
Friday, May 07, 2021

Why is teacher behind rape jokes still at school, govt asked


Why is teacher behind rape jokes still at school, govt asked

Kasthuri Patto asks how a probe into Ain Husniza Saiful Nizam’s claim can be conducted fairly if the accused teacher has not been suspended.

PETALING JAYA: The government has been asked to explain why the teacher accused of making rape jokes to students has been allowed to continue teaching despite ongoing investigations.

It has also been asked to outline whatever action is being taken on the matter.

Ain Husniza Saiful Nizam, whose TikTok video detailing the incident went viral and sparked national outrage, said yesterday at a forum with opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim that the individual was still actively teaching and had also tried to convince other students that the accusations against him were slanderous.

Batu Kawan MP Kasthuri Patto said allowing a teacher accused of such comments to continue interacting with students sent a dangerous message to the public and sexual predators alike.

She criticised the government’s apparent lack of action, as no apology had been issued by the teacher and no updates on the education ministry’s inquiry had been released.

“Minister for education Radzi Jidin stated that there will be an in-depth investigation into this allegation. Shouldn’t the teacher be suspended temporarily pending the investigation?” she asked in a statement.

“How will the investigation be conducted impartially and without fear or favour if the teacher is still allowed to continue teaching with no action taken and still having access to students?”

Kasthuri, the international secretary for Wanita DAP, also decried the lack of response from the government to a bipartisan letter signed by 20 women MPs urging them to take the matter more seriously.

“Was Ain’s bitter experience, being subjected to sexual harassment and jokes about rape, sodomy and sexual grooming by a teacher in her school, even mentioned in the recent Cabinet meeting? If not, why? If yes, what was the outcome?”

1 comment:

  1. As usual MP from Still 42 party speak up; Deputy Edu Minister from MCA Mah Hang Song still diam diam buat tak tahu, main Sudah Aku Punya.
