
Friday, April 02, 2021

What is KJ waiting for?


What is KJ waiting for?

by Mariam Mokhtar

On March 11, Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Khairy Jamaluddin was voted the best performing minister in the Perikatan National (PN) cabinet.

He received the highest score of 11,125 votes in a joint poll conducted by newspapers Sin Chew and Sinar Harian to commemorate the first anniversary of the (unelected) PN administration.

Many Malaysians would claim that Khairy's success stems from his 'vaccine boost' because he is the minister in charge of the coronavirus vaccination programme, which is currently underway.

Would he have scored as highly, if there had been no coronavirus pandemic?

Some of us still remember Khairy's handling of the last SEA Games and we would also like to know what happened to the investigations into the missing RM107 million from the Sports Ministry, when he was the minister.

If Khairy showed the best performance, what does that say about the ability of the other cabinet ministers?

Today, Umno-Baru leaders are acting like headless chickens. The party's supporters must be feeling very disillusioned.

Umno-Baru wants to dominate Perikatan Nasional (PN), but Muhyiddin Yassin won't allow it. Umno-Baru ministers won't resign. They are addicted to power and perks.

In its heyday, many Umno-Baru members failed to see, or preferred not to see, that their former leader Najib Abdul Razak, and other members of the Umno-Baru elite, were responsible for several scandals and financial wrongdoings. They abused their power. They milked their positions for all they were worth.

The same with Khairy, the MP for Rembau. He failed to speak out. He failed to point out the faults of the party leaders. Now that many party representatives are abandoning the party, and the country is in turmoil, should Khairy also leave Umno-Baru? Or should he go for the top position in Umno-Baru? Can he use his top ranking in the recent Sin Chew poll to boost his popularity and credentials?

Is the Umno-Baru party finished? Perhaps not, but it will never be as powerful as it once was. Its leaders did not attempt to mend their ways, change their methods, stop being divisive or stop driving a wedge between the various races. Umno-Baru thrives on division based on racial rhetoric and religious extremism.

Why? Its leaders mistake their massive egos for leadership. They do not wish to step into the 21st Century. They cultivate the insecurities of the Malays and Muslims. They claim that if they win GE-15, they will strengthen syariah laws.

When will they learn that implementing more syariah laws is not the answer to our failing economy, our failure to clean up corruption, the environment and our moral decay.

Khairy could create a political earthquake by putting himself up for election as party president. The current president is facing charges of CBT, money laundering and corruption.

Khairy could try and teleport the Umno-Baru dinosaurs into the 21s Century, but if he finds that he is wasting his energy and time on people who refuse to change, or listen, then he should sever his links with Umno-Baru and form his own multi-racial party. What's stopping him?

Bersatu has more frogs than my pond

Why should he join Bersatu? It is a party that has more frogs than my pond after a thunderstorm. It probably has more backstabbers than the local drug den. It has more allegedly corrupt politicians than Sungei Buloh Prison. This is a fact. Most corrupt politicians just switch sides and are probably promised immunity from prosecution. In many cases, many corrupt politicians, despite being convicted, roam free in Malaysia.

Khairy's new multiracial party should dispense with the rituals, kow-towing and idolising specific individuals that are present in Umno-Baru, PAS and Bersatu/PN. The new party should be equal, in every sense of the word.

He should start a new narrative and abandon the affirmative action policies and the Ketuanan Melayu cancer that have robbed many Malays of their dignity.

Khairy must learn to trust his instincts. He has the right credentials and experience.

Malaysians are snobs and his Oxford degree will give him a distinct advantage. He should be less arrogant, ditch his ego and Umno-Baru baggage.

If he has a go for the role of president in Umno-Baru, he will be a formidable opponent for current Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

Zahid has admitted he is a friend of Tiga-Line, the Malay triad. We squirmed when he addressed the United Nations with his halting English. His links to thuggery are despised by many Malays.

Khairy should cut ties with Najib. Their joint video before GE-14 was a failure. When Najib was charged for corruption, and Umno-Baru lost in GE-14, Khairy suddenly became vocal about the corruption and other abuses of power. Everyone makes mistakes, and if Khairy wants to rejuvenate the Malaysian political scene, he should strike out and form a multiracial party.

Malaysians are openly critical of Umno-Baru, Harapan and PN. Khairy's new multiracial party, could be a formidable adversary, not just for PKR but also to Bersatu. Many of the younger Harapan politicians are still finding their feet. Let them learn and catch up with him.

Khairy once dreamt of becoming the prime minister. A new party may lead him closer to his goal. Watch out, Muhyiddin!

MARIAM MOKHTAR is a defender of the truth, the admiral-general of the Green Bean Army and president of the Perak Liberation Organisation (PLO). Blog, Twitter.


  1. Kera Jamaluddin is as corrupt as any UMNO leader.
    He has a long, dubious history, from Pak Lah to Najib, now to Moo.

  2. Still 42, still ignored. Shameful.

  3. Excerpts from William Pesek article : " Malaysia's toxic UMNO gang wants another chance to make things worse. Crisis do not change a government but reveal its true stripes"

    The hits just keep on coming for Malaysia's long-troubled economy.

    In the last 30 days alone, we learned not just that net foreign direct investment plunged 56% in 2020, but why. In March, names like IBM and restaurant giant Chili's announced exits.

    Top Glove's stock tank...

    Hyundai and Panasonic making similar announcements of moving out...

    Muhyiddin is pulling out all the stops to keep a job he is doing badly. Muhyiddin's main contribution so far is increasing religious and social tensions.

    And the same gents from the 1990s want a third crack at not changing much. If any of these leaders found themselves near a mirror, they might reflect on how Malaysia needs more than a rebranding. It needs nothing less than top-to-bottom recalibration of political priorities. Starting with the productivity-killing affirmative action matrix that gives the ethnic Malay majority preferences for jobs, education, land and government contracts.

    If governments since Mahathir's 1.0 had leveled laying fields, the two Chinese Malaysians who devised taxi juggernaut Grab in a Kuala Lumpur garage might not have headquartered it in Singapore.

    If a succession of governments had noticed Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and of course China working to raise their innovative games they would scramble to keep IBM...or lobby Panasonic to keep making solar panels in Malaysia. Or encourage Hyundai Motor not to relocate to Jakarta.

    The nature of Malaysia Inc has been to preserve at all costs a political system that knows how to hold power, but not how to exercise it in ways that keep pace with a fast-changing world.
