
Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Why Asian Youth are insensitive to Jewish feelings about Nazi and the WWII Holocaust


GFriend's Sowon slammed for hugging mannequin in Nazi uniform photo

The photo that sparked criticism towards GFriend’s member Sowon

KUALA LUMPUR: Although she has since deleted the photo of her with a mannequin dressed in a Nazi uniform from her Instagram, member of K-Pop group GFriend, Sowon, continues to receive brickbats from her action which was deemed insensitive.

On Sunday, Sowon, whose real name is Kim So-jung, 25, had earlier uploaded two images of her with the mannequin, but deleted the images after "she understood the significance of the image."

CNN reported today that the singer's label Source Music in a statement had said that Sowon was "very shocked and immediately deleted the image, (and) she is pained and feels deep responsibility for posting such image(s)."

The company also noted that its staff "did not sense an issue with the outfit on a mannequin" when the images were initially taken in November, when the girl group were on-site at a filming location, a popular German-themed restaurant and filming spot in Paju.

"We want to apologise for not being able to check for inappropriate props in the set and not being able to thoroughly filter them during the shoot and uploading and failing to give detailed attention to historical facts and linked social issues," the statement said.

Among the criticism hurled at Sowon was a tweet that read: "Nazis are not friends or someone you can hug or look so lovingly at, they are killers, they killed 6 million Jews out of them 1.5 million Jewish children."



Poor Sowon, it would have helped if she had read about the same situation in 2005 for Prince Harry of Britain but then she was probably around 10 years old, wakakaka. 

Yes, in January 2005 British Jewish groups and lawmakers criticized Prince Harry for wearing a Nazi uniform to a costume party (fancy ball party), with one group urging him to visit the Auschwitz death camp, despite an apology from the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II.

The then 20-year-old prince apologized after a British newspaper printed a picture of him wearing the uniform with a swastika armband while clutching a cigarette and a drink at a party on Saturday.

"I think a lot of people will be disappointed to see that photograph and it will cause a lot of offense," said Michael Howard, leader of Britain's main opposition Conservative Party. I think it might be appropriate for him to tell us himself just how contrite he now is," added Howard, who is Jewish.

In the West no one effs around with stuff Jewish. Prince Harry would have been OK if he had won a costume depicting himself as Ayatollah Khomeini, Stalin, Tojo, or anyone except those the Jews/Israelis don't like.

British author David Irving, described by his detractors as a Holocaust denier, was jailed in 2005 in Austria for writing about his version of the Holocaust with a lesser number of dead than the one the Jews wanted the world to accept, namely 5 to 6 million.

He was barred from numerous European nations and Australia for his Holocaust denial, yes, by those nations hypocritically preaching freedom of speech to Asia. And was Prince Harry permitted his 'freedom of expression' in 2005? PODAH to Europe!

Apart from Sowon being too young to know the tragedies of WWII, why was she clueless about Jewish sensitivities? Read the following post I published in 2005:

Eight 15-year old Singapore students at a leadership camp named their team “Hitler” because they claimed they admired Hitler’s leadership qualities. They also considered him 'cool' and 'handsome'.

They are now required by the Singapore Education Minister to research on what Adolf Hitler had done.

The Minister stated that since they weren’t thinking or aware of the dark aspects of WWII history, rather than chew them up, he prefers that they present their research to their schools. A sensible approach, Minister.

BTW, 'Hitlerjugend' means Hitler Youth.

One writer to the Singapore news online, The Electric Newspaper, that broke the Team Hitler’s news, bemoaned that Singaporean teachers and students appeared either ignorant of or unconcerned about the evils of Adolf Hitler. He criticised their history teacher for making only one adverse comment on Hitler, that was restricted to the Nazi leader’s military error in invading Russia. He wondered why no mention was made of Hitler’s responsibility for millions of deaths in a world war, as well as the systematic murder of millions of innocent Jews.

I can provide the answer quite easily, though I must state beforehand that I support the Singaporean Minister's action - people should read up to be aware of what evil had walked on the surface of this Earth.

The fact of their ignorance, lack of concern or apathy towards Hitler and Nazi-ism is no different to the West’s ignorance, lack of concern or apathy towards the Japanese WWII atrocities and the provocative visits by the Japanese PM to the Yasukuni shrine to worship Japanese war criminals whose remains are housed there, war criminals not unlike the Nazi variety, who were responsible for the most barbaric form of atrocities against the Chinese, Korean and other Asian people during WWII.

Rape of Nanjing (Nanking)

Whenever the Chinese and Korean people raised Cain over such visits or rightwing Japanese attempts at historical revisionism, western bloggers would without fail criticised the Chinese (but remain silent about the Koreans) for not letting go of the “past” and going over the top in their anger against what they see as a harmless visit to the shrine by Japan’s foremost politician.

Rape of Nanjing (Nanking)

Several even defended the Japanese PM's visits with their ignorance and lack of understanding of what the Japanese had barbarically done during WWII. One stated that only Chinese aged 80 and above may have a genuine reason to be angry at the Japanese. Can anyone beat this asinine comment? Unbelievable as it may be, the answer is in fact yes. Another stupidly averred that the PM's visit to the Yasukuni shrine was a sincere demonstration of "peace".

Rape of Nanjing (Nanking)

Those western bloggers, mainly Americans (most of whom are always trying to find something to criticise China anyway) would then attribute the whole uproar to either Chinese jealousy of the better-off Japanese (Koreans conveniently left out here or the entire argument would collapse like a house of cards) or a Chinese government manipulating the Chinese people’s outrage to divert attention from China’s domestic problems (again, outraged Koreans omitted from the allegation).

Rape of Nanjing (Nanking)

Not once have I read (admittedly I haven’t visited all western or American bloggers blogging on China and Japan, though I have read quite a few) any note of sympathy or understanding for the Chinese outrage, or revulsion and concern or anger at the Japanese PM's provocative visits or the sinister attempts at historical revisionism to obscure Japan’s evil past.

Rape of Nanjing (Nanking)

So, why should that western writer wonder why Singaporeans, whose grandfathers had suffered untold miseries at the hands of the Japanese military, showed the same lack of awareness of Nazi-ism as westerners had shown towards the Japanese WWII evil?

Rape of Nanjing (Nanking)


  1. 5000 yo DaGe Bullyland still don’t appreciate and say thank you to 500 yo Bully for Hiroshima and Nagasaki which ended their suffering under the evil and cruel Japanese.

    1. This is really ketuanan characteristic, only want to take, take and take. Wakakakaka ...........

      What about in 1901 when US the robber together with other gangsters such as UK, Germany, France, Italy etc attacked and robbed China blind, causing hundred of millions of Chinese citizen suffering 100 years of poverty and hardship, being looked down, stepped on and despised. Millions of Chinese were forced to leave their home and motherland to fight for their survival. Those emigrants might or might not include your direct ancestral. Did you thank your supper hero US of A?

      What about the 2007/2008 subprime mortgage crisis which lead to a worldwide financial crisis? Did you thank your supper hero US of A?

    2. If not for China stepping in to the rescue during the 2008 subprime crisis, the Americans and a lot of others will be in deep shit.

      A mention here by Mr Yanis Varoufakis on Chinese Imperialism

  2. There is no need to postulate Bullshit theory about Jewish secret control of Britain to understand the uproar over Prince Harry's Nazi salute.

    370,000 British military servicemen died on WW 2 fighting the Nazis.

    To add to the injury - the British servicemen who died , swore an oath to defend King and Country - nowadays Queen and Country.

    That institution is Harry's family, which shows how misguided and ignorant Harry was (I suspect still is).

    By the way the conspiracy theory about hidden Jewish control of Western societies is a favourite anti-Jewish propaganda. Protocols of the Elders of Zion ,ya...

    I am not surprised Ktemoc seems to help propagate this theory.

    1. as expected, Monster came out, fists all swinging, the moment anyone talked so much as an iota uncomplimentary about his beloved Israel. For a start, young (then a teenager) Prince Harry did NOT make any Nazi salute but did wear a Nazi armband to a fancy ball dress party - for fook sake, just a teenager wearing a swastika armband to a fancy dress party - if it had been Stalin, or Mao, or Dracula, he would have been OK-ignored-or complimented.

      The reality, so easily and deliberately dismissed by Monster, is the Jews have control over British, generally European and most definitely American politics and foreign policies.

    2. The incident occurred in January 2005, so Harry was 20, no teenager.
      Further proof he was (probably still is) misguided and and ignorant.

      It was an insult to the hundreds of thousands of British servicemen who died fighting the Nazis.

  3. freedom of speech n freedom of telling lies is not 2 diff concept meh? moreover if mao thank japs for invasion, y cant chinese n westerner follow his advice? in fact most chinese know ccp protest of the yasukuni shrine is a selective one, sometimes heboh until all zombies know, sometimes not a single word was reported in the local press, so y expect the american blogger to know chinese r fine or not fine?

    u protest monster accuse u pro tis pro tat, i think he got a reason to claim that bec u always selective in what to publish. europe make clear of the holocaust denial, ccp obscure most thing japs, see the diff?

    1. So 犬养mfer, which one r u following?

      "freedom of speech n freedom of telling lies is not 2 diff concept"

      Wakakakakaka… how about those pieces of shit:

      "mao thank japs for invasion"

      "most chinese know ccp protest of the yasukuni shrine is a selective one"

      "ccp obscure most thing japs"

      All flying in front of yr face now?

      U indeed know selectivity enough to do yr pick&choose. But yr hp6 schema is just half cooked to please yr katak dwelling under that fart filled well!

    2. mine is selsctive facts, unlike yours selective myth.

    3. R there anything I mentioned that were originated from me?

      犬养mfer, they were all raised as yr selective farts! Haven't u forgotten what u had written?

      All I did were just debunked yr katak-ised lies of inconsequential! Unless u have considered debunking yr lies were myth bursting.

      Then what's yr selective farts?


      犬养mfer, do u actually have a mind? Even a natural katak would think like that!

  4. Something difference about Nazis Germany that few scholars have attended to address.

    Everyone know about those few Nazis headhuncos who have been cursed, discussed, praised etc etc.

    There is one key player who mold the sociopolitical foundation of Nazis Germany based on economic matrices - Hjalmar Schacht.

    Those who r interested should search for ≪Economic recovery: the role of Hjalmar Schacht≫

    "The policies he inherited included a large public works programs supported by deficit spending—such as the construction of the Autobahn network—to stimulate the economy and reduce unemployment. These were programs that were planned to be undertaken by the Weimar Republic during conservative Paul von Hindenburg's presidency, and which the Nazis appropriated as their own after coming to power. Hjalmar Schacht created a scheme for DEFICIT FINANCING, in which capital projects were paid for with the issuance of promissory notes called Mefo bills, which could be traded by companies with each other. This was particularly useful in allowing Germany to rearm because the Mefo bills were not Reichsmarks and did not appear in the federal budget, so they helped conceal rearmament. When the notes were presented for payment, the Reichsbank printed money. This proved inadequate in 1938, when a large share of Mefo's five-year promissory notes fell due, so the government employed “highly dubious methods” where “banks were forced to buy government bonds, and the government took money from savings accounts and insurance companies” in order to pay the holders of Mefo bills, due mainly to a serious government cash shortage. Meanwhile, Schacht's administration achieved a rapid decline in the unemployment rate, the largest of any country during the Great Depression. By 1938, unemployment was practically extinct."

    "The enormous military buildup was financed to a large extent through deficit spending, including Mefo bills. Between 1933 and 1939 the total revenue of the German government amounted to 62 billion Reichsmarks, whereas government expenditure (up to 60% of which consisted of rearmament costs) exceeded 101 billion, thus causing a huge deficit and rising national debt (reaching 38 billion marks in 1939)."

    The irony was when Schacht wanted to stop issuing Mefo bills when Germany reduced unemployment rate to low & controllable level, Hitler removed him from position of economic planning. The deficit financings of using future profit to sustain current development needs were continued.

    This eventually resulted in Nazis Germany invading Poland to regain the Free City of Danzig while expanding the businessl territories in 1 September 1939 - the beginning of the WWII.


    1)deficit financing as similar to how US is now issuing govt Bond that the federal reserve is buying using printed fiat money.

    2)the current US govt debts total US$27T vis-ac-vis the ground of US$21T.

    3)the loosening power of the US$ as the world reserve currency will diminish the seigniorage advantage that US enjoyed. High inflation would hit US as no country would compulsory transact trades in US dollar!

    1. so similar, emperor xi shut up premier li n rely on internal circulation to sustain development indicate he follow nazi way, he would later invading taiwan to rampas tsmc n expanding dage biz territory in xiaodi south east asia, the beginning of wwlll.

    2. Wakakakakakaka…

      Parading yr know-nothingness! (Let me be kind AGAIN to blame it on yr 南魔萬England)

      "xi shut up premier li n rely on internal circulation to sustain developmen"

      Where, when & how?

      In fact China is going all out to promote both internal consumptions & external trades san Formosa.

      That f*cked katak infested island would be cut off from China internal consumer market completely to teach those katak about biting the hands that feed u!

      Taiwan unification with China WILL be completed under President Xi's term, regardless of what come may!

      Rampas tsmc?

      Again showing yr f*cked understanding of the US blockage of semiconductor chip!

      TSMC is just a foundry using multiple countries copyrighted technologies. Even if TSMC is been controlled by China, under that f*cked US 'law of copyrighted rampas' no CPU chip could be produced. If it's produced, no countries, influenced by yr uncle Sam, would dare to buy the produced chip!

      Ooop… reminder! This is not for yr understanding, OK?

    3. so many words still no rebuttal y ccp is not nazi.

    4. Better than a mfering one-liner statement that's full of fart, right?

      Ooop… what to rebut farts - foul gaseous mah. Clean blow of fresh air will do.

  5. I think if Harry was dressed as Ayatollah in a fancy dress in Tehran, as Stalin in Moscow, or Tojo in Tokyo, the reaction of the locals would have been anger, same as Jews in UK. The Chinese would have asked him to visit the Nangking War Museum. And the Iranian Shias would have flogged him for insulting their leader.

  6. Tell the jews to shut the fook up.. Ww2 took about 50-60 mil lives altogether.. 6 mil jews are just 10%.. Stop making a big pussy jews deal about it with the holocaust drama when the other 50mil deaths are HUMAN beings too.. All this BS ww2 holocaust is like trying to make us all think as if only the jews matter..

    1. Don't be stupid.

      War is cruel and inhuman.

      However the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" - the Nazis own words - was a meticulously prepared industrialised murder plan.
      The Jews were not killed by military operations, invasion, air bombardments. Those who were killed came from Germany itself or territories that had already surrendered to the Nazis.

      The were other categories of people that the Nazis considered "Undesirable" who were rounded up and killed in the Holocaust, but they were the minority.
      Civilians killed by military operations or starvation and disease caused by war are a horribly sad but separate matter.

      The "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" makes clear the industrial infrastructure of the Holocaust had 1 Primary Objective - the liquidation of the entire Jewish population under Nazi rule.

      Even the horrific Japanese carried out massacre in Nanking pales by comparison.
      The Japanese killed estimated 300,000 people after the surrender of Nanking

    2. Wiki: According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), the Holocaust was "the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jewish men, women and children by the Nazi regime and its collaborators". In addition, 11 million members of other groups were murdered during the "era of the Holocaust".[2]

      11 non-Jews were murdered:

      Victims Murdered Source
      Jews 5–6 million [1]
      Soviet civilians 5.7 million (excl. 1.3 million Jews) [2]
      Soviet POWs 2.8–3.3 million [3]
      Poles 1.8–3 million [4][5][6]
      Serbs 300,000–600,000 [7][8]
      Disabled people 270,000 [9]
      Romani 130,000–500,000 [10][11]
      Freemasons 80,000–200,000 [12][13]
      Slovenes 20,000–25,000 [14]
      Homosexuals 5,000–15,000 [15]
      Spanish Republicans 3,500 [16]
      Jehovah's Witnesses 1,250–5,000

      Sad as the Jewish tragedy was, don't bloody over glorify the Jew as the MAJOR victims

      Wiki again:

      According to Rummel, in China alone, from 1937 to 1945, approximately 3.9 million Chinese were killed, mostly civilians, as a direct result of the Japanese operations and a total of 10.2 million Chinese were killed in the course of the war.

    3. missed out typo - should be: 11 MILLION non-Jews were murdered:

    4. my view is that nazi is one that glorified jews.

    5. Here are the FACTS to put things in perspective:

      In 1933 there were 9.5 million Jews in Europe.
      By 1945, six million had been exterminated by the Nazis.
      Or nearly two thirds.

      I challenge anyone to name another community, race, nationality that lost TWO THIRDS of their people to Nazi atrocities.

    6. What a blurred fart!

      Check ROMA!

      Historians estimate that between 220,000 and 500,000 Romani were killed by the Germans and their collaborators—25% to over 50% of the estimate of slightly fewer than 1 million Roma in Europe at the time. Later research cited by Ian Hancock estimated the death toll to be at about 1.5 million out of an estimated 2 million Roma.

      In percentage term of overall population, Roma genocide was more real than the Jews proclaimed TWO THIRDS.

      And the Roma r still nationless & continuously been discriminated till this day!

    7. I once personally spoke to a Holocaust survivor who was the Only surviving member of his entire extended family.

      Father, Mother, Brothers, Sisters, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, all perished in the Nazi Gas Chambers.

      He said he is surrounded by Ghosts.

  7. US and Canada refused Jews entry during WW2 in fear of antagonizing Nazi Germany. [ " A Ship of Jewish Refugees was Refused US Landing in 1939. This Was Their Fate" Erin Blakemore ]

    But China welcomed the same Jews to Shanghai [ "Finding the heart of Shanghai, a haven for Jews in WW2" Los Angeles Times ]

    Not many Americans want to highlight this : There were many wealthy and influential Nazi sympathisers in the US, including Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh. There were pro Nazi rallies on a weekly basis then in the US. IBM then was the most powerful corporation in the US, was busy collaborating with the Nazi, enabling the Holocaust. [ Wikipedia IBM and the Holocaust ]

    Read also about Ho Feng-Shen who was awarded posthumously the title " Righteous Among the Nations ". He was the Chinese diplomat who disobeyed orders and issued 2000 visas to the desperate Jews to enable them to flee Nazi occupied areas.

    When the Japanese soldiers were aware of their imminent defeat, many of them, with their wives, committed suicide, leaving their children behind. Chinese people adopted these Japanese orphans and raised them even though knowing they eventually would have to return to Japan.

    One example was General Nie Rongzhen of the Chinese Army who found 2 Japanese orphans in Jingxing; he took pity on the innocent children and decided to adopt them. Not for him or any Chinese to slaughter these children in revenge as he and all the Chinese knew all about the atrocities in Nanjing, like what the barbaric cruel Japanese did to Chinese babies with their bayonets. I happened to read a recount from a Chinese lady who passed down a story of how her uncle, who was then a toddler of only 3 years of age, was flung high up into the air by a Japanese soldier to be bayonet-ed in mid air. However, this child thought it was a game and started giggling and laughing when he was flung into the air. The Japanese was tickled and amused by the child and flung him several times into the air and each time, the child laughed even more, begging for more. That was how her uncle got to live, because the Japanese got his amusement of the day and spared the life of this child.

    1. The China that welcomed and sheltered the refugees was Nationalist China.

    2. So they are NOT Chinese ?

      Podah !

      Your loathsome hatred are too vindictive, hehe.

  8. I read a bunch of pommie royalist curs shouting their heads off about Harry worn a Nazi armband to a fancy ball dress party!

    What's so special that Harris couldn't behave as he wanted?

    House of Windsor? Mfers, this is an old German household!

    Pommie 'gentlemanship' of fart? As in all u pommie asslickers' wet dream!

    How many of u have seen those UK punks, skinheads & bootboys proudly tattoo-ised Nazis symbols on very visible of their body. & Loudly shouting Nazis slogans & doing Nazis solutes openly in public?

    Maybe Harris was born into a wrong family until he is been awakened by Megan about his family's well hidden racist tradition.

    That early ignorant showing of Nazis was just his boyish unrestrained innocence - displaying what he learnt in the family.

    Cry yr heart u, u pommie asslickers!

  9. After WW2 the decimated Jewish diaspora still had no place to go, that was why the League of Nations carved out a tiny strip of land, desert, rocks and stones no bigger than the size of Perak, and gave the Jews a proper home, when for thousands of years before they had to live in foreign lands.

    Is that too much to ask for a people that lost 2/3 of their population through atrocities?

    1. Rubbish!

      Nowhere to go? The Yankee land of milk&honey was welcoming them with open arms!

      "League of Nations carved out a tiny strip of land, desert, rocks and stones no bigger than the size of Perak, and gave the Jews a proper home"

      Blurred mfer, there were many more people displaced by the WWII & had lost everything than the Jews then!

      Why ain't they be given a piece of rock to rebuilt their nation?

      Both US & UK were very reluctant for the creation of Israel in the old Palestine territory all these time despite the strong push of the Zionists.

      The truth was the Zionists wanted to leverage on their shared religion compassion & the bleeding-heartish guilts of the dramatised Holocaust from the pommie & Yankee to recreate their lost dream!

      Thus, League of Nation was arm-twisted by pommie & Yankee into such a single sided Resolution 181 - ignoring the strong objections of the MiddleEastern nations at the end of the WWII.
