
Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Insensitive Ingrate calls Ronnie a chauvinist


Liu is the Chinese chauvinist we do not need, says Pua

Tony Pua (left) says Ronnie Liu is suggesting that DAP should be like MCA.

PETALING JAYA: Damansara MP Tony Pua has slammed party colleague Ronnie Liu for asking DAP not to “dilute its Chineseness”, saying Liu “is the Chinese chauvinist that DAP does not need”.

He said Liu, the Sungai Pelek assemblyman, wanted DAP to reverse the progress it had made to “become a more inclusive party that is more representative of all Malaysians”, to protect its “Chineseness”.

“That is as chauvinist as one can get and DAP can certainly do without such chauvinists in the party,” Pua said in a statement today.

In simpler terms, he said, Liu was arguing that DAP should stick to the formula as being the alternative to MCA.


kt notes:

Tony Pua made his OWN kerbau-ish conclusion that Ronnie Liu wanted the DAP to be the alternative to the MCA. Kerbau, Ronnie did NOT say that, but just:

“DAP is a multi-racial party. The party need not dilute its Chineseness just because of the criticism from our political enemies."

“We have to safeguard the culture of the party, as well as the party’s constitutional spirit, pluralistic and democratic political struggle."

“DAP is for all Malaysians. We need to cooperate with other Malay parties, but we shouldn’t degrade or portray ourselves as a non-Chinese party."

“You would not get Malay support by these approaches.”

Everything Ronnie said did NOT indicate his wish for the DAP to be a mono-ethnic political party, to wit:

(i) DAP is a multi-racial party
(ii) pluralistic ..... political struggle
(iii) DAP is for all Malaysians.

In fact, earlier Hannah Yeoh has accused Ronnie of "For Ronnie, Tun M can do no right. For Ronnie, Anwar can do no wrong".

Would a chauvinistic Ronnie Liu support Anwar Ibrahim, a Malay, so ardently and so consistently?

We know that the Selangor DAP is gearing up for its party elections, and Tony Pua must still be smarting from his loss of the party state Chairman post to Gobind Deo in the last DAP Selangor party elections. I wouldn't be surprised if Ronnie Liu had led the grassroot movement to dump Tony Pua from the party state's highest post - I hope so, wakakaka.

Six years ago, I wrote that much as I have been long a supporter of the DAP (but updated to 'not now' until someone resigns, wakakaka), I personally do not take kindly to Tony Pua.

Tony Pua has been considered an ace on analysing economic-financial issues on government spending and calling the relevant ministers to account, ... BUT ...... who in my opinion then was only a young political upstart, a parvenu on the socio-cultural-political sphere, one who hadn't quite acquired the necessary nous so vital in our Malay-dominant society to deal with Malay society, especially with the then treacherous PKR, wakakaka.

Yes, Pua for all his (so-called) technical expertise on financial matters was outfoxed by PKR leaders on both the exco formation during the post-2013 election phase - for more on how he was outplayed by Khalid Ibrahim in the latter, read Selangor saga shows PKR's ketuanan mentality? - and the Kajang Bull where he was outplayed by the PKR inner coterie on the art of bullshit satay grilling, wakakaka.

It also embarrassed me greatly when subsequently Pua asked, nay, begged Azmin Ah Hneah (Abang) for a deputy Speaker post for DAP as a quid pro quo for supporting PKR.

WTF for, man, because that was akin to wandering into MCA, Gerakan and MIC territory of picking up f* meaningless crumbs! Yes, in retrospect, Pua had unwittingly wanted DAP to be like MCA - an irony when he now accuses Ronnie of that. 

Quite frankly I was then damn glad, nay, grateful to Azmin Ali for once, (before we know him as what he is, wakakaka), that he spurned Pua's Oliver Twist-like request, and put a merciful end to my pro-DAP shame.

I was sure Azmin was acutely aware that yes, the DAP might have backed PKR but t'was Wan Azizah they supported rather than Azmin himself, wakakaka again.

wtf do you want?

can i please have a deputy speaker position for my party please?

Four years ago, there was a public spat between Pua and MCA's See-To, when See-To asked for a debate with him. Pua of course refused but there was no need to be so eff-ing insulting nor rude when declining See-To's request.

Pua in rejecting See-To's request for a debate, was extremely crude and rude to the latter, insulting See-To as a 'nobody', a very unnecessary arrogant and rude look-down even at a political competitor.

That was when I was reminded that Pua might not be so shit-hot in economic affairs as we might have believed. What See-To then revealed merely confirmed what blogging matey Jed Yoong informed me (about 14 years ago).

Malaysiakini had then reported:

According to See-to, he and Pua had known each other for the last 15 years, when they both ran their respective IT companies and did business with each other and worked on joint projects.

“Since he listed his company amidst the dot-com rush in 2001, Tony Pua’s Cybervillage had straight six years of continued losses from 2002 to 2007, until Tony Pua left the company and joined DAP.

“When his company got into some cash-flow issues in 2005 or 2006, before he went into politics, he called me for a loan for (sic) RM100k, and within hours, it was this ‘nobody’ who gave it to him which he then gave me this IOU letter.” [...]

See-to further wrote that despite their political differences, he was one of the first to congratulate Pua when the latter was elected MP in 2008. Later, he also helped out by arranging fund-raising golf tournaments, he added.

“But I guess now he is a high-flying Member of Parliament, he can dismiss me as a nobody and no longer considers me as a friend.

“Times have changed, I guess you need to be at least a deputy minister these days before Tony Pua will layan you,” See-to said, adding he was compelled to reveal the IOU since Pua had fired the first shot. “YB Tony, you truly disappoint me. I guess fame and power has ubah (changed) you now,” he said, playing on DAP’s motto.

Pua's contemptible curt arrogance towards See-To, actually his beneficiary, erstwhile as the latter might be, was very un-Chinese and un-Confucian-like. OK, go ahead now and call kaytee a Chinese 'chauvinistic' wakakaka.

As if the 'nobody' insult wasn't sickeningly un-Chinese enough, TP brazenly placed on his Facebook a rude disrespectful message to See-To as follows:

"Yes, you kindly provided me with a RM100,000 10-day loan for my then-company when we faced problems with our own debtors some 12 years ago - fully repaid, yes, 12 years ago. Yes, thank you very much."

"So, because of that, you are ‘somebody’? Because of that, you are terribly ‘hurt’? Are tears rolling out too? Do you need a pacifier?"

Yes, See-To was his matey in Singapore when they were doing business and had loaned Pua urgently needed cash just on Pua's request. And that was how Pua treated his beneficiary. Utterly disgusting, disrespectful, disappointing!

The other aspect of Pua had been his insensitivity to non-Christian Chinese Malaysians, or more precisely, their Chinese folk religion. But first, a kaytee kiddie story:

When I was a kid I accompanied my mum to the funeral of a neighbour. The deceased was a Christian so a Chinese Christian preacher was there at the graveside to say the last words for her.

What shocked many of the villagers who attended the funeral, 99% being Buddhists, Confucianists, Taoists and Shen-ists (adherents of Chinese folk religion), were the extremely harsh, hostile and insulting words of the Christian preacher during the sermon, with his derogatory words directed specifically at Buddha and Chinese gods. The sermon was delivered in Penang Hokkien, wakakaka, so the funeral party understood what he said.

The bloke seemed oblivious of who the majority of the funeral party were or rather, what were their religious affiliations and his unbelievable crass crude and contemptible insults to their gods, religions and beliefs.

He was lucky that he was not beaten up kau-kau by some of the headstrong village young bucks who had to be forcefully restrained by village elders, who mollified the angry youths by appealing to their neighbourly goodwill and etiquette to respect the last rites of the deceased by tolerating those insulting words.

Flash forward to February 2016 - to reiterate, despite my political sympathies and support for the DAP, I've little respect for TP. After reading the Feb-2016 Malaysiakini's How to explain a poor God of Fortune, Gerakan asks DAP I became even more disappointed at Pua's insensitive behaviour towards Chinese folk religion.

The MKINI article informed us of Gerakan upset at DAP for a parody Chinese New Year music video which made fun of the Chinese God of Fortune as being poor, saying that this raised concerns on what Chinese children would think if they saw the video.

Gerakan Youth secretary-general William Chang Yong Hsi said Chinese New Year songs were meant to bring in good vibes, thus Pua's parody turning the God of Fortune into a beggar was a 'huge disrespect' to Chinese beliefs and cultural traditions. Pua was the insensitive clown who used disrespectful music video in a bid to win cheap political propaganda.

William Chang stated, "How would parents explain if their children were to see the God of Fortune looking so poor and terrible in the music video?"

"I am not promoting superstition but the God of Fortune is a symbol of good luck and wealth among the Chinese."

"Such disrespectful behaviour should be condemned."

Indeed, what a pariah-ish podah of a person, the last person to call anyone chauvinistic when he himself should be looking at the mirror first and asking himself why Selangor DAP grassroot had voted him out as party Chairman, wakakaka.


Hannah Yeoh annoyed with Ronnie Liu - why? did Ronnie 'spook the Malays'?


  1. tony n hannnah our bangsa msian pls contest in kelantan terengganu ge15.

    1. How about Tony & Hadi swap seats. Neither will win. DAP can afford to lose Tony, can PAS afford to lose Hadi?

  2. I read and don't think there is anything wrong about RL's statement.Only TP don't understand it. DAP have so many MPs because majority of the Chineses and many non-Chineses voted for them instead of BN, or rather anti Najib voters. If you do not care for your Chinese voters , like TP, you deserve to lose it.Thats also doesn't mean you leave your non-chinese supporters out in the cold. TP basically punished majority of the Chineses during that 22 months with series of unpopular taxes , as he doesn't have any ideas to expand the economy, except squeezing the Chineses. He is basically a desktop "analist' .LGE further antagonised the Chineses with his anti TAR College funding restrictions due to his jealousy of MCA. We have enough of these egoistic politicians.

    1. Sorry, what new tax did TP introduce?

  3. Tony has the LOUDEST voice in Parliament, and should have a loud voice in DAP too. He won his Damansara seat with the biggest majority (106,000 votes) in GE14, bigger than the combined majorities of Toonsie, Jibby, Hadi, Wee KHAT Siong, Saravanan....with thousands more vote to spare. So he has every right to speak.

    Gerrymandered you say....? Ha ha ha he still had to win the votes, and he did it in style, trashed the MCA candidate 9-to-1.

    Damansara seat records biggest majority

    10 May 2018

    General election (GE14) which has just concluded saw the Damansara parliamentary seat creating history when it recorded the highest majority nationwide with 106,903 votes.

    The winner (Damansara used to be known as Petaling Jaya Utara) Tony Pua of PKR won 121, 283 votes compared to Ho Kwok Xheng Barisan Nasional (BN) who received only 14,380 votes.

    Another candidate, Wong Mun Kheng (PRM) got 617 votes.

    The Damansara parliamentary seat is also the seat with the most number of registered voters, at 146,322 after the re-delineation exercise of the constituencies was approved by Dewan Rakyat last March.

  4. Say what you want but to me RL is just a warlord, dabbling with both the right side and the "dark" side of society. He was "caught" "red-handed" and was thus "justifiably" dropped by DAP in the GE13, would have been "sacked" if not for LKS. He spent the next few years after GE13 scheming for a revenge by forming many branches with his army of supporters. Wakakakaka .......... just some conspiracy theory.


    Chai Shen Ye has been humorously parodied many times in many places over many years.
    As long as its in fun, and not malicious, most Chinese will not be offended.

  6. Eric See-To really is a nobody in MCA, Strategic Communications Deputy Director means he is just a spin master.

    At the time the debate was intended to be about GST policy and implementation.
    IF MCA wanted to debate Tony Pua's very substantive critique of GST, they would need to send a policy-maker, not a spin master.

  7. Cyber Village, the company Tony Pua founded, is in fact doing quite well these days.
    It was perhaps an idea that was ahead of its time 15 years ago.

    The pandemic, with all kinds of companies and businesses , especially small and medium sized ones suddenly finding themselves being forced to operate on-line has created many opportunities for IT services companies, and they are doing pretty well right now.

  8. Ronnie should not forget that prior to 2008, there were a lot of Chinese who did NOT support DAP. Even in Penang. Certainly in many seats in Johor, Selangor and NS.

    The term "Rocket Chinese" was a label for DAP's traditional base. Very traditional Chinese of a certain urban demographics. Nothing wrong with DAP continuing to take care of them, but the trick is how to broaden DAP's appeal beyond that. Its not to stay silent, but to speak up without using Reactionary Racial politics.

    I happened to be beside a group of Malays when the GE12 DAP victory in Penang was announced on May 8 , 2008. They were educated people with good jobs, but the dark expression on their faces showed their unhappiness and mistrust.

    DAP has worked very hard over 10 years , especially in Penang, to prove that DAP works for all Malaysians.
    DON'T go back to the Old DAP.

    DAP going back to its traditional politics will not do it any good.

  9. There are strictly Legit businessmen, there are Criminal businessmen, and there are those who live in Two Worlds.

    Ronnie was allegedly caught and exposed as one of those who deal with both Bright and Dark sides. Nothing proven, and no criminal case was pursued against him, but the DAP Selangor leadership (Tony Pua at the time ahahaha) correctly dropped him.

    Ronnie had strong DAP grassroots support , not surprising, look at how Bossku and Mat Isa retain massive grassroots support in UMNO.
    But Ronnie has not been able to restore his status in DAP to where it was. So he is now one of the "Rebels"
