
Wednesday, May 05, 2021

China offers to help India tackle Covid-19 outbreak after US vaccine snub


China offers to help India tackle Covid-19 outbreak after US vaccine snub
  • Beijing’s pledge comes as its neighbour is battling the world’s highest number of cases

  • The offer comes despite the ongoing tensions along their disputed border and follows a US refusal to export the raw materials needed to make vaccines

A funeral service is held in New Delhi as the number of cases in the country continues to rise. Photo: Reuters

China has offered to help India battle its Covid-19 outbreak after the United States declined a request to lift a ban on exporting vaccine raw materials.

The olive branch from the Chinese foreign ministry comes as tensions between the two nations
continue to run high along their disputed border.

“The Chinese government and people firmly support the Indian government and people in fighting the coronavirus. China is ready to provide support and help according to India’s needs, and is in communication with the Indian side on this,” foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Friday.

India is currently battling the world’s highest number of cases, with a record 346,786 new cases reported on Saturday, and its hospital system is on the edge of collapse due to shortages of intensive care beds, medical supplies and oxygen.

India is also running low on vaccines and has asked the US to lift an export ban on the raw materials needed to make them, but Washington declined saying it had a responsibility to look after the American people first.

“It is, of course, not only in our interest to see Americans vaccinated, it’s in the interests of the rest of the world to see Americans vaccinated,” said the US State Department spokesman Ned Price on Thursday.

But the Chinese offer to help comes despite the ongoing tensions along their disputed border following a deadly clash last summer and with little apparent progress in the most recent round of talks between the two countries’ militaries.

“India’s supplies of raw materials for vaccine production from the US and Europe are currently restricted. It desperately needs other countries’ help with the pandemic,” said Niu Haibin, deputy director of the Institute for Foreign Policy Studies at the Shanghai Institute for International Studies.

“This is also an opportunity for both sides to mend bilateral relations”.

China has consistently denied that it is using offers to supply other countries with vaccines to extend its geopolitical influence.

However, the United States, India, Australia and Japan – the so-called Quad – recently promised to deliver a billion doses of Covid-19 throughout the Indo-Pacific by the end of next year in a move that was widely seen as an effort to counter Chinese in the region.

Niu said China is not deliberately using the pandemic for diplomatic purposes, but cooperation with other nations would increase its influence.

Raj Verma, an associate professor of international relations at Huaqiao University in Fujian, said that because Chinese vaccines have not been approved by the World Health Organization, people there would be reluctant to receive them.

But he said there were other ways China could help.

“India is making efforts to garner oxygen cylinders from across the globe,” he said. “However, the overall bilateral relationship will still be tense and the prevailing mistrust on both sides will continue”.

Li Hongmei, a research fellow at the Shanghai Institute for International Studies, said: “China’s statement shows that it does not link the border issue closely with overall relations with India, and that China expects bilateral relations can be improved.

“I think China is willing to help India by substantial actions, rather than making empty gestures.”



    entire world see how ccp mock india. any censure, pretend to help n hypocritical writes to cover ass by hippo wont conceal ccp zombie n fanboy cold hearted characteristic.

    1. 犬养under, if u r looking for unsavory remarks about how India handles the covid pandemic & the curses on her self inflicted atrocities, u should read more - especially the demoNcratic press of US, UK, EU, Oz etc etc.

      Many r just pure down right racist & hypocritical!

      Oooop… don't forget those real cold hearted contemptuous rants from some of the 台毒水炮!

      So, why so selective when the real world is full of hippo of all hues?

      Maybe u should first work it out on yrself first before yr usual katak cloaking!

    2. menzi is so wrong to claim all men hv natural sympathies, this incident reveal not really all. some of this not all even calling out others hypocritical to shift blame. seem like ccpland school now teach only russian history n no more menzi? thankfully chinese school in taiwan n msia still hold in high regard of kongzi n menzi, but some still influenced by communist, sad.

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      Having u ever heard of

      荀子:人之初,性本恶 ?

      The ancestral Chinese sages had debated this topic of good &or evil nature since birth. No any schools of thought had ever win over this dilemma of humanity.

      Yet just bcoz menzi supported the good part it doesn't necessarily meant the truth!

      The Indian covid atrocity clearly proved that the egoistic of the one-upmanship is all powerful than truth science.

      So did that nipponized Formosa education ever taught u anything about real Chinese wisdoms/education/insights?

      Guess NO!

      Kongzi & menzi r been respected but not in totality like what u have twisted. There r thoughts from both that r purely feudalistic & archaic. & maybe only katak living under that fart filled well would ampu-ed them w/o reserves!

      So don't shake yr f*cked crocodile tears here. U r just a hippo on show w/o shame!

    4. chinese r born good, zombie i dun know, maybe like u say evil nature? no wonder they laugh seeing many indian dying.

    5. Indeed, u know not of zombies!

      U r in danger happy hours with them.

      Evil nature?

      They r all-over, not least in yr f*cked Formosa & the demoNcratic West - lip services while shaking crocodile tears.

      That's yr "gooood & kind" type!

  2. My Potong dan Tampal...ha ha ha...

    U.S. to give India raw materials for vaccines, medical supplies to help fight Covid surge

    APR 25 2021
    Amanda Macias

    WASHINGTON – The Biden administration said that it will immediately make raw materials needed for India’s coronavirus vaccine production available as the country works to counter the surge of Covid-19 infections.

    In recent weeks, India has grappled with a staggering rise in new coronavirus infections. Over the weekend, India set another global record for daily cases, bringing the nation’s cumulative total to 16,960,172 cases, according to figures compiled by Johns Hopkins.

    “Just as India sent assistance to the United States as our hospitals were strained early in the pandemic, the United States is determined to help India in its time of need,” National Security Council spokeswoman Emily Horne said in a statement on Sunday.

    Horne added that the United States would send raw materials required for India to manufacture the Covishield vaccine, as well as therapeutics, rapid diagnostic test kits, ventilators and protective equipment.

    “The U.S. Development Finance Corporation is funding a substantial expansion of manufacturing capability for BioE, the vaccine manufacturer in India, enabling BioE to ramp up to produce at least 1 billion doses of Covid-19 vaccines by the end of 2022,” Horne wrote, adding that the U.S. would also send a team of public health advisors from the Center for Disease Control and USAID to India.

    The announcement comes on the heels of a Sunday call between Biden National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and India’s National Security Advisor Ajit Doval. Sullivan “affirmed America’s solidarity with India, the two countries with the greatest number of Covid-19 cases in the world,” according to a readout of the call.

    The U.S. response comes after Britain, France and Germany pledged aid to India over the weekend.

    On Sunday, Biden wrote on Twitter that his administration was “determined to help India in its time of need.”

    Last week, as the United States administered a new record of 200 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine, Biden told reporters that his administration was looking at more ways to help internationally.

    1. Such a piece of f*cked unthinking c&p fart!

      "U.S. to give India raw materials for vaccines, medical supplies to help fight Covid surge"

      Blurred mfer, do u know how long it takes to completely finish the production of a covid vaccine from raw material?

      By the time, the US covid vaccine raw material arrived physically (when?) & a medically completed useful vail of dose, the indian death toil would most likely hit half a million!

      Ask yr f*cking self why doesn't US release those hoarded, unused & soon expired AstraZeneca vaccine stockpile to India?


      U want a demoNcratic hippo fart from yr uncle Sam?

      Department spokesperson Ned Price has said "What I will say broadly is that the US first and foremost is engaged in an ambitious and effective and, so far, successful effort to vaccinate the American people."

      Nothing wrong with American first. But in the face of millions of unused AstraZeneca covid vaccine doses that no American wanted!

      Sleep on it, blurred mfer. Pray on it that u won't face the same answer when yr time comes.

  3. DaGe's vaccine (Sinopharm donated by UAE) not effective...? Seychelles kena TIPU...? Is this part of the Belt You Down My Road Thingy...?

    Seychelles brings back curbs despite vaccination success

    The Seychelles, which has fully vaccinated over 60% of its population against Covid-19, is bringing back restrictions amid a rise in cases.

    The archipelago of nearly 100,000 people recorded close to 500 new cases in the three days to 1 May and has about 1,000 active cases.

    A third of the active cases involved people who had had two vaccine doses, the country's news agency said.

    The rest had either had a single dose or were unvaccinated.

    Schools have been closed and sports activities cancelled for two weeks. Bars, restaurants and shops are to close early and some gatherings have been banned.

    "Despite all the exceptional efforts we are making, the Covid-19 situation in our country is critical right now with many daily cases reported last week," Health Minister Peggy Vidot told a press conference on Tuesday.

    More than four-fifths of the active cases were among Seychellois people, with the remainder made up of foreigners.

    The Seychelles, which relies on tourism for much of its income, began vaccinating its population in January using Chinese-made Sinopharm vaccine doses donated by the United Arab Emirates.

    By mid-April about 60% of the vaccine doses administered in the country were Sinopharm, with the rest Indian-made AstraZeneca vaccine doses, Bloomberg reported.

    Trials in China and the United Arab Emirates have put Sinopharm vaccine efficacy at 79% and 86% respectively.

    The World Health Organization is expected to approve the Sinopharm vaccine and other Chinese-made vaccines for use later this week.

    In April, China's top disease control official said the efficacy of the country's Covid vaccines was low, although he later insisted his comments had been misinterpreted.

    Researchers in Brazil have put the efficacy of another Chinese-made vaccine, the Sinovac vaccine, at 50.4%.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Why so selectively c&p this trashy part only?

      No mentioning of the source too!

      Scare it evil twisting would be exposed just like that piece of shit ranting about HK elected representatives must pledged allegiance to CCP!

      Truly kindergarten stuff with katak mind!

  4. This is from SCMP so it must be true...

    Official Chinese social media accounts forced to delete posts mocking India’s Covid-19 death toll

    Catherine Wong
    3 May, 2021

    A social media post by a Chinese Communist Party organ that mocked India’s Covid-19 death toll was deleted after it triggered an intense backlash at home and abroad.

    As India continues to grapple with massive surges of Covid-19 cases, Beijing has sought to project the image of a benevolent power abroad, but such efforts have been undermined by agencies that have tried to take advantage of the situation to pump up nationalist sentiment at home.

    In a post on Weibo on Saturday, the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission, the party body that controls the courts and police, juxtaposed the image of China’s most recent space launch with the caption “China lighting a fire” and a picture of Indian funeral pyres with the caption “India lighting a fire”.

    The image was deleted later that day after it was criticised both at home and abroad for its insensitivity.

    The Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission contrasted a successful rocket launch with Indian funeral pyres.

    The Ministry of Public Security, which has 31 million followers on Weibo, also posted a similar message on Friday comparing the image of an emergency hospital in Wuhan named Huoshenshan (which means fire god mountain), with a photo of a mass cremation ground in India. That post has also been deleted....

    ...While many Chinese internet users criticised the posts as insensitive, there were also some who described India as “ungrateful” and “undeserving” of China’s help.

    1. Mfer, ditto the reply with that 犬养mfer under that fart filled well!

    2. Ooop…

      Don't forget to do a c&p piece on how Indian govt is asking Facebook to remove/bar any postings of the gruesome scenes & descriptions pandemic hell currently happening in Indian continent!

      No see no feel & no action!

      That's u, all bleedingheartish dickheads, r selectively choosing to shake yr crocodile tears.

    3. Bloomberg.

      World’s Most-Vaccinated Nation Activates Curbs as Cases Rise
      By Kamlesh Bhuckory and Antony Sguazzin
      May 5, 2021

      Seychelles, which has fully vaccinated more of its population against the coronavirus than any other country, has closed schools and canceled sporting activities for two weeks as infections surge.

      The measures, which include bans on the intermingling of households and the early closure of bars, come even as the country has fully vaccinated more than 60% of its adult population with two doses of Covid-19 vaccines. The curbs are similar to those last imposed at the end of 2020.

      “Despite of all the exceptional efforts we are making, the Covid-19 situation in our country is critical right now, with many daily cases reported last week,” Peggy Vidot, the nation’s health minister, said at a press conference Tuesday.

      The Indian Ocean archipelago, which has a population of about 98,000, is dependent on tourism for much of its foreign exchange and acted quickly to begin vaccinations in January using a donation of Chinese vaccines from the United Arab Emirates. It has procured other vaccines since.

      By April 12, 59% of the doses administered were Sinopharm vaccines and the rest were Covishield, a version of AstraZeneca Plc’s shot made under license in India.

      To date 62.2% of its population is fully vaccinated, according to the Bloomberg Vaccine Tracker. That compares with 55.9% for Israel, the next most vaccinated nation.

      The number of active cases in the nation rose to 1,068 on May 3 from 612 on April 28, according to the health ministry.

      Of those cases, 84% are Seychellois and the rest are foreigners, Daniel Lucey, Clinical Professor of Medicine at Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine, said in a blog post. Just under two thirds of those are either unvaccinated or have only had one dose, and the rest have had two doses, he said.

      While data on genetic sequencing are not yet available for infections in April, the B.1.351 variant, first identified in South Africa late last year, was found in the Seychelles in February, he said. AstraZeneca’s vaccine appeared to be less effective against that variant in a study, and South Africa halted plans to use it.

      A comparison between Sinopharm, Covishield, and unvaccinated infected persons” could be done using genetic sequencing and data on the severity of their infections, Lucey said. “Given the widespread international use of these two vaccines there are global implications to what is happening now in the Seychelles.”

      Officials at the press conference gave little detail on what could be behind the infection surge other than to say people were taking fewer precautions against the virus than before and the surge may be due to celebrations after Easter.

      Jude Gedeon, Seychelles’ public health commissioner, didn’t answer calls made to his mobile phone or immediately answer a text message.

      Other nations that have vaccinated large portions of their populations have seen Covid cases plunge. In the U.K., where 52% of people have a first dose, cases are down 96% from a recent high in January. In Israel, where 60% have had at least one dose, new cases are down 99%.

    4. So blurred mfer, what do u read from this c&p trash?

      Dare not to interpret bcoz it's not peer-reviewed?

      Or the original writer has twisted some data to suit her story?

      Better still, why don't u go read the official report from the Seychelles’ public health commissioner?


      Why is he kept silence?

  5. Congrats to our national divers but really Wee KHAT Siong, can you play a more important role in this Covid pandemic besides eating Mee Maggi?

    Like Still 42 Party doing charity work helping GRAB riders, speaking up about the Raid on Our National Trust Fund to pay for vaccines, turning a blind eye on VVIPs breaking SOP rules, slow vaccination rates, exorbitant fines for hawkers, confusing MCO etc etc.

  6. 2,800 years ago, the best advice to any foreign state dealing with Greek city states was "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts".

    I suppose India has no choice, given its Covid-19 predicament, Trojan Horse or not.

  7. Monster,it seems you lack knowledge of the context under which that saying came about, wakakaka, let me enlighten you - according to Eratosthenes, t'was around 1194–1184 BC that the Trojan War occurred. After years of warring with no success for the Greeks, they pretended to leave Troy but left the Trojan Horse as a tactic to subsequently infiltrate the impenetrable Troy. Laocoön, priest of Apollo in Troy, warned the Trojans not to touch the wooden horse. That was when Laocoön mentioned that statement - t'was not a common saying used as a warning to everyone dealing with Greek city states. Wakakaka

    1. Well, maklumlah, I've only ever been inside a university as a visitor, or attending talks.

      In today's context in Asia

      Reasons to beware of Chinese bearing gifts.

    2. This old fool is just blurred & selective!

      Worst still, help with a biased & hp6 writes of his-stories from that fart filled well.


    3. I think Mr. Monsterball only CAN believe negative information on CCP. This is a case of "steel-resolve" bias, approaching no cure, wakakaka ......... Anyway, for the sake of open-mindedness, please try to read the following :

      and THINK ........ wakakakaka

    4. May I digress, on Mekong River :

      In paragraph 7 :

      While the MRC has published its own report refuting the claim that China was responsible for the 2019 drought (some aspects of the Eyes on Earth report have also been questioned by independent researchers) it did fault China for not providing enough data and information on its stretch of the river. “China should consider providing more data that covers more stations and includes the dry season,” the MRC stated.

    5. Remember, these f*cked katak r far from being rehabilitated!

      They r so in trance with those foul gaseous surrounding them, it would be hell for them if they ever left that ambient surrounding!

    6. No amount of articles gonna help this old fool...wa ka ka ka...the rot had set in too deeply, it's not like he's a young ciku and still malleable, open to the truth or other perspective ...anyone more than 7 decades old and imbued further with a cocky-bragging attitude, there's " no cure", as this Chinese saying goes " Mou Takk Kaw "....his sama-sama white-cock sucker gang here are also similarly afflicted, they too are of mature age, I think ( not that one could glean any maturity at all in their pathetic C&P and their imbecile daily baiting ).... the whiteface shit had long embedded and calcified in their otak-rosak.

    7. So blatantly simple...
      The Mekong River Commission is an inter-governmental is not independent to speak up.

      By now all the governments in Asia have seen how China punished Australia for speaking up.

      From New Zealand to Thailand to Cambodia to Laos , all know the Rules of The Game.....

      Do Not Spook the Chinese,

      even if it is the truth.. .you will get a Black Eye.

    8. "MRC has published its own report refuting the claim that China was responsible for the 2019"

      In 2019, there wasn't any sign that Australia was going to suffering any serious damages which they deserved let alone New Zealand to Thailand to Cambodia to Laos. This is what the Chinese said "dead chicken kicking the pot cover" lah, wakakakaka ........

      "even if it is the truth.. .you will get a Black Eye"

      That is circular logic ???

    9. In 2019 Australia cancelled all Huawei contract with false allegations which until today is not proven and China was still patiently taking that on the chin. So don't kerbau lah

  8. 500 yo Bullyland supports sharing of IP on vaccines, will DaGe please share comprehensive Phase 3 data for peer review?

    Covid: US backs waiver on vaccine intellectual property

    The US has thrown its support behind an initiative at the World Trade Organization (WTO) to waive intellectual property protections for coronavirus vaccines.

    India and South Africa proposed the move, which they said would increase vaccine production around the world.

  9. 500 yo Bullyland supports sharing of IP on vaccines, will DaGe please share comprehensive Phase 3 data for peer review?

    Covid: US backs waiver on vaccine intellectual property

    The US has thrown its support behind an initiative at the World Trade Organization (WTO) to waive intellectual property protections for coronavirus vaccines.

    India and South Africa proposed the move, which they said would increase vaccine production around the world.

    1. Blurred mfer, what comprehensive Phase 3 data for peer review?

      There r NO phase 3 trial vaccine done in China as there r no massive infections happened in China for phase 3 trial! All China vaccine phase 3 clinical trials r done oversea.

      Ooop… blurred f*ck like u won't know anything about the prerequisites of vaccine trials!

      But then even with the preliminary trial results from Chile, Brazil, u also can't read head or tail! Instead, u r relying on twisted propagandas, w/o peer reviews, to select yr farts.

      Truly one hell of a pariah!

  10. Recalcitrant DaGe. Stubborn as Donkey. Must gang up and teach this BULLY a lesson he won’t ever forget.

    China Fires Back After G-7 Shows United Front Toward Beijing
    Bloomberg News
    May 6, 2021

    Beijing tells Western countries to solve their own problems.

    China urged Western nations to stay out of its affairs and fix their own problems after the Group of Seven’s foreign ministers unified behind a litany of grievances with the world’s second-largest economy.

    The Chinese Foreign Ministry condemned the G-7 statement Wednesday criticizing Beijing’s treatment of ethnic and religious minorities, and urging it “to participate constructively” in the rules-based international system. The developed economies should “stop interfering in other countries’ internal affairs, making groundless accusations in a condescending way and disrupting global epidemic cooperation,” ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said.

    “These attempts will never succeed,” Wang said, calling the statement “clique politics.”

    The rebuke to the G-7 was among a volley of responses to perceived offenses by the West, as the Biden administration tries to rally U.S. allies to present a more united front against Beijing. Earlier, China said it was halting an economic dialogue with Australia and its diplomats blasted New Zealand because lawmakers there declared human rights abuses are occurring in China’s western Xinjiang region.

    China has drawn an increasingly hard line under President Xi Jinping against what it sees as meddling in its own internal affairs. While the G-7 statement echoed past communiques, the volume and scope of its complaints -- made at a meeting which this time included Australia, India and South Korea -- signaled greater unity among the nations.

    “We continue to be deeply concerned about human rights violations and abuses in Xinjiang and in Tibet, especially the targeting of Uyghurs, members of other ethnic and religious minority groups, and the existence of a large-scale network of ‘political re-education’ camps, and reports of forced-labor systems and forced sterilization,” the ministers said following two days of talks in London. The G-7 statement also backed Taiwan’s “meaningful participation in World Health Organization forums.

    1. Only a genuflecting serf would run with tail behind its leg when been gang-upped to be bully!

      Ooop… sorry. What does a blurred mfer know anything about bullying?

      Maybe as in - when the master shout sit, it sits. Roll over play dead, it rolls over & plays dead.

      The last time when G7 met, there was no even a fart from the curtain closing.

      This time, the communique is just pure Yankee song&dance with those xiaode kua kua listened & murmuring inconsequential farts that needed further clarifications!

      Eat yr heart out, blurred mfer. Keep enjoying yr c&p fart lah. YR live depends on it - in order to be fulfilled.

    2. [NZ Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta caused a diplomatic stir last month when she discussed her reluctance to expand the role of the Five Eyes to include joint positions on human rights.]

      However, on Monday, NZ PM Jacinda Ardern took a tougher stance on China's " human rights record ", hehe...she said " it was getting harder to reconcile differences as China's role in the world grows ", wa ka ka ka

      Ardern in past speeches has often avoided direct criticism of China.

      Mmm, looks like the CIA had been giving the Madam some hard talk lately, dare she puts her country and her people first by having mutually beneficial trade with China ! See how Scorch Moss is willing to his people through the wringer without any hesitation, so buck up, Madam !!

      Poor lady, she's now wedged between hell for her people or hell from the CIA who probably threatened to overturn her with protests and such. There was an incident several decades back when NZ refused to allow American nuclear ships into NZ ports. NZ didn't blink then. But the situation is more dire for NZ now with the kind of hysterical warmongering going on in Washington. She either has to toe the line or just wait for the CIA to trash her and cause harm to her family.

    3. There was an incident several decades back when NZ refused to allow American nuclear ships into NZ ports. NZ didn't blink then.

      And CIA schemed to blow up greenoeace RAINBOW WORRIER in Auckland harbour as a stern warning to the the godzone govt!

    4. CCP Agent Cunny Kunt fabricates lies against USA as usual.

      Rainbow Warrior was sunk by French DGSE agents to stop their activities interfering with French nuclear tests at Muroroa Atoll in the South Pacufic.

      Two of the French agents were caught, tried and later jailed.

      France ultimately paid compensation to the victims, under international arbitration.

    5. Yes indeed CK, how remiss of me to forget about that, the CIA threatening to blow up Rainbow Warrior...the biggest criminal org in the world the CIA has absolutely no qualm to plunge in the knife into its own so-called ally, imagine what will happen to the 'others' who are of different culture, skin, language and ideology ! Only when the USD $$ is no longer the world reserve currency, together with the demise of their MIC and the shut-down of the CIA and its 'subsidiaries', will we get a semblance of some peace in the world. The whole cabal of the White Supremacist Elites controlling the world for decades now, with its right-wing Zionists in attendance, need to be completely obliterated to save the world from WW3.

    6. This old moneyed mfer, still gung-ho-lly quoting wiki to substantiate his fart!

      Muroroa Atoll is in French Polynesia which is adjacent to US vassalized Micronesia.

      Like Muroroa atoll to the French, Marshall islands r the US favorite nuclear waste/weapon lab. Don't forgetting Guam - the key military base there too.

      All these time, Greenpeace has been sailing round these patches of sea to protest against both the French & US nuclear testings.

      NZ counterintelligence has conclusive evidence that the French DGSE agents had had surveillance helps from US CIA inputs on rainbow warriors movements!

      But, am I here to enlighten a blurred demoNcratic asslicker?

      U must be dreaming no ends!

    7. Murorua adjacent to Micronesia ?

      They are three thousand five hundred kilometers , long way , apart, people only lump them together because the entire huge South Pacific is so sparsely populated.

      Your CCP Masters geography is really lousy, I don't blame you because you are just parroting their instructions.

      "NZ counterintelligence has conclusive evidence that the French DGSE agents had had surveillance helps from US CIA inputs on rainbow warriors movements"

      Thoroughly debunked by NZ government White Paper.

    8. Wa-laueh!

      Suddenly yr England becomes so fluid.

      "Muroroa Atoll is in French Polynesia which is adjacent to US vassalized Micronesia."

      Which is which?

      Or u too have that katak-ised 南魔萬 England bestowed upon u?

      Ooop… maybe South Pacific geography taught under that fart filled well is also katal-ised!

      BTW show that NZ govt White Paper. Don't just fart with one-liner statement liken to that  犬养mfer!
