
Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The perils of Malay anger at the Muhyiddin government


Malays’ Anger Against Clueless & Incompetent Muhyiddin Government Has Now Spread To The Royal House

When backdoor Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin visited the Ramadan bazaar in Putrajaya a couple of days ago, an embarrassing incident had happened. But the government-controlled news media did not or refused to report it for obvious reason. How could they publish a humiliating episode, which occurred within Muhyiddin’s own backyard – the prime minister’s office complex?

Apparently, a trader yelled and cursed at Muhyiddin as he was passing by. Apparently, the Malay trader was complaining about how the average people suffer while trying to make ends meet – every day, come rain or shine. He was also heard telling the illegitimate premier, who has lost his majority in Parliament, but shamelessly clings to power using the State of Emergency, to quit.

Muhyiddin, who probably had expected a celebrity welcome with people screaming and rushing for “selfies” with him, was obviously shocked not only over the rude curse, but also the absence of cheers from the Malays at the bazaar. Mr Muhyiddin, whose actual name is Mahiaddin (but has refused to use it for some embarrassing reasons), walked away and pretended as if nothing had happened.

But the damage is done. The video clip has spread like wildfire on social media. Even the disgraced former Prime Minister Najib Razak had not experienced such a humiliating moment in Putrajaya. People no longer whisper, but openly complain about the clueless and incompetent Perikatan Nasional administration, glorified as the ultimate “Malay-Muslim” government.

The increasing number of upset and angry ethnic Malays, as seen at the Ramadan bazaar in Putrajaya, is just one of many examples of how the Malay-centric government has lost touch with the ground in regards to bread and butter issues. It’s incredible how Muhyiddin, who was hailed as the Malay hero by his supporters, has become a pariah in less than 12 months.

Everything started when the power-hungry government started its second coup to snatch the state of Sabah in September 2020. The three musketeers – PM Mahiaddin Yassin, gay Senior Minister Azmin Ali and Home Minister Hamzah Zainudin – had earlier betrayed their own legitimately and democratically elected Pakatan Harapan government to form Perikatan Nasional with crooks and extremists.

Eventually, the backdoor government succeeded in capturing the Borneo state after bribing assemblypersons to switch sides, which in turn forced a state election. But the same victory also saw the beginning of a “Civil War” between Muhyiddin’s party PPBM (Bersatu) and ally party UMNO. Worse, the election triggered the deadly “Third Wave” of Coronavirus infections nationwide.

During the election campaign from Sept 12 until polling day on Sept 26, social distancing was not fully enforced or practiced. For obvious reason, the police did not take any action against politicians (especially Muhyiddin’s band of defiant and arrogant ministers), campaign volunteers or supporters for breaching the health SOP (standard operating procedure).

A changed man after being awarded “Tan Sri” – the second-most senior federal title – Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah became complicit in government cover up when he argued that 14-day quarantine was not mandatory for Sabah arrivals in the Peninsular because not all arrivals returned from red zones. That third wave soon becomes one of the “longest” Covid-19 waves in the world.

Through data manipulation to help Muhyiddin stay in power, the pandemic was used as a justification to declare a State of Emergency on January 12, 2021. But more than 3 months later today, the third wave is still alive and kicking. Despite using two extraordinary tools – a half-baked MCO lockdown and the dictatorial emergency rule – they fail to “flatten the curve”, let alone defeat the virus.

But the incompetence of the backdoor government comes with a huge price – inflation or even “stagflation” as the sagging economy is essentially on autopilot. The already corrupt regime has become more toxic today with a dictator prime minister who does nothing but scheming, politicking and bribing lawmakers to jump ship almost on daily basis to selfishly ensure his survival.

Under Perikatan Nasional, unemployment rate has skyrocketed to 4.8%, foreign direct investments (FDI) has dropped by 68%, some 32,000 small-and-medium-businesses have closed down, Fitch Ratings’ has downgraded Malaysia’s credit rating from A- to BBB+ and economy – GDP – has plunged by 5.6% – the worst contraction since the 1998 Asian Financial Crisis.

On 23 March, seven years after it was first opened, IBM Corp suddenly announced it will close down its Global Delivery Centre (GDC) in Cyberjaya, the 10-storey 300,000 sq ft centre which the tech giant had invested RM1 billion over a six-year period to build. This is yet another sign that foreign investors are fast losing confidence and fleeing the country like a plague.

The relocation of multinational companies like IBM, Citigroup and Hyundai to neighbouring countries was indeed a slap in the face of “Malay First” Mahiaddin Yassin. To make matters worse, Malaysia is in denial that it is losing out on foreign investments despite the fact that high-technology investments from Tesla, Amazon and Google had chosen Indonesia instead.

Adding salt to the wound, there were complaints that lazy Zafrul had refused to meet the European business chamber to discuss matters concerning commerce and trades. EU-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EUROCHAM Malaysia) CEO Sven Schneider said – “Until today, the Honourable Minister was not even able to meet with us and listen to the concerns of our corporations.”

As the clueless and lazy Finance Minister Zafrul Abdul Aziz keeps parroting like a broken record that the economy is on a spectacular recovery, Minister Mustapa Mohamed told graduates that they should be grateful to have a job, even if the job pays only RM1000 per month – below both the minimum wage of RM1,100-RM1,200 and the new poverty line of RM2,208.

Selling at around RM9.50 per kilogram, 57-year-old trader Hamzah Othman said never in his 30 years’ experience of selling chickens has he had to sell at such a high price at the Melaka Central Market. Throughout the country, the price of chicken has skyrocketed. But it would take tonnes of complaints for the lazy Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry to start making inspections.

The government hadn’t a clue how the ordinary people suffer the drastic rise of chicken prices because the ministers were happily devouring lobsters. And the government couldn’t care less about unemployment and underemployment as long as the super bloated Cabinet of 72 ministers and deputy ministers, whose salaries are in excess of 5 figures, are fully paid by taxpayers.

Young Malays could see clearly how the Muhyiddin regime, despite bragging of a Malay-centric government, actually practises double standards, hypocrisy and abuse of power. They saw and read with their own eyes how ministers escape punishments while the people on the street were issued compound up to RM10,000 (and jailed) for violating the standard operating procedures (SOP).

The people simply do not feel any direct or spill over economic effect of RM660 billion, being the various stimulus packages totalling RM340 billion and RM322 billion allocation for the national budget. Either PM Muhyiddin had lied through his teeth to the Malays or that money has been siphoned or plundered away – choose one.

The anger and dissatisfaction have now reached the stage where the Malays are going against the Malay Monarch, or Royal Family Institution. The Malays rarely show their dissent to the Agong (King), but when they do, the royal family should start worrying. It didn’t take much convincing after Asia Sentinel accused the King of committing hanky-panky in Covid-19 vaccination.

When Asia Sentinel exposed how the King – Sultan Abdullah of Pahang – and his family, along with Foreign Minister Hishamuddin Hussein and the Attorney General Idris Harun, were among several Malaysian VIPs who received the Sinopharm vaccine during a visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in January this year, all hell breaks loose.

Not only Sultan Abdullah and his entourage secretly received the jabs after meeting the UAE Prince Mohamed bin Nayan, the King’s classmate in the elite UK institution Sandhurst, the monarch also took home an additional 2,000 doses of the vaccine which has not been approved in Malaysia. Those extra doses were for his family, business partners, friends and friends of friends back home.

To add credence to the report, Raja Permaisuri Agong (Queen) Azizah Aminah stunningly replied “dengki ke?” (are you jealous) after a commenter had asked if the chefs working at the Palace have been vaccinated after the queen posted several pictures of dishes that she and the chefs had prepared. The Queen subsequently deactivated her Instagram account.

So far, the Palace has not denied or acknowledged the report – suggesting that it’s true that the King had indeed received the Chinese Covid-19 vaccine quietly and illegally. More importantly, the queen’s response and reaction after being grilled by several followers also proves that the royal house had received the Sinopharm vaccine while abroad in UAE.

On Monday (April 19), Instagram user – “ronda.c5” – wrote on Queen Azizah’s account – “May Allah curse rulers and leaders who are cruel, abuse their power, are greedy, selfish, betray our trust, and are corrupt”. Twitter user Zhan H. tweeted – “Is our beloved YDPA (King) secretly going behind our backs to get him and his friends vaccinated and with the help of this #kerajaangagal, keeping word of it shut?”

The people were already very frustrated, dissatisfied and angry with double standards and mishandling of Covid-19 as well as mismanagement of the economy by the government. To learn that the monarch, who previously had given an impression of a caring royal house, is no different from those disgusting elite ministers is definitely a huge disappointment to the Malay community.

The King’s betrayal and true colour have made it easier for the people to believe the conspiracy theories that the monarch had helped Muhyiddin in the “Sheraton Move”, the coup to seize power illegally from a democratically-elected multiracial Pakatan Harapan government back in March 2020. Muhyiddin never had the simple majority to form the government from the beginning.


  1. Overwhelming Majority of Malays still support "Orang Kita" government.

    Whatever dissatisfaction may arise pales in comparison with distrust of any alternative alleged "DAP dominated" government.

  2. Mahiaddin's Gomen TIPU.

    Microsoft's so-called 1 billion USD "investment" called "Bersama Malaysia, for a data centre is TIPU. Sold to gullible guppies as a foreign investment but Mahiaddin did not reveal what contracts were signed with Microsoft for them to build this data centre which the gomen and GLCs will be required to use for decades to come. Malaysians will be paying for this "investment", not Microsoft. Like ECRL.

    The data centre is based on Microsoft's Azure technology. A much larger one was already signed with the Indonesia, which the Indonesians call "Berdayakan Ekonomi".

    It's not an investment, it is a business deal which Microsoft comes up a winner.

    They market the Indonesian one as a "first" regional datacentre two months ago, now the Malaysian one also they call regional "first".....?

    Microsoft to establish first datacenter region in Indonesia as part of Berdayakan Ekonomi Digital Indonesia initiative
    February 25, 2021

    Jakarta, Indonesia, Microsoft today announced its Berdayakan Ekonomi Digital Indonesia initiative, which marks a significant commitment to advancing growth and digital transformation for Indonesia, its vibrant developer and startup ecosystem, enterprises, and the public sector. As part of the plan, Microsoft will establish its first datacenter region in Indonesia to deliver trusted cloud services locally, with world-class data security, privacy, and the ability to store data in country. Microsoft also announced plans to skill an additional 3 million Indonesians to achieve its goal of empowering over 24 million Indonesians by the end of 2021, through its long-established skills programs designed to create inclusive economic opportunities in the digital era.

    Today’s announcement will play a pivotal role in accelerating the country’s digital transformation, toward its vision of becoming Southeast Asia’s leading digital economy. According to research from IDC, Microsoft’s investment in Indonesia is expected to generate up to USD $6.3 billion in new revenues from the country’s ecosystem of local customers and partners. In addition, its cloud-consuming businesses are expected to contribute 60,000 jobs to the local economy, over the next four years*.

    1. IBM will be shutting down its Global Delivery Centre (GDC) located in Cyberjaya as part of restructuring efforts, closing the seven-year-old facility come May 31 2021.

      IBM's GDC was built back in 2011 at a cost of RM1bil. It was estimated to create around 3,000 jobs to service clients around the globe, particularly in the United States and Europe.


  3. DaGe punya vaksin hanya 50% effektif? Boleh percaya ke?

    1. › upload

      Effectiveness of the inactivated CoronaVac vaccine against SARS- CoV-2


      Blurred mfer, for yr blurred reading pleasure (don't read Spanish? Too bad even if u do!)

  4. The Malays are caught in a vicious cycle created by the Race and Religion Supremacist Government that has ruled Malaysia almost ever since Merdeka.

    Policies and Actions lead to the Malays being less competitive, less willing to put in the effort and sweat to compete and worse educated.

    A worsening Socio-Economic situation is no surprise.
    Zombie Government politics lead them to blame this on and envy-dengki the Chinese, and encourage them to demand even more crutch-policies.

    It is a Race to the bottom.

    1. I agree with you on this (tho' seldom it has been, wakakaka)

      The paradoxical punishment is the more the Malays indulge in their privileges (theoretically to better their lives), the worse their future and competitiveness will be, and thus increasing their dependencies on the NEP
