
Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Ronnie Liu: DAP shouldn't belittle or degrade itself just to gain Malay support


Liu: DAP shouldn't belittle or degrade itself just to gain Malay support

Conflicts in DAP are starting to resurface as the party prepares for its national congress and the central executive committee (CEC) election in June.

DAP central committee member Ronnie Liu (above) said the party should not belittle or degrade itself just to gain Malay support.

“DAP is a multi-racial party. The party need not dilute its Chineseness just because of the criticism from our political enemies.

“We have to safeguard the culture of the party, as well as the party’s constitutional spirit, pluralistic and democratic political struggle," he added.

“DAP is for all Malaysians. We need to cooperate with other Malay parties, but we shouldn’t degrade or portray ourselves as a non-Chinese party.

“You would not get Malay support by these approaches,” Liu said in his speech at DAP veteran Liew Ah Kim's book launch in Klang yesterday.

Citing the voice of party grassroots and supporters, the Sungai Pelek assemblyperson urged the present leadership to take the responsibility to restore the party's reputation.

Liu stressed the need for the party to regain support and play its role in Pakatan Harapan to unite the component parties.

He said DAP should work with multi-racial NGOs that wanted a better Malaysia in order to defeat the Perikatan Nasional "Malay government".

Liu expressed that Harapan's 22 months in power was disappointing and the party-hopping among politicians may cause supporters not to vote in the coming general election.

angry DAP supporter throwing eggs at DAP Menglembu service centre during DAP's involvement in Pakatan government

when FM Guan Eng snubbed TAR_UC and withheld the annual matching grant which the college received annually under the BN government, Penang hawkers donated parts of their daily earnings to help fund TAR_UC

"It's worrying. DAP and Harapan must take it seriously and find a way to make a difference.

"At the moment, I don't see Harapan engaging or educating the new voters. This is something that all politicians need to focus on, we can't wait until the election comes," he added.

Harapan should not work with Dr M again

While praising Harapan’s resolutions to nominate PKR president Anwar Ibrahim as prime minister candidate and be open to cooperation with any group, Liu said the coalition should not work with Parti Pejuang Tanahair (Pejuang) and former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

“Unfortunately, some of our leaders mentioned that they are willing to work with Pejuang. Pejuang is led by Mahathir. How can Harapan work with him again? Our supporters will leave."

In his speech, Liu apologised for defending Mahathir before GE14 and urged other Harapan leaders to follow suit.

At his Malay Dignity Congress, Mahathir said:

“.. Orang asing berasa selesa dengan negara kita dan mereka ingin tinggal di sini. Nak tak nak pun, kita terpaksa terima, kalau tidak kita tidak akan mencapai kemerdekaan.”

(Translation: The foreigners felt comfortable in this country and wanted to stay. Like it or not, we were forced to accept or we would not have achieved independence)

Note: Mahathir's 'foreigners' were and are the non-Malay Malaysians

Meanwhile, former DAP member Hew Kuan Yau said the party should not flip-flop in order to please the right-wing Malays.

“Some leaders, when in power, said we can survive longer if we do not trigger the ‘Malay anxiety’. As a historian, I would say this is a big mistake. You have lost your own identity.

“When (Harapan) gained 95 percent of the Chinese support and majority of the Indian support, we forgot about the ones who helped us, but feel grateful towards Mahathir.

“We are a multiracial party, we should focus on the anxiety of the oppressed groups, not just the Malay anxiety,” said Hew, who is popularly known as “Superman”.

Two different election strategies have emerged in DAP since GE13 in 2013.

At that time, DAP won most of the Chinese-majority constituencies. However, the then Pakatan Rakyat failed to take power due to the lack of Malay support.

Hence, some DAP leaders believed the party should be more open by engaging the Malays.

Another group opined that DAP should not abandon its core values, such as upholding Chinese education, racial equality, opposing the New Economic Policy (NEP) and so on.

The arguments between these two groups have been ongoing and are expected to resurface as DAP holds the national congress and CEC election on June 20.

As secretary-general Lim Guan Eng is in his third and final tenure, the party election is expected to be more intense compared to previous years.

cemburu MCA?

As far back as 1975 when Mahathir was Education Minister, he threatened the Chinese educationists about holding and issuing the UEC (even to non-Malay students denied entry into MARA and Malaysian universities)

This Finance Minister EVENTUALLY allocated RM5.5 million to TAR_UC in 2019 but having already allocated RM3.7 BILLION to MARA in that same year

MoF (Ministry of Finance) was then under Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng

when FM Guan Eng snubbed TAR_UC and withheld the annual matching grant which the college received annually under the BN government, Penang hawkers donated parts of their daily earnings to help fund TAR_UC


  1. Ronnie still thinks race relations a zero-sum game. For one race to prosper the other races must suffer. That is why Ronnie never rose above state level politics. He is stuck in 60s and 70s politics.

    DAP does not have to degrade or belittle itself to practice inclusiveness with Malay/Muslims. The best examples of what Ronnie is describing already happened in MCA and MIC. For 60 years they degraded and belittled their own races in order to stay in ever-declining power. Today left with 1 seat each in 35 seat cabinet. Malaysians recognized this and voted them OUT in GE14.

    See what the NEW DAP is saying....from Hannah....actually not that new, already 20 years....

    Hannah Yeoh ticks off Ronnie Liu over ‘non-Chinese DAP’ remark
    FMT Reporters -April 12, 2021

    PETALING JAYA: Segambut MP Hannah Yeoh has hit out at party colleague Ronnie Liu over his remarks that DAP should not “dilute its Chinese-ness” and cannot depict itself as a “non-Chinese party”.

    In a Facebook posting today, Yeoh said she strongly disagreed with what he had said. “Ronnie does not represent me. Ronnie does not speak for me. The DAP that Ronnie Liu wants is not the DAP which I joined,” she said.

    Quoting from a Malaysiakini article, she questioned what Liu had meant when he said “DAP is for all Malaysians. We need to cooperate with Malay parties but DAP cannot afford to degrade or depict itself as a non-Chinese party.”

    He was also reported to have said that DAP did not need to “dilute its Chinese-ness” because of criticisms from political enemies, a remark which Yeoh described as narrow-minded and reflecting a toxic mentality.

    She said that Liu, who is a central executive committee member, “has done a great disservice to many of us DAP leaders out there who are working hard to fight off prejudices and stigmas against the DAP”.

    “My experience with DAP might be shorter compared to Ronnie’s involvement, but I want to state that my experiences and struggles in DAP have not been the same as what he said. That’s enough, Ronnie. Ronnie does not represent me. Ronnie does not speak for me,” she said.

    She also recounted how Liu had a “constant countdown” on his Facebook page for Dr Mahathir Mohamad to step down as prime minister and hand over the reins to PKR president Anwar Ibrahim.

    She said his taunting did not help when Pakatan Harapan ministers and deputy ministers were working hard in their respective portfolios.

    “Everyone including Tun Mahathir, Anwar, Ronnie and myself included must shoulder some blame in the collapse of the PH government. Responsible leadership requires us to examine ourselves. For Ronnie, Tun Mahathir can do no right. For Ronnie, Anwar can do no wrong,” she said.

  2. Too bad!

    Within the confinement of bolihland political play, race relation IS a zero-sum game.

    Especially when the majority is constantly seeling entitlement manna w/o inputs!

    The socio-politico-econ cake can't grow in size through the diminishing efforts of the Nons.

    Thus the only way to gain anything extra for the ketuanan crowd is to rob from the portion of the Nons.

  3. ronnie is wrong, dap never dilute it chineseness, they diluted their ball to fight for what is right.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Dilute their balls!

      Perhaps only Formosa katak & their trained disciples can do that!

      Mmm… dilute the ball? Does it mean those katak have fragmented balls?
