
Saturday, April 10, 2021

Good for a laugh!


Rais Yatim moots 'academy' for politicians

Dewan Negara president Rais Yatim has proposed that a political academy be established to provide official training to elected representatives.

He said it has become a necessity for the government to consider establishing such an academy that would equip elected representatives with, among others, knowledge of legislation, socialism and customs of various races in the country.

"Since independence, there has been no official training centre for politicians.

“Those (elected representatives) who win will go straight into Parliament, with no training on the dos and don'ts in Parliament … it is important for politicians to undergo training,” he told a press conference after delivering his speech at the 53rd/54th Annual General Meeting of Badan Kebajikan dan Kemajuan Anak Melayu at the MACC Academy today.

He also suggested that experienced and competent leaders, as well as experts on politics, be the trainers at the academy.


kt notes:

Kerbau lah! But if Rais' proposal is accepted, it will be first in the world, wakakaka.

And who shall be its 1st Headmaster? Atuk? Or Ass-binte? Wakakaka.


  1. This is a case of "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt"

    1. Behaving as a clown is long a meme-ed trace within this shameless braggart when he 'published' his PhD thesis of no brainer!
