
Saturday, April 17, 2021

Malaysia running short of money? PM tok-kok


Nation is less well-off when we can be better off

YOURSAY | ‘The rakyat don't understand why Malaysia is running short of money.’

OCT: The rakyat don't understand why Malaysia is running short of money.

If Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin can allow former premier Najib Abdul Razak and family not to pay tax, built town halls in his Pagoh constituency, allocate Jakim a budget of RM1 billion, bail out GLCs (government-linked companies) like MAS and pays HODs (heads of department) of GLCs millions of ringgit per year without accountability, the rakyat cannot accept and understand the rationale that Malaysia is running low on cash.

This is excluding the 72 ministers and deputy ministers, many of whom have not put in an ounce of honest work. Most of them speak with illogical ideas.

Muhyiddin, the rakyat know you are unable to right-size your cabinet and civil servants as it is tantamount to asking you to commit ‘harakiri’ (suicide).

There are lots of leakages which you chose to ignore. Those caught for corruption are given DNAA (dismissal not amounting to acquittal) and all is forgotten.

Bobby0: So RM600 billion has been allocated for Budget 2021 and several stimulus packages to help Malaysians affected by Covid-19. Can these be broken down - to whom it was spent?

Muhyiddin, you were part of the Umno government for many years. We know that once Dr Mahathir Mohamad took over, the finances in our nation started to take a dive.

Corruption was swept under the carpet since then. As for the next umpteen years, the Treasury was looted by the many irresponsible leaders in power.

Mismanagement, wastage and huge corruption activities created debts in our financial budget. No leader after that did anything to correct the situation.

Even now, your administration after realising the grim situation had done nothing to rein in our finances. Instead, you have created a huge cabinet and given GLC positions to connected political figures.

These companies are like huge wells that are draining the nation's coffers. We are heading into disaster if we do not seriously review each of these badly managed enterprises.

The most important aspect is to reopen Parliament so that every cent spent can be audited as well as those responsible answer to the people as to how the RM600 billion was spent.

MVA: Well, if we assume that our working population is 15 million then each of us should have benefited to the tune of RM40,000 since the Covid crisis.

I am a small businessman and since March 2020, I received RM1,000 plus in direct assistance and perhaps a few hundred ringgit in TNB (Tenaga Nasional Berhad) rebates, etc, in indirect assistance.

All of these don’t add up to RM2,000. So I would like to know how the RM600 billion was spent.

BusinessFirst: Muhyiddin, yet you found money to give as bonus to all civil servants who have not lost any income. Bearing in mind the already bloated size of our civil service, that is a lot of money.

This group is privileged to have received the bonus in these trying times, where we have been reminded by your own minister to graduates be thankful for low-paying jobs. In fact, be thankful for having a job.

Why? Because the civil service is not a microcosm of Malaysia but is reflective of your cabinet dominated by one race and religion who are the core that you hope to get votes from.

So please spare us the talk about how there is no money - you certainly have no difficulty finding it to fund those you want to when you want to.

Rupert16: "We don't have as much (money) as before, because the most important thing for us is to ensure our livelihood; we should be able to manage ourselves better," said Muhyiddin.

Considering the country’s current financial situation, wouldn’t it be prudent for the ‘backdoor’ PM to downsize his cabinet and reduce the number of deputy ministers as well as the number of ministries?

Diehardmalaysian: If all your ministers, deputies and GLC board members take a 75 percent pay and allowance cut, we should see things improving.

Mosquitobrain: Muhyiddin, pardon me, Malaysia is less well-off? How less well off after Budget 2021 and the stimulus packages? Who, when, whom, where, why and how the billions spent? Can you put them in simple English in Parliament?

Who is doing the check and balance? There are many questions to be answered. Just lift the emergency and let Parliament reconvene.

If you want to snub the opposition, so be it, but do not take the rakyat for granted.

FairMalaysian: Mr PM, let me give you a chance. Please give us a breakdown of RM600 billion you claim you have spent on Malaysians.

Prove to us that you are transparent and forthcoming on how this money has been spent. It is a lot of money. Let us hear from you the facts and figures.

This is one way you have a reasonable chance to be accepted by the people. We will hold our breath awaiting your answer.

Concerned: The problem with this government is there is no independent body to supervise the distribution.

A caring government that is clean would have suggested an independent body comprising of MPs from both government and opposition to oversee the aid distribution.

For this, I have no confidence in this government.

Don't worry, you have a very highly educated deputy youth and sports minister who suggest to "Bank Negara should print more money to give to the people and save the economy". So, what's there to worry about?

BNM to print MORE money to give rakyat?


  1. 1 billion for JAKIM, that is 1,000 million for JAKIM, only 3 million for 120 gurdwaras = 25k each. So be grateful. And as long as TARUC get 40 million every year MCA will be quiet as a mouse, let the rape, pillage and plunder continue.

  2. Bila nak bawa balik GST?

    Tunggu apa lagi? Isn't GST the BEST TAX SYSTEM EVER? Used by over 500 negeri...ha ha ha....

    Takut apa?

    PAS Menghukumkan GST percukaian Haram dan Wajib Dimansuhkan

    1. Saya sangat pelik dengan mereka yang menuduh PAS menyokong GST. Tidakkah PAS parti yang awal mengisytiharkan GST haram dan bercanggah dengan Islam seawal 2013 lagi kerana ia adalah percukaian berasaskan perbelanjaan yang dikenakan kepada semua orang termasuk golongan miskin. Sedangkan percukaian dalam Islam hanya dikenakan kepada golongan kaya.

    2. Dewan Ulamak PAS Pusat meluluskan Usul GST haram dalam Muktamar Tahunan 2013. Saya pula berucap dalam Muktamar PAS Pusat mewakili Dewan Ulamak menegaskan GST adalah percukaian yang haram. Ucapan saya di Dewan Rakyat dan dalam ceramah-ceramah penerangan serta pelbagai tulisan saya menegaskan GST adalah haram dan mesti dihapuskan.

    3. Menariknya beberapa pimpinan PAS yang hari ini telah berada dalam parti lain adalah antara yang tidak bersetuju dengan hukum GST haram yang dikeluarkan oleh Dewan Ulamak. Malah pada peringkat awal isu ini berbangkit, sistem percukaian GST disokong oleh pimpinan pembangkang selain PAS kerana merasakan ia sistem yang bagus untuk mengutip cukai tetapi tidak menyokong pelaksanaannya sahaja dalam suasana ketirisan pengurusan kerajaan BN.

    4. PAS pula apabila menolak GST mengemukakan alternatif menerusi Dokumen Hijau bagi percukaian GST yang zalim iaitu cukai simpanan korporat dan cukai pegangan saham yang dikenakan kepada orang kaya.

    5. PAS istiqamah menegaskan cukai GST mesti dihapuskan dan ia termaktub insyallah dalam manifesto yang bakal diisytiharkan nanti.
