
Saturday, May 15, 2021

Najib slams PN for doing zilch on Palestinian cause


Najib slams PN, says govt must ‘walk the talk’ on Palestinian cause

The conflict entered its fifth day yesterday with Israeli planes continuing to launch attacks on the Gaza Strip. (AP pic)

PETALING JAYA: Former prime minister Najib Razak has called out the former Pakatan Harapan administration and the current Perikatan Nasional-led government over their failure to help the Palestinian cause.

He said with the change of governments since the last general election (GE14), he had seen very little being done to help the Palestinians, including leaders raising their cause at international forums.

“What have we done for them? Very little since BN fell in 2018. I urge the government to do more to defend our Muslim brothers there,” he said in a Facebook post today, adding that the current government should “walk the talk”.

He compared the lack of action to all the previous efforts by the Barisan Nasional administration to help the Palestinians.

Najib said throughout his tenure as prime minister from 2009 to 2018, he had not only consistently condemned the atrocities against the Palestinians, including at the United Nation assemblies, but had also provided much welfare assistance to them.

“The government today is not doing enough. I can only hope that it is still concerned with the Palestinian issue. Don’t just talk, walk the talk,” he said.

He said there were many Malaysian groups, including student bodies abroad who were doing their best to highlight the Palestinian issue to the world and urged the government not to let their hard work go to waste.

Citing the current situation with hundreds of Palestinians being killed due to the attacks by Israel, he urged the international community to condemn the atrocities and violence there and bring an end to the conflict.

Yesterday, Israeli planes continued to launch attacks on the Gaza Strip with Hamas fighters responding by firing rockets into Israel as the battle entered a fifth night with US and Arab diplomats seeking an end to the violence.


kt notes:

Of course Najib is politically stabbing PN and in particular PAS right in their chests, wakakaka.

I sokong PAS sending 1 million of its pahlawan to Palestine to aid the Palestinians. We may even crowdfund the transportation plus ancillary costs, wakakaka.


  1. Charity Begins at Home.

    Najib , with his Billions, has done Zilch for the most vulnerable Malaysians suffering under Covid-19 and the MCO lockdowns.


  3. I sokong all the Terrorist supporters and Terrorist sympathisers to be exported to Gaza so that they can provide tangible aid to their beloved groups.

    1. That's the problem with CCP mentality ... the entire Uyghur population of Xinjiang, except the Uyghur elite CCP Party members and their families, have been labelled as terrorists.

    2. Said u, right?

      That's the problem with these demoNcratic katak mentality.

      Every fart coming out from the western press r gospel of truth!

  4. But Jibby's gomen trade big time with Israel?

    Israel exposes Malaysia’s hypocrisy
    By Aliran admin -24 Sep 2014

    Total trade between the two countries reached RM5bn in 2013, almost double that of 2012, according to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, points out Ng Kee Seng of The Ant Daily.

    What did national news agency Bernama report about Malaysia’s economic ties with Israel on 26 August?

    The report titled “Malaysia has no economic ties with Israel – Mustapa” quoted International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed as saying Malaysia was standing firm on its foreign policy which did not allow any diplomatic relations to be established with Israel.

    Mustapa said all indirect trades between Malaysia and the region were to support the economic development (of the Palestinians) and to send humanitarian aid to the Palestinians.

    “This is because Malaysian exports to Palestine and the Gaza strip had to be brought in through the port of Ashdod in Israel territory as the Gaza Port was still blocked by Israel,” he said.

    Mustapa, is that so? The Times of Israel in a report titled “Malaysia favours Palestinians but buys from Israel” is saying otherwise.

    The report said the lack of diplomatic relations and hostility to Israel didn’t stop several Islamic nations from (quiet) trade.

    The Times of Israel reported that in the winter of 2013, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak stepped across the Egyptian border at Rafah and made a rare visit by a head of government to Hamas-ruled Gaza.

    Najib, whose country does not have diplomatic relations with Israel, had told reporters then: “We believe in the struggle of the Palestinian people. They have been suppressed and oppressed for so long.”

    It was crystal clear which side he was on. Yet all that time, his country was importing more and more Israeli products, but not talking about it much, certainly not in Gaza.

    Official data published by the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) tells of a booming, but very discreet, trade relationship that is blossoming between the two countries, despite a hawkish prime minister in Jerusalem and Najib’s Islamist and proudly pro-Palestinian government in Kuala Lumpur.

    Total trade between the two countries in 2013 reached US$1.529bn (RM5bn), almost double that of 2012, according to the CBS. That figure consists mostly of Israeli exports, at US$1.457bn (RM4.7bn).

    Trade continues to accelerate: between January and July this year, Israeli exports to Malaysia soared to US$884.7m (RM2.9bn), a 27 per cent jump over the same period last year.

    By contrast, Malaysia’s foreign trade figures don’t carry any mention of Israel at all. In its annual data for 2012, for instance, trade with Israel is included in an entry for “Other Countries”.

    A significant chunk of the trade boom can be traced to Kiryat Gat in Israel’s sandy southern plains, where global giant Intel has a plant churning out computer chips. It exports these to a second assembly plant in Malaysia. Every shipment is duly recorded in Israel’s foreign trade statistics but studiously ignored by Malaysia. Intel is a US-based company, but the Israeli government promised a five per cent co-investment in its Kiryat Gat plant that could amount to one billion shekels (RM945m).

    In addition to the officially recorded movement of goods, there is a heavy current of trade flowing beneath the surface, making it hard to calculate the value.

    A raft of Israeli exporters and eager buyers in Malaysia and also neighbouring Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation, are braving the political headwinds in order to do business – largely through third countries such as Singapore.

    Israel’s embassy there says that most trade is done this way, and in the case of Indonesia, with the embassy’s assistance. Including deals done through a third country, the estimated value of trade between Israel and Indonesia ran as high as US$250m (RM815m) last year, 10 times the US$24.9m (RM81m) of direct trade detailed in official figures.

  5. PAS targets to raise only RM1 million? Donate lah all your luxury cars and salaries for 1 month already more than that...

    Pas supports formation of #Aid4Palestine secretariat
    By Sharifah Mahsinah Abdullah - May 14, 2021

    KOTA BARU: Pas has welcomed the government's move to establish the #Aid4Palestine secretariat aimed at helping the Palestinians struggle against Zionist regime's attacks.

    Party's vice-president Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah said the move would definitely help the people of Palestine who have been facing the Zionist's cruel acts since last week.

    "While Muslims in other countries were enjoying celebrating the first day of Syawal yesterday, Palestinians were continuously bombarded by airstrikes from the Zionist regime.

    "The United Nations (UN) warns that a massive war could be triggered with the tension in Palestine, which has claimed 100 lives and injured 600 others.

    "Therefore, the establishment of #Aid4Palestine Secretariat as suggested by Prime Minister's Special Ambassador to the Middle East Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang is most welcome," said Amar in his Facebook posting.

    In expressing the solidarity of the Kelantan government for Muslims in Palestine, the Deputy Menteri Besar called upon Malaysians to show their unwavering support to Palestinians.

    "Malaysians must use whatever skills they have including via social media to increase pressure on the Israeli Zionist regime which has inhumanely oppressed and violated the rights of Islamic countries," he added

    The #Aid4Palestine secretariat, a collaborative effort of more than 40 non-governmental organisations (NGOs), has been set up to mobilise a mission to take proactive and immediate actions to help the Palestinian struggle against the Zionist regime's oppression.

    Hadi was reported to have said the secretariat would serve as the coordinator of the NGOs and the civil society network to mobilise Malaysians' awareness campaigns on the Palestinian struggle.

    At the same time, he had said it also has a role to coordinate the collection of #Aid4Palestine funds through crowdfunding, with a target of RM1 million to be channelled directly to Palestine

  6. Jibby what happened to all the donations collected during your time for the Al Aqsa Mosque? Went into someone's personal bank account?

    'No Malaysian donations ever reached us, except from Mais'
    By Farah Solhi - February 19, 2020

    KUALA LUMPUR: Palestinian ambassador to Malaysia Walid Abu Ali yesterday dropped a bombshell, claiming donations raised by Malaysian non-governmental organisations (NGOs) had failed to reach the Al Aqsa Mosque fund for years.

    Only donations raised by the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) had been accounted for.

    Walid said Malaysians should know the truth and ask where their donations to help the Palestinians had gone to.

    “Some NGOs in Malaysia, they focused on supporting Palestinians, supporting people in Gaza by raising donations.

    “I mean, you contribute. You raised the money, but did you ever ask who received the money? Who benefited from it? No one knows,” he said during a courtesy call to the New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Bhd.

    Walid said the “missing” donations could be confirmed by those who handled them.

    “There are so many NGOs in Malaysia and they have raised money for the Al Aqsa Mosque. But, the money was never received,” he added.

    Some money went missing, he said, when people in fundraising efforts took their share to cover their cost, which sometimes came up to 40 per cent, despite knowing all should be channelled to the mosque.

    Walid, who expressed concern over the matter, said more efforts should be made to ensure that money raised would go to the intended recipients.

    “It is good (to donate), but make sure your money reaches the right beneficiaries and use the right channels, including via the embassy or the Jordanian and Palestinian Waqf Ministries that are in charge of funding the Al Aqsa Mosque.”

    He said the embassy had taken measures in ensuring contributions were made through proper channels.

    “After meeting Mais, the council has come up with terms and conditions for those who wish to collect funds to ensure that the recipients get the money,” he said, adding that the embassy and Mais had set up a waqf fund to buy properties in Al Quds.

    “We encourage all Muslims countries to invest in Al Quds, especially in buying properties at the holy land, which will ensure that the Israelis will not take over the holy land,” he said.

    The courtesy call, led by NSTP chairman Tan Sri Ismail Omar, was joined by NST group editor Ahmad Lokman Mansor, Harian Metro group editor Husain Jahit, and Berita Harian content and digital executive editor M. Thillinadan, as well as representatives from MyAqsa.

    Among the topics discussed were calling for Malaysians to stand in solidarity against United States President Donald Trump’s “deal of the century” and the affirmative decision by the Palestinian government to ensure that the Al Aqsa Mosque was accessible to all Muslims.

  7. memang communist style, cakap kuat tapi sorok kat kl marang sydney manchester.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      That's yr. Communist style as u know under that fart filled well.

      Know Anchorage meeting?

      Ever heard of those China news briefings?

      Ooop… nothing good ever transmit within that fart filled well.
