
Sunday, May 09, 2021

Hadi: Clerics, elders being undermined by immoral “liberals”

Focus Malaysia:

Hadi: Clerics, elders being undermined by immoral “liberals”

AS the Government comes under fire for mismanaging the pandemic and other issues, PAS supremo Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang warned the public against “liberal ideas” trying to corrupt the Malaysian society.

“The spread of negative news and information is not only confined to lies but also added into facts. We are in the era where social media is used by those influenced by liberal ideas, which does not conform to religion and morals.

“Liberal ideology which moves in the name of press freedom, practiced by Western societies, have incapacitated humanity. We cannot allow them to corrupt our society which believes in religion.

“And these people have no qualms criticising clerics and other knowledgeable people,” he said, in his party organ Harakah Daily.

Five days ago, PAS Ulama Wing information chief Mohd Nor Hamzah criticised former Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador for his tirade against the Home Ministry for meddling in police affairs.

Nor said that if Hamid’s allegations were true, the latter should have acted on it while still serving as IGP and used the proper channels to address them.

“His actions only tarnished the police’s image. It’s improper for Hamid to become emotional, which will only bring bad perception against the Perikatan Nasional Government,” he was reported saying.

However, Hamid shot back at the PAS cleric saying there is no point for one to have religious knowledge but refuse to stand up against the corrupt and those who abuse their positions.

“And I have used proper channels before, by approaching the Prime Minister and the Chief Secretary to the Government but no action was taken,” Hamid retorted.

On that note, Hadi urged Malaysians to be wary of threats to the nation coming from domestic and foreign sources, aided by massive funding by those who wish to corrupt the society.

In terms of making an argument, the Marang MP added that those who could prove a point using religious reasoning should always be prioritised.

“If the view is correct, they get rewarded twice. If it’s false, they get one reward. However, those don’t make arguments based on religious understanding will always go astray.

“So, I urge the authorities to take action on such matters before such corruption becomes a plague,” Hadi remarked. – May 7, 2021


  1. Replies
    1. Communism is atheistic topmost!

      Yr communist tongue only exists in yr fart filled well as defined by u.

    2. Communist Extremism and Religious Extremism are often two sides of the same coin.
      Mao vs Osama

    3. Yaloh, two sides of the same coin as defined under that fart filled well!

      One is faith based while the other is humanistic based. Only in that fart filled well can these two parallel lines meet!

      Truly know-nothing fart of syiok-sendirism of the nth order.

  2. Yup, liberals, those who insist on Rule of Law, freedom of expression, representative government, checks and balances on government power, are all dangerous to PAS vision for Malaysia.

  3. This senile old man keep spewing the same old rhetoric for people to be wary of external and internal threats with a lot of money and shit, when actually it is him and his cohorts are the threats to this country.

  4. This holier-than-thou fool is the worst hypocrite that Malaysia unfortunately "owns"

    The sad thing is that there are thousands who believe in him.

  5. This Gaji Buta cleric who collborates in power heist by the Corrupt Regime is an enemy of the nation.
