
Sunday, April 25, 2021

Covid-19 Vaccination – The Cash Cow Business That Muhyiddin Regime Is Milking


Covid-19 Vaccination – The Cash Cow Business That Muhyiddin Regime Is Milking, And It Doesn’t Want People To Know

Rich countries, including the U.S., U.K., EU, Japan, Norway, Canada, Australia and Switzerland, have been actively blocking a proposal to boost the global production of Covid-19 vaccines. The proposal, which was jointly submitted by India and South Africa in October 2020, would temporarily waive intellectual property (IP) and patent rights on Covid vaccines.

Even though the proposal to urgently save humankind has been backed by more than 100 developing countries, they are powerless against a handful of selfish and greedy powerful nations. Despite the WHO’s (World Health Organization) repetitive warnings of “serious imbalance” in the distribution of vaccines, the high-income countries are more interested to protect their pockets.

If the rich nations agree to waive – even temporarily – the IP and patent rights, it could help countries around the world overcome legal barriers preventing them from producing their own Covid vaccines. But by doing so, it also means the powerful Western world leaders and pharmaceutical companies would lose control over their IP, not to mention the maximum profits they could milk.

What does this have to do with the backdoor government of Muhyiddin? The short answer – everything. The long answer – the refusal of the rich countries to allow more countries to produce vaccines and save more people in the shortest time possible is the same reason why Muhyiddin regime is dragging its feet in allowing more parties to help vaccinate the people of Malaysia.

To date, an average of 1-in-4 people in high-income nations has received a Covid vaccine, compared to 1-in-over-500 for people in low-income countries. Likewise, in Malaysia, all ministers, their families, friends, friends of friends, VIPs and even the King have received a Covid vaccine, compared to only 1.4% ordinary people. That means 98-in-100 Malaysians are still waiting to be vaccinated.

According to Reuters’ data, Malaysia has administered 1,210,779 doses of Covid-19 vaccines so far. However, only about 462,000 people have been “fully” vaccinated out of its population of 33 million. Even if the plan is to vaccinate only 80% of its population, the percentage of people fully inoculated is merely 1.75%. But the statistics are just getting more interesting.

Malaysia’s vaccination program started on 24 Feb this year, when Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin became the first person in Malaysia to receive a Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. During the last week reported, the country averaged about 24,872 doses administered each day. At this incredible rate, it will need 257 days to administer enough doses for another 10% of the population.

But with 252 days left in the calendar year 2021, it means we would be lucky to cross the 11.4% milestone (24,872 doses over 257 days are enough to give full vaccination to 10% population based on 2 doses for each person) before we sing “Auld Lang Syne”. At the same rate also, it would take another 1,865 days – starting Jan 2022 – to cover 80% of the population.

The calculator says an additional 1,865 days is about 5 years. Therefore, Malaysia can only achieve herd immunisation of 80% (about 27 million people) in the year 2027. Exactly how could 80% of Malaysians receive their Covid-19 vaccinations by year’s end, as trumpeted by the genius Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Khairy Jamaluddin less than 2 weeks ago?

Even if the plan was to just give 1 jab for every person to cover 80% of the population, it still needs 1,085 days or 3 years (based on the rate of 24,872 doses each day). In order to vaccinate 27 million Malaysians with at least 1 shot in 12 months, the number of doses to be administered every day must be 73,972 doses – three times the current rate of vaccination.

Mr Khairy said that from June, vaccine supply will begin to outstrip the number of registrations for inoculation and by October, the country will have enough vaccines for 80% of the population. Malaysia received its first batch of 312,390 doses of Pfizer vaccine on 21 Feb, with the second delivery on 26 Feb and subsequent deliveries every 2 weeks until 32 million doses from Pfizer-BioNTech is completed.

On 28 Feb, the country received 200 litres of CoronaVac vaccine, which can be processed into 300,000 doses. Today, Pharmaniaga, the country’s biggest pharmaceutical company, has in its possession 1,800 litres of China’s Sinovac vaccine, which can produce up to 2.6 million doses. In fact, this month alone, Malaysia will be receiving 712,530 doses of Pfizer vaccine.

Clearly, the problem isn’t about supply but rather the efficiency and ability of the health ministry to administer at least 73,972 doses every day. It’s also not about low vaccine registrations, as complained by Minister Khairy and the clueless Ministry of Health. At least 9-million individuals have registered for vaccination on the MySejahtera application.

Khairy and PM Muhyiddin were obviously talking cock when they threatened to make Covid-19 inoculation mandatory when in reality, 9 million Malaysians are ready to receive the jab, but only 1.21 million doses were administered in the period of 2 months. Politically, it’s not hard to understand why the backdoor government is deliberately dragging its feet.

If Mahiaddin alias Muhyiddin, who has lost his majority support in the Parliament, can prolong the vaccination process, he can extend the duration of the current State of Emergency under the pretext of fighting the pandemic. The emergency rule, which is scheduled to expire on 1 August, can be extended to allow him to shamelessly and illegally cling to power.

Would it not be nice for Dictator Muhyiddin to drag the vaccination program until the next 15th General Election, which is scheduled to be held on or before 16 September 2023? Based on the current rate of vaccination, it’s absolutely possible that the backdoor premier can rule until the Parliament is automatically dissolved on 16 July 2023, if a snap election is not called earlier.

There’s another reason to slow down the vaccination exercise, but create smokescreen by blaming the people. Almost every single minister in the super bloated Cabinet of 72 ministers and deputy ministers wanted to milk the cash cow. All the ministers, including the prime minister, are very “experienced” politicians who had graduated from the extremely corrupt Barisan Nasional coalition.

The Covid-19 vaccination program is being treated like any mega infrastructure projects, where the project cost would typically be inflated to at least 300% for kickbacks. To make it look and feel like a mega project, however, it must be seen and dressed like a sophisticated construction project that would take years to finish, with unexpected cost overruns.

As expected, the vaccination project has already incurred two cost overruns in less than 2 months after it was officially kicked off by the prime minister himself. On Wednesday (Apr 21), the regime, armed with unlimited power, enacted a new emergency law allowing it to use a national trust fund, which is flush with RM17.4 billion, mainly contributed by Petronas, the national oil company, to purchase vaccines.

In early December 2020, Mr. Khairy rubbished veteran lawmaker Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah’s claim that Malaysia’s vaccine deal with Pfizer cost the government RM3 billion, including RM1 billion for transportation and storage. The same Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation had also rejected Razaleigh’s estimate that the cost per dose of the vaccine is RM234.

The claim that the government had used up the entire allocation of RM3 billion to cover just 20% of the population was fiercely denied by Khairy. Instead, he said – “Based on our current negotiations to acquire a portfolio of vaccines, we are still within our estimate of RM3 billion to acquire enough doses to cover 70% of our population”. In fact, Khairy confirmed in Nov 2020 that Pfizer vaccine will be priced at less than RM100 per dose.

Under the COVAX facility, Malaysia was offered a maximum price set for the Covid-19 vaccine at “US$21 (RM87.50) each”. Interestingly, in mid-March this year, PM Muhyiddin announced that the allocation for the Covid-19 immunisation programme would be increased from RM3 billion to RM5 billion to reach herd immunity status faster by December, instead of February 2022.

Does it make sense to splash additional RM2 billion (or 67% more than the initial cost of RM3 billion) just to speed up the vaccination exercise by a mere two months? Fine, let’s assume Khairy failed his Math and made some mistakes in his calculations in Nov 2020, but in order not to lose face he made the correction and quietly asked for RM5 billion some five months later.

Stunningly, in just a month, the regime unilaterally passed a new emergency law to raid and rapes the national trust fund of RM17.4 billion. Including the RM5 billion, the dictatorship of Muhyiddin could wipe out RM22.4 billion for the “procurement of vaccines and any expenditure incurred in relation to the vaccines”. Thanks to the State of Emergency, nobody knows how the trust fund would be used.

Assuming the worst, it would mean a dose of vaccine would cost RM829 (27 million doses) or RM414 (54 million doses) to fully vaccinate 80% of the population. Regardless how you calculate, it appears the price for each dose of vaccine is higher than RM100 a pop. This also means Razaleigh was right after all when he estimated the cost per dose of the vaccine was RM234.

Indeed, the Covid-19 vaccination program is a cash cow waiting to be milked by corrupt Malay leaders like Khairy Jamaluddin, PM Muhyiddin Yassin, Health Minster Dr Adham Baba and others. Not only the government monopolizes the purchase of vaccines without involving the private sector, it also wanted to control the supply and delay the vaccination to create artificial demands.

When people, both frustrated and desperate with the slow vaccination exercise, started to offer to pay from their own pocket, that’s when the pirate ministers make the kill. Worse, the government could be using the trust fund to secretly stockpile vaccines to be resold at crazy profits – either domestically or to foreign countries desperate for the vaccines.

The government’s tactic of delaying and stonewalling the private sector to purchase vaccines directly is exactly like the rich nations’ refusal to waive intellectual property (IP) and patent rights on Covid vaccines to other countries to produce vaccines. Similarly, like the wealthy countries, the government does not want to lose control over the vaccines so that they could maximize the profits.


  1. i said many times chairman = hitler, ccp/pn = nazi

    1. Who gives a hoot what formosa batshit you spew out here every time you come back from your dangdut mabuk session ? hehe

    2. chairman moo n vice chairman hadi bootlicker come to defend his bosses hope to get a jab of pzifer.

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      犬养 mfer, u can say that AGAIN & AGAIN.

      Otherwise yr turn for yr Pfizer vaccine could be dan ku ku!

    4. every ccpland chinese know ccp elite do biotech vaccine, n tell no to pfizer, like u did.

    5. Liar!

      Show proofs lah.

      Yr f*cked one-liner fart is so so past it's shelf life!

    6. backdoor communistic govt where got proof one? satire pun kena isa.

    7. So easy to con yr way out!

      Mfer, u r indeed born yesterday.

  2. DaGe vaccine got unlimited supply. Even though only 50% efficacy we can safely use. KJ already kena cucuk and he still talks some sense.

    1. Eat your Tipu heart out, hehe. Sinovac is going places, cry me a river, wa ka ka ka ka

      BANGKOK (TheNN): The Sinovac vaccine provides as much as “99.4 per cent immunity against Covid-19 a month after the second dose”, Chulalongkorn University virology specialist and chief of the Centre of Excellence in Clinical Virology Dr Yong Poovorawan said in a Facebook post on Thursday (April 22).

      He was citing a study on immunity by the centre and Banphaeo General Hospital in Samut Sakhon.Researchers studied the immunity of people before and after they received two doses of the Chinese vaccine, administered three weeks apart.

      “We found that a person’s immunity greatly increased on receiving the vaccine. A month after the second jab, immunity then increased, similar to immunity in patients who had already been infected for 4-8 weeks, ” he explained.

      The Sinovac vaccine provides as much as “99.4 per cent immunity against Covid-19 a month after the second dose”, Chulalongkorn University virology specialist and chief of the Centre of Excellence in Clinical Virology Dr Yong Poovorawan said in a Facebook post on Thursday.

      “People who received the vaccine have 99.4 per cent immunity against the Covid-19 spike protein, while it was 92.5 per cent for patients who had already been infected, ” he said.

      Yong said the centre is conducting a long-term study on immunity in a bid to predict the chance of Covid-19 infections.“We already know that patients who have been cured can be infected by Covid-19 again, but the severity is likely to be less severe than the first time, ” he said. “In the long term, this study will tell us whether it is necessary to administer a third Covid-19 jab and if so then when should it be administered, ” he added. - The Nation/Asia News Network

      TipuRampasTS is on an automatic parrot propaganda drive, droning on and on his White Master's agenda. Mindlessly replicating the fake slanted news from the echo chamber he is now firmly entrenched, not caring one bit if his fake news and stories were debunked or challenged...this incorrigible Tipu OCBC will continue relentlessly repeating himself, Bahalol ! hehe.

      If Pfizer were to do its first trail in Brazil, vaccinating ONLY the medical workers in their hospitals as Sinovac did, the results would be even lower, as some experts had opined that Pfizer would give an even lower efficacy of about 37%. Pfizer had cleverly avoided this, giving vaccines ONLY among the general population, avoiding completely any hospital setting. Now news have leaked out that Pfizer top management was hoping for a yearly vaccination program to go on FOREVER ! Imagine raking in the billions and billions, laughing all the way to the bank, with no recourse for any death or injury claims by the victimised.

    2. Sinovac is half-past-six microwave vaccine.

      Chile Covid-19 vaccination drive adds to Sinovac efficacy data

      As the country grapples with rising infections, results from its vaccinated population echo Brazil’s trial of the Chinese jab

      The 56.5 per cent rate of effectiveness is lower than some rivals....

      Holly Chik
      Eduardo Baptista
      9 Apr, 2021

      Chile has provided a real-time demonstration of the effectiveness of Chinese firm Sinovac’s Covid-19 vaccine, with its vaccination drive results showing it to be 56.5 per cent effective two weeks after the second dose. The findings were in line with Phase 3 trial results of the vaccine in Brazil, which found an efficacy rate of around 50 per cent.But the study by the University of Chile also found that one dose of the Sinovac jab was only 3 per cent effective against infection, underscoring the need to get fully vaccinated. Efficacy rises to 27.7 per cent within two weeks after the second jab, reaching 56.5 per cent a fortnight later, according to the university.

    3. Blurred mfer, here is the official Chilean source that u refused to believed! › upload

      Effectiveness of the inactivated CoronaVac vaccine against SARS- CoV-2

      Yet, u gainfully accept a twisted fart using mistranslation!

      Don't read Spanish is no excuse. Bcoz even in yr f*cked England u still would choose a piece of shit that bashed anything China!

    4. Malaysia Government official website.
      Sinovac efficacy 50.4% -91.25%.

      A strange number with a strange range.

    5. Of course you couldn't get it MonstrousBigot ! Coupled with your woeful lack of exposure to non-fabricated non-slanted news and information, and your own inability to grasp and analyse comprehensively, as evident by your nasty habit of nitpicking, cherry-picking and totally inept in offering any meaningful rebuttal...just tuck that tail of yours into your butt and slink off cowardly and come back yet again with more noxious inane nitpicking. Great show...NOT ! hehe

    6. Go read › upload

      Effectiveness of the inactivated CoronaVac vaccine against SARS- CoV-2

      It might throw some lights to u, especially in yr age group!

      Note especially how the denominator is been calculated, to come out with the efficacy rates in each categories.

      No read Spanish?

      Too bad!

      U just either sleep on it or keep to yr twisted western propagandas. Real data ain't for people like u.

  3. All the katak r in year AGAIN!

    Hence the echoing of know-nothing chorus within that fart filled well.

  4. Pfizer is the champion, quick, go for your Pfizer now. But I will still want China vaccine.

    1. You want to believe this Bart Classen guy, you can go ahead.

      He has been attacking every vaccine for the last ​20 years, not just Pfizer.
      ​Every vaccine.

      ​This "research article" came out even before the Pfizer vaccine was authorised.
      How did they do the research ? A trivial equivalent would be Its like somebody condemn a movie even before anybody has watched it.

      A fake artist. With zero facts

    2. Wow…

      "A fake artist. With zero facts"

      How about u?

      A c&p blurred dickhead using the same methodology with a shameless fart!

  5. At the height of China's Covid-19 crisis in March - April 2020, China virtually banned the export of PPE equipment Made in China.
    Today, USA with 550,000 dead is prioritising its own citizens for the vaccine supply.

    Both countries prioritise their national interast.
    I don't see either country's actions as evil.

    Right now , China has very few cases, and can afford to prioritise its export market for Vaccines.
    Good on them, let them make all the money in the export market.

    By the way, Sinovac market price is similar to the Pfizer vaccine, all yours for Cold Hard Cash.
    Sinovac intellectual property is fully protected as well, as it should be.

    IP Protection is vital for future vaccine development.
    For every successful vaccine , there are 5-10 failed ones.
    If companies are not allowed to earn a fair profit from successful vaccines, there won't be money available for future one.

    The AIDS vaccine project has been a failure for the last 30 years.
    The Dengue fever vaccine has been a failure after 15 years.

    1. Truly f*cked mfer!

      "By the way, Sinovac market price is similar to the Pfizer vaccine, all yours for Cold Hard Cash.
      Sinovac intellectual property is fully protected as well, as it should be."

      How could it be when Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged to make any coronavirus vaccine universally available once it’s developed!

      Moreover, u have overlooked the cost of the logistical challenges in transportation & ultra low temperature storage facility required for Pfizer vaccine.

      "If companies are not allowed to earn a fair profit from successful vaccines, there won't be money available for future one."

      Old moneyed mfer, goes ask how AstraZeneca could supply it's covid vaccine at COST.

      Maybe as a way to gain pretreatment guinea pig data for future vaccine improvement!

    2. "
      How could it be when Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged to make any coronavirus vaccine universally available once it’s developed!"

      Bullshit... Malaysia is buying Sinovac at commercial prices similar to Pfizer.

    3. AstraZeneca was able to make its public relations gesture because a large part of the Oxford Vacccine's fundamental research had been carried out at Oxford University funded by British taxpayers.

      That public-private research model is good, and there should be more of it, but it cannot be depended upon for the whole vaccine industry.
      Much of that still requires risk-profit ventures by pharmaceutical companies.

      The logistical difficulty of the Pfizer vaccine is real but overrated. Any nation with the logistics to manufacture and distribute ice-cream has the fundamentals to carry it out. It needs the capability to produce Dry Ice - solid carbon dioxide, which is also commonly used to ship ice-cream on an industrial scale.

    4. Old moneyed mfer, u want to play with yr fluid England?

      "Pledged to make any coronavirus vaccine universally available once it’s developed"

      Doesn't implied vaccine nationalism ad been rampaging championed by all developed nations on earth!

      It's available with a nominal price.

      Mfer shows documental proofs of buying Sinovac at commercial prices similar to Pfizer.

      Don't just fart. BTW, make sure that cartel holding the right to buy Pfizer has the required cytogenetics facilities to store that mRNA vaccine.

      "AstraZeneca was able to make its public relations gesture because a large part of the Oxford Vacccine's fundamental research had been carried out at Oxford University funded by British taxpayers."


      All available covid vaccines r been funded by multiple countries national endorsements!

      Pfizer-BionTech from Germany & US. Modena US. AstraZneca EU/UK etc etc to the tune of billions!

      So why just AstraZeneca for its public relations gesture?

      Blurred mfer, now goes & eats yr words of "public relations gesture"!

      "The logistical difficulty of the Pfizer vaccine is real but overrated"!!

      "needs the capability to produce Dry Ice - solid carbon dioxide, which is also commonly used to ship ice-cream on an industrial scale"!!!

      Truly f*cked know-nothing parading!

      Mfer, u can 'safely' use the Pfizer vaccine in bolihland bcoz by the time it reaches yr turn, it's just decomposed solution!
