
Thursday, April 15, 2021

Political experts: Chinese voters will still back DAP


Chinese voters will still back DAP despite spats, say experts

While the Malays are as divided as their leaders, the Chinese will continue to support DAP as it can stand on its own, say analysts.

PETALING JAYA: While Malay political parties are finding their support on the ground being diluted by a split among their leaders, analysts say spats within DAP will have no impact on Chinese voters.

Political analyst Azmi Hassan said almost all political parties are facing a split.

“What’s happening in DAP is also happening in PAS and Umno,” he told FMT, referring to a recent public spat among DAP leaders.

In PAS, he said there was a split between professionals and the ulamas while Umno is seeing a fight between the old timers and the younger generation.

Azmi Hassan

Two days ago, analysts said DAP was facing a split between the English-educated and the Chinese-educated leaders.

This emerged after DAP’s Segambut MP Hannah Yeoh and Damansara MP Tony Pua ticked off party colleague Ronnie Liu over his remarks that DAP should not “dilute its Chinese-ness” and cannot depict itself as a “non-Chinese party”.

Azmi said DAP’s strength was that up to 80% of Chinese support the party as they feel the party can go it alone.

“Unlike MCA that needs Umno, DAP can contest on its own,” he added.

The strong grassroots support meant that internal turmoil was not likely to have a great impact among voters. “The Chinese will still vote for DAP instead of MCA,” he said.

As for Malay politics, Azmi said any spilt weakens the parties as they are all still fighting for ground support. “They are not as strong as DAP and because of that, Malay politics differs from DAP,” he said.

Oh Ei Sun

Oh Ei Sun, a fellow with the Singapore Institute of International Affairs, said DAP’s unity was not a prerequisite for victory in elections as the people would vote against overt racism, extremism and corruption.

DAP’s biggest problem would arise if most Chinese do not even come out to vote in the coming general election as a mark of objection to the Sheraton Move, a move that saw the collapse of Pakatan Harapan in Feb 2020.

“It is not so much due to DAP’s internal power struggle but because of the successful Sheraton Move which reversed the progressive direction for the country,” he said.

He said he believed that there might be a poor Chinese voter turnout at the next general election.

Let's take a break from the game and have some refreshments, wakakaka


kt notes:

As I have written just recently, there has been a historical reason for the DAP's ethnic composition. DAP has been mainly Chinese because their members have been the marginalised, who feel socio-econo-politically disadvantaged and therefore would naturally flock to the Rocket flag. That's a fact of political life in Malaysia, so why should the DAP pretend it does not have tons of Chinese members as what Hannah 'Ms Don't spook the Malays' wants.

Look at DAP politicians like KHAT Siang, Nie Ching and Guan Eng - when they were in opposition they were vociferous, even ferocious like once-Tigress Nie Ching who declared the DAP was going to annihilate the MCA and Gerakan in GE14 - well she was right, the DAP did, but thereafter once in government, what did the DAP under the Lim Snr & Jnr do?

podah Nie Ching, tai sang sai sang, but once a deputy minister, moe sang

Kuai-kuai like mice. Nie Ching suddenly kept silent on UEC, did not dare open her mouth on jawi (khat), which BTW KHAT Sial defended valiantly. Imagine if KHAT had then been in opposition, and his son was not FM, what noises would he have made about jawi (khat)? What an opportunistic hypocrite!

jawi (khat) vellee good loh, vellee useful

Apek mudah lupa his principles and integrity about his promise to resign from politics if Mahahir failed to hand over the PM post to Anwar

Tiu lei DAP, jee kar moi sang ah?

And what about those Mahathir's sins and scandals KHAT raved and ranted about for nearly 50 years? Yeah man, all quiet on the Western Front lah! And Hannah has the bloody nerve to still defend the Old Devil - yeah, "Mahathir ... must shoulder some blame in the collapse of the PH government" my bloody foot.

Don't spook the Malays - Hannah wants to continue that, whilst Ronnie says "cease & desist from our hypocrisy - DAP is largely made up of Chinese members because of our political history, where marginalised Chinese and Indians flock to our party for hope, leadership and noise-making in exactly the same way as Malays flock to UMNO for benefits and social security".

And that has been why MCA lost drastically by remaining quiet which the DAP swiftly had emulated once in government. Podah Hannah.

Let's face it, if KHAT and gang were not the noisy whining opposition leader, would the Indians and Chinese flock to DAP for hope, leadership especially in voicing out loud their frustrations? But now Hannah says, "Don't spook the Malays", only raising her voice at poor Ronnie Liu but remaining quiet during Mahathir's "Malay Dignity Congress".

At his Malay Dignity Congress, Mahathir said:

“.. Orang asing berasa selesa dengan negara kita dan mereka ingin tinggal di sini. Nak tak nak pun, kita terpaksa terima, kalau tidak kita tidak akan mencapai kemerdekaan.”

(Translation: The foreigners felt comfortable in this country and wanted to stay. Like it or not, we were forced to accept or we would not have achieved independence)

Note: Mahathir's 'foreigners' were and are the non-Malay Malaysians

Besides, Ronnie reminded every member of the DAP, the DAP has won BIG in 2018 PRECISELY because 95% of Chinese voters supported the party - thus, should the DAP now ignore its Chineseness (and TAR_UC)? Don't be an exploitative hypocrite lah, that's what Ronnie has spelt out.

Thus, the Chinese will have NO choice to vote for other than the party which makes the most noise for them, and KHAT is now doing that, coming out of his closet to whisper criticisms at his Bromancing Mahathir. Podah, KHAT, you're such a hypocrite.

Alas, MCA is not making enough noises ... yet.


  1. MUDA needs a platform. DAP can provide it. Tunggu apa lagi Syed Saddiq? If MUDA contest as indy in GE15 you will lose deposit. If you join PKR the sharks there will eat you alive. If you join Amanah..... hmmmmm....boleh juga....ha ha ha...tapi DAP best lah, ada ramai kawan kawan muda dan kacak macam awak....and the best thing is the Chinese will accept you, as will the Indians etc...

    1. wakakaka, and when Guan Eng becomes PM, you can be DPM, wakakaka again

  2. There had always been a very significant proportion of Chinese who did not support DAP, especially prior to 2008.

    The DAP Old Guard should not ignore or reject the fact that DAP's success came from the more inclusive approach since GE12 onwards.

    Going back to the Old DAP will be disastrous, unless DAP wants to return to just its handful of solid Red seats.

    I suppose those who had "always" supported the Old DAP won't be able to see that, or in fact strenuously reject the effort to be more inclusive.

  3. good, malay back umno n pas while chinese back dap.

    1. What good has it been done?

      That f*cking formula has been in practise for as long as m'sia was formed almost 60yrs ago!

      Oooop… time in fart filled well dilates very slow thus these katak r still deep in pommie colonist time.
