
Sunday, May 09, 2021

Academic movement blasts 'appalling' expulsion threat issued to Ain

Academic movement blasts 'appalling' expulsion threat issued to Ain

Pergerakan Tenaga Akademik Malaysia (Gerak) has blasted the treatment of student Ain Husniza Saiful Nizam, who is now being threatened with expulsion for missing school in the aftermath of her having exposed her male teacher for allegedly making lewd jokes in class.

"Gerak is appalled at the news, and sadly and ironically, as this is happening, we have heard nothing about actions being taken against the offending teacher.

"Ain’s brave exposure has had reverberations nationwide.

"She has revealed a rape culture that is evident in our educational institutions, despite defensive dismissals by those involved and, sadly, a lack of will and wisdom on the part of the Education Ministry to address head-on this very real – and very frightening – problem facing our students," said Gerak chairperson Zaharom Nain in a statement.

"Rape, as we and others have stressed, is a violent crime and must not be treated facetiously. Rape culture must be addressed and destroyed.

"Ain has bravely spearheaded a movement that will lead to greater awareness and, hopefully, much-needed action for reform and a safer learning environment for our students," he added, on behalf of Gerak's exco.

Today, Malaysiakini reported that Ain has been served with a warning letter for being absent from school.

Her father Saiful Nizam Ab Wahab said the letter dated April 28 stated that Ain can be expelled if she skips school or fails to notify the school management reason for being absent.

This was despite him having informed the school principal that Ain felt unsafe to go to school, the father added.

Student Ain Husniza Saiful Nizam

Zaharom said Ain has awakened and even empowered many who may have been aware of this very serious problem in our environment, yet have either swept it under the carpet or have been too timid to do something about it.

"For that alone, Gerak stands firm in the belief that Ain and her actions must be applauded. She must not be penalised and victimised for doing the right thing.

"The authorities must investigate her revelations and take action there instead of coming up with typical administrative rules to punish her," he added.

Zaharom said punishing the victim is not the way of an enlightened society but the way of barbarians.

Malaysiakini had contacted Saiful after learning that Ain had posted on social media last night talking about this issue.

She also claimed that this was happening when no action was taken against the teacher in question and a schoolmate of hers, who made a rape threat against her after she came forward about the lewd joke.

It must be noted that Ain has not been expelled from school, as reported by another news portal this morning.

This was confirmed by the father, who said that the warning letter was the only one sent to them so far.

Saiful also expressed his disappointment over the matter and said he would seek an explanation from the school.

1 comment:

  1. We all know Education Minister is useless. How about Deputy Mah Hang Song? TARUC matching grant sudah masuk akaun? So No comment, Boh Lam Phar, Buat Tak Tahu, Main Sudah Aku Punya?

    Or is he Deputy only for Chinese schools and Chinese students? If so what about UEC....?
