, China is slowly but surely "colonising" some of the disputed islands to build runways and defence structures in preparation for total dominance of the South China Sea area.

    Duterte is unfortunately learning things the hard way - that China as Da Ge is not so concerned about others' interests and feelings.

    If Malaysia does not make sufficient noise, Da Ge will continue to test our willingness to confront tgem (China)

  9. ""colonising" some of the disputed islands"!!

    Mfer, that's family heirlooms lah.
