
Monday, May 31, 2021


Focus Malaysia:

Umno-DAP mash up: Some people just don’t learn from history

By Dominic Tham

WHEN it comes to political absurdities, Malaysians have grown rather desensitised. A two-time Prime Minister who’s also then the world’s oldest government leader? Check. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim kiss-and-make-up in 2018 after a two-decade feud? Done. A disgraced ex-premier convicted of corruption and sentenced to jail but now riding high on a popular wave? Impressive.

But one possible development may yet push the envelope of political bizarreness, even by Malaysian standards: Umno and the DAP joining forces in the polls. If it comes to pass, it’d be the high watermark in the maxim “politics is the art of making the impossible possible”.

For decades, the DAP has made itself out to be the saviour for the downtrodden, while Umno is portrayed as the party that enriches its leaders, while they spew racial-religious soundbites that stoke sentiments to win votes.

Even if both parties were to set aside their differences, it is very unlikely that Umno, so used to being the alpha party since Independence until 2018, would ever be willing to share a cake with the Chinese-dominant party, whom the former had vilified for the longest time.

While DAP has always projected itself a multi-racial party, it is at its core, a Chinese-dominated party, despite a handful of Malay and Indian members, some of whom were given token, or window-dressing leadership roles.

Also, it is rather surprising that DAP has not learnt its lesson, after its bitter experience with Dr Mahathir in Pakatan Harapan (PH). After all, maverick Dr Mahathir’s political DNA can be traced to Umno, the party he had been most of his life and led for 22 years.

It didn’t take long for his racial streak to surface after PH won the watershed election, much to the simmering frustration of leaders in the DAP during the coalition’s 22-month in Putrajaya.

DAP has for as long as anyone can recall, blamed Umno for the nation’s woes, and it is rather startling that they are now willing to sleep with the enemy – again. Has it not learnt its lessons?

Even when the MCA and MIC were coalition partners with Umno in the Barisan Nasional government, the former’s leaders were reduced to playing second fiddle and often acceded to Big Brother Umno’s Umno’s whims and fancies.

In fact, DAP had on countless occasions, especially in relation to issues related to Chinese education, ridiculed the MCA as puppets unable to stand up for the rights of the Chinese. DAP has boasted that it has been doing what MCA was supposed to for the rights and benefits of the Chinese community.

And now, despite the odds, it is truly hard to believe that DAP wants to work with Umno for the so-called betterment of the nation. There is no way Umno is ever going to accord the DAP an equal partnership if they were to work together and win the general election. It will simply be another deja vu of its experience with Dr Mahathir.

Also, DAP must look beyond the sugar and spice and everything nice – Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi would work with just about anyone to get off the hook.

Najib has been convicted of a 12-year jail sentence and is appealing the corruption conviction while Zahid is facing a slew of criminal charges. Both are willing to do anything to stay out of the slammer.

The DAP should be wise enough not to be taken by the sweet promise from Umno, looking at how the MCA and MIC were treated. The DAP should instead continue its fight for the downtrodden citizens of the country and focus on working with a credible, trustworthy partner if at all, in the coming general election.

The desperation to come into power should not be a motivating force and influence one into entering a deadly partnership. Just as the DAP paid a heavy price in the 1999 general election for its co-operation with PAS under Barisan Alternatif, the voters can again teach DAP come the next poll. – May 30, 2021


  1. I hope the idiots at DAP will want to work with UMNO...this will give the people the opportunity to send a very, very clear message to the Lims.

    Frankly, the mere thought that the DAP is contemplating joining forces with UMNO disgusts me.

    I say to the DAP - go ahead with this insane idea. You will regret your blind stupidity.

    1. Look at it this way.

      How about those ketuanan freaks, blur-sotong feel about the umno dap cooperation?

      Same same as what u have just farted!

      Anything that quicken the ultimate demise of the ketuanan hegemony IS worthing the trial, even with short term pain!

      But can u see THAT?

      Guess, a big NO!

  2. Dominic, please read carefully and understand.

    Guan Eng: DAP cooperation with Umno only when it is of necessary public interest
    Monday, 08 Mar 2021

    GEORGE TOWN, March 8 — DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said today his party’s cooperation with Umno is on an ad hoc basis and only on issues that benefit the public.

    He stressed that DAP does not plan to partner Umno for the coming general election, widely believed will be called this year.

    “Don’t interpret this as more than what I said, there was nothing about cooperating with Umno for the general elections,” he said in a press conference at the Penang DAP headquarters here.

    He said the party’s stance on cooperation with Umno has always been the same, that DAP is only willing to show its support to Umno on individual issues that benefit the people.

    “We are willing to cooperate with Umno if it is public issues that benefit the rakyat, such as about convening the Parliament,” he said.

    He said DAP has always kept to this stance over the years since the 1970s as it will support any issue that is advantageous for the people.

    He pointed out that DAP had supported the Covid-19 measures and vaccination programme introduced by the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government as this benefits the people.

    Lim was responding to a question on the possibility of DAP working with Umno, especially in the next election.

    The Bagan MP also said DAP will not support party hopping, even if it does not contradict the Federal Constitution.

    He said allegations that Penang’s anti-hopping enactment contradicts the Federal Constitution can best be decided in court.

    He was responding to PAS secretary-general Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan who said it is not wrong for elected representatives to switch parties in between elections.

    Lim accused Takiyuddin of contradicting the political principles held by past PAS leaders on the subject.

    “In Islam, apostasy is not allowed, so why is it that leaving a political party is allowed?” he asked.

  3. talking abt sweet promise, dap is the champion la.

    1. No!

      The demoNcratic poison is the BEST.

    2. can sort of agree, democratic action party ma.

    3. Wakakakaka…

      'demoNcratic actions as defined under yr fart filled well!
